my friend, as an ex reader there showed me photos of their dashboard, it was a massive dashboard, where you could read personal notes (on any client) as well as notes other readers made about them. It was very sketchy. There are categories where advisors can, for example add clients to things like animal lover, recent breakup, married, widow, artist or whatever the categories were.. so it was easy for an advisor to randomly say oh i see marriage around you, or you are an animal lover.
You could also add detailed notes, it was very specific which made it very believable that a reader was authentic, who would not believe a reader able to tell your your mother's name, that you own a white dog, its name and that you went through a divorce in 2022? That is why when I use a reader, ANYWHERE, unless I have never used that site before or I use a random unregistered account, I do not base the reading on what they pick up about my past, but on future predictions, but most importantly, if they come true.
CP was the worst site my friend ever worked on. She quit after a few weeks because she said it felt so unethical. She now works on the same site as me.