hi guys i just closed my account on california psychics i have some money left over at keen and when that finishes i will close that also. wish me luck guys!! i read with venus( she's good), maryanne(good), indio(good) uli( wasnt as wonderful as everyone says), leo( waiting to see prediction), michelle( waiting to see timeline), avery(honest), julia(waiting to see timeline touched on some things like uli,indio, venus), dylan( counselor that's not why i called please), dawn( they only one that said something contrary to the rest so will have to see), jacqueline(will see timeline), shauna(we'll see), ginger(dont know what to say ), vicki joy( good, touched so many things but i have to wait on her timeline, got the same thing as venus and indio), kisha(aries intuition) at keen (she is very good, very good), jane wilcox(seemed confused to me, did not like her reading very weird), farey lady(waiting to see timeline, she seemed drunk), am on queue over at keen to read with cookie, abundant vision,sapphire 21 then am done and will just wait on their time lines and let you guys know which ones came true and which ones did not. good luck to us all.