I’m sorry these were not the answer you were expecting…
If you learned something from this maybe it’s not a waste?
There’s a few ppl who posted before who did do this, maybe to help kick their relationship to that psychic to curb, but I don’t think this helped them. And I don’t think you’ll be the last to make up person. …AND to be fair I’ll even tests the psychics with questions like “is so and so working like they said would or with these ppl or family?” As if trying to catch fault… and most times it is wrong too.
Is it spirit? (Spirit has to tell the truth right?)
Why not demons? (Demons sure love it when we twist. And for some time I was thinking there is no way that answer was my spirit guide, because my guide would find a gentle way to tell me. Not make me feel twisted afterwards and depressed. Where do psychics get information?)
Or just imagination? (Maybe there is nothing. Just a psychic getting paid by minute by the quarters to their parent company who hustles the rest)
But I would argue what this steal most of all is your peace of mind, and fills pride in vices. Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result (… or the scientific double blind method? Just teasing) but i would say none this is logical to begin with but more emotional pride.