Here are some things have helped my predictions or turned things around in my favor or things to consider.
1. Gratitude. Appreciation. Amusement. Curious wonder. Outside of predictions and other aspect of my life practicing this has helped me. I know it’s law of attraction, but does also fit in the style law of assumption and vibration. If outside of readings and predictions getting into a HAVING STATE presets the desired outcome. I haven’t done it as much as before but starting my day with gratitude list or writing things out as such: I love that today I get to have coffee the way I want! I have gas in my car! Thank goodness! I get to have today off, to rest. But the state of gratitude/appreciation does set the mood. Versus focusing on what I don’t have and comparing: well my predictions didn’t come in! How come theirs do?! Well they said so and so didn’t work for them well they’re not going to work me now. I don’t have SP calling me, I don’t have a job.
2. Lightness and detachement. Yes, not being so attached to manifestation helps. One aspect of law of vibration is you have to match the energy of desire outcome and when I’ve had things work out for me I was so happy in the now, and fulfilled in the now that I didn’t need my desired prediction/manifestation. The “need” for a prediction to happen is in desperate state. But everyone definition of “need”/lack/“must have” varies. (But I have I had things come in when I didn’t expect them also and in “low” or “lack state” so yes absolutely!) I’ve been listening to attachment therapy plus studying manifesting and a good question is to ask “what am I making this circumstance mean?” Or “what am I making this break up or separation mean?” And so why not apply this question to what you are calling a psychic about. “What am I making this prediction mean?” If it genuinely doesn’t matter, then why write about it, or post about it, or write how to get in someone cue line? To me when I ask these questions I see how much my identity is dependent on needing the outcome. How much value I am putting on the manifesting/prediction to come in. If it is a high value, or fear comes… Then neutralize the fear, the wounded assumption.
3. Neutralize the fear, allow the fear to be ok, give it permission or some kind of acceptance, surrender… I’ve had so many negative outcome from binging, wasting all my paycheck, and for whatever last reading to sit with “enough! Fine.” And genuinely get into this place of “giving up” or some kind of surrender. And to my shock the outcome was better then expected, or did come thru, or maybe not as negative. (But I also don’t encourage binging out and getting to that limit. I think every one has their own threshold to stop and surrender) but then yes to an extent yeah you will not get what you desire. You will get crappy outcome, so how do you deal with that disappointment or self regulate? Or cope? … I started to respond to thread on how it similar to the question “why do bad things happen to good ppl” and there’s a book called Job that doesn’t even answer this question but at the end how man makes peace and choose to worship God. But it isn’t until last few verses that Job has self regulated himself, whether good or bad, he has an inner wisdom and trust in God. And what I love about the book of Job is he was not “manifesting” or “affirming”. It was a series of genuine emotional breakdowns as human- so I don’t think it’s about trying to control with one’s mind- and I often forget this part - when manifesting. So to me psychic asking is trying to control the “how”. And again with manifesting I often have put my mind in front of the cart thinking if I change my mind then things will come - and it is a common mistake
4. Unconscious/subconscious beliefs: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”- triggers, and learned behavior thru trauma make addictions, and can create some mental illness such as depression, anxiety disorders. Yes I think this affects one’s psychic predictions it kinda of ties into how you choose to respond. Joe Dispenza is pretty good explaining unconscious habits
5. Free will: you are the decider of your life
6. Free will and the power to influence : To me it’s a bit like dungeon and dragons when building a character there is a part on “power of influence”/free will. I think to an extent we are born with this “to influence” gift but I also think we don’t “roll” for it we, we were trained by society norms and at some point we CHOOSE it. And same with other ppl, they CHOOSE it. Ppl in your psychic reads can still CHOOSE to say as predicted or CHOOSE something else. I think many ppl who ask about relationships and significant others are trying to predict someone’s level of impulsivity of choosing their free will. Some ppl are extremely impulsive in certain aspect such as career, love, even their coffee choice.
7. Spirits… there is spirit world. (I mentioned this in another post who- whatever 🙄) but our spirit connection can be ancestral passed down via dna. If my lineage has Native American and Catholicism, or if someone has Jewish ancestors who have been thru the holocaust (which statistically have higher rates in certain cancers) trauma can be passed down and unknown. This one factor. But another is not giving gratitude to our spirit ancestors. Which I think our ancestral family can affect our predictions and act as protectors. To me saying “Nothing ever works out for me. No one has ever helped me.” I think familial spirits and low level spirits hear this, and they do have influence. But I’ve heard this from several psychics how it is also insults the psychic’s spirits. Why should a psychic spirits/guides continue to help you or give you any more insight if you keep “poo-pooing” their advice, or their prediction, or you have no trust in what they say. This is why I get disgusted by ppl who pre-post a prediction to be bust when they have not allowed enough time to pass. (But perhaps maybe I misread some their post- whatever that’s their choice and yours to make. But I suggest you take what you like and leave the rest, all within a healthy mental mind set)
8. More on spirits- it’s an unregulated wild wild world. I think about Kisha conversion to Christianity is very similar to others popular psychic conversions like Doreen virtue; how they now think they worked demonic influence. I dunno -but I don’t think you can throw out that some psychics do work spirits or demons out to see us suffer, and the psychics thinks they are doing good. I don’t think you can throw this possibility out completely. Some psychic spirit do enjoy to see us suffer. The love n light community isn’t all love and light - we just don’t know
9. What has helped me step away more from readings and ground myself or get my power back is to ask what am I making the prediction mean if I do or don’t get it? Even with feelings and emotions; it’s not that feeling or emotions that are bad or good- but rather asking what am I making my feelings and emotions mean from this experience?
Again take what you like and leave the rest