Author Topic: Joining the lent bandwagon  (Read 16232 times)

Offline Mina

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Joining the lent bandwagon
« on: February 14, 2024, 06:38:31 PM »
So religion warning ⚠️

I’m participating in lent. Even though I identity as Taoist/deconstructionist Baptist/christian witch 🫣😬 (none of those words should be together; but welp here I am)

And so I’m fasting from my vices: psychics, weed, fun flavored nicotine vape pens that make me look cool but really don’t 😎, putting POI on an unhealthy pedestal. That’s the real fast. It’s not giving up thing but rather re establishing my relationship with God

I definitely went hard yesterday with my big Tuesday: wine, psychic binging, food binging (didn’t cyberstalk my POI… darn too late)

But when I really think about it I really have made my relationship with psychics, romantic relationships and even work at some point more important, and above me. Those things have been at unhealthy pedestal above my well being and my spirit

Whatever crashes, crashes, what is meant for me will stay. No point in chasing, and trying to fix or future seek what I have no control, and yes it pains me… a lot. ugh so I cheesily singed up for the lent app that was endorsed by mark walhberg during the Super Bowl and charges about $60 in a month (also hot father Mike Schmitz is in this 👀, no stop it lusting eyes). But I dunno I feel like I need prayer to get me through this, I feel I do need connection with God; that what I crave. It isn’t about giving up psychic but re-establishing my connection with God, and I hope I don’t look a cherry picking heathen , but yeah I guess have been

I intend to check this thread less, but see I can’t help it… it’s true I also get sucked up into drama- it happens.
But still I want to welcome and would like to support ppl thru theirs if this is something that calls upon them. I’ve closed all my psychics accounts. Yup, bitwine and keensies

I do want to add during my binge I did ask about work and I gave into asking about dates of when certain paperwork would come… and a few said in couple of weeks and I was surprised it was that day! It literally and finally came yesterday! …But then I asked a certain question thing about work. And one advisor whom I did very much enjoy their wise answer said no; but I also asked reddit and former coworkers and they said I how I handled the question should be fine, I’ll get it... I weirdly am going to trust Reddit and coworkers and chatGPT- I dunno, it’s out of my hands for now.

Again whatever crashes, crashes whatever is meant for me will be.

I am both wonderfully and fearfully made. …From ash I came, to ash I go. (To very loosely quote that book)

Offline Kate

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2024, 11:44:21 PM »
So religion warning ⚠️

I’m participating in lent. Even though I identity as Taoist/deconstructionist Baptist/christian witch 🫣😬 (none of those words should be together; but welp here I am)

And so I’m fasting from my vices: psychics, weed, fun flavored nicotine vape pens that make me look cool but really don’t 😎, putting POI on an unhealthy pedestal. That’s the real fast. It’s not giving up thing but rather re establishing my relationship with God

I definitely went hard yesterday with my big Tuesday: wine, psychic binging, food binging (didn’t cyberstalk my POI… darn too late)

But when I really think about it I really have made my relationship with psychics, romantic relationships and even work at some point more important, and above me. Those things have been at unhealthy pedestal above my well being and my spirit

Whatever crashes, crashes, what is meant for me will stay. No point in chasing, and trying to fix or future seek what I have no control, and yes it pains me… a lot. ugh so I cheesily singed up for the lent app that was endorsed by mark walhberg during the Super Bowl and charges about $60 in a month (also hot father Mike Schmitz is in this 👀, no stop it lusting eyes). But I dunno I feel like I need prayer to get me through this, I feel I do need connection with God; that what I crave. It isn’t about giving up psychic but re-establishing my connection with God, and I hope I don’t look a cherry picking heathen , but yeah I guess have been

I intend to check this thread less, but see I can’t help it… it’s true I also get sucked up into drama- it happens.
But still I want to welcome and would like to support ppl thru theirs if this is something that calls upon them. I’ve closed all my psychics accounts. Yup, bitwine and keensies

I do want to add during my binge I did ask about work and I gave into asking about dates of when certain paperwork would come… and a few said in couple of weeks and I was surprised it was that day! It literally and finally came yesterday! …But then I asked a certain question thing about work. And one advisor whom I did very much enjoy their wise answer said no; but I also asked reddit and former coworkers and they said I how I handled the question should be fine, I’ll get it... I weirdly am going to trust Reddit and coworkers and chatGPT- I dunno, it’s out of my hands for now.

Again whatever crashes, crashes whatever is meant for me will be.

I am both wonderfully and fearfully made. …From ash I came, to ash I go. (To very loosely quote that book)

Thank you for sharing. That was a beautiful confession of vulnerability and strength. It's hard to give up - we've all placed outside things above our health and welbeing. Giving up as you have - is part of healing.. and feeling again. I hope you thrive through this period and come out stronger.

Offline Notacrystalfreak

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2024, 09:22:02 PM »
So religion warning ⚠️

I’m participating in lent. Even though I identity as Taoist/deconstructionist Baptist/christian witch 🫣😬 (none of those words should be together; but welp here I am)

And so I’m fasting from my vices: psychics, weed, fun flavored nicotine vape pens that make me look cool but really don’t 😎, putting POI on an unhealthy pedestal. That’s the real fast. It’s not giving up thing but rather re establishing my relationship with God

I definitely went hard yesterday with my big Tuesday: wine, psychic binging, food binging (didn’t cyberstalk my POI… darn too late)

But when I really think about it I really have made my relationship with psychics, romantic relationships and even work at some point more important, and above me. Those things have been at unhealthy pedestal above my well being and my spirit

Whatever crashes, crashes, what is meant for me will stay. No point in chasing, and trying to fix or future seek what I have no control, and yes it pains me… a lot. ugh so I cheesily singed up for the lent app that was endorsed by mark walhberg during the Super Bowl and charges about $60 in a month (also hot father Mike Schmitz is in this 👀, no stop it lusting eyes). But I dunno I feel like I need prayer to get me through this, I feel I do need connection with God; that what I crave. It isn’t about giving up psychic but re-establishing my connection with God, and I hope I don’t look a cherry picking heathen , but yeah I guess have been

I intend to check this thread less, but see I can’t help it… it’s true I also get sucked up into drama- it happens.
But still I want to welcome and would like to support ppl thru theirs if this is something that calls upon them. I’ve closed all my psychics accounts. Yup, bitwine and keensies

I do want to add during my binge I did ask about work and I gave into asking about dates of when certain paperwork would come… and a few said in couple of weeks and I was surprised it was that day! It literally and finally came yesterday! …But then I asked a certain question thing about work. And one advisor whom I did very much enjoy their wise answer said no; but I also asked reddit and former coworkers and they said I how I handled the question should be fine, I’ll get it... I weirdly am going to trust Reddit and coworkers and chatGPT- I dunno, it’s out of my hands for now.

Again whatever crashes, crashes whatever is meant for me will be.

I am both wonderfully and fearfully made. …From ash I came, to ash I go. (To very loosely quote that book)

I agree that in the persuit of things we forget about what really matters- being happy in this moment.

I told myself today that not matter what happens, I’ll always have the ability to be happy. As that is my natural state. That doesn’t mean I’m complacent, and don’t want to improve my life, I do, but that is a bonus. That’s an aim to be extremely happy which is possible. I will strive for better, to become super happy, but in the meanwhile, I’m happy. We’re alive and that’s enough. :).

Offline midwest60

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2024, 04:38:39 PM »
So religion warning ⚠️

I’m participating in lent. Even though I identity as Taoist/deconstructionist Baptist/christian witch 🫣😬 (none of those words should be together; but welp here I am)

And so I’m fasting from my vices: psychics, weed, fun flavored nicotine vape pens that make me look cool but really don’t 😎, putting POI on an unhealthy pedestal. That’s the real fast. It’s not giving up thing but rather re establishing my relationship with God

I definitely went hard yesterday with my big Tuesday: wine, psychic binging, food binging (didn’t cyberstalk my POI… darn too late)

But when I really think about it I really have made my relationship with psychics, romantic relationships and even work at some point more important, and above me. Those things have been at unhealthy pedestal above my well being and my spirit

Whatever crashes, crashes, what is meant for me will stay. No point in chasing, and trying to fix or future seek what I have no control, and yes it pains me… a lot. ugh so I cheesily singed up for the lent app that was endorsed by mark walhberg during the Super Bowl and charges about $60 in a month (also hot father Mike Schmitz is in this 👀, no stop it lusting eyes). But I dunno I feel like I need prayer to get me through this, I feel I do need connection with God; that what I crave. It isn’t about giving up psychic but re-establishing my connection with God, and I hope I don’t look a cherry picking heathen , but yeah I guess have been

I intend to check this thread less, but see I can’t help it… it’s true I also get sucked up into drama- it happens.
But still I want to welcome and would like to support ppl thru theirs if this is something that calls upon them. I’ve closed all my psychics accounts. Yup, bitwine and keensies

I do want to add during my binge I did ask about work and I gave into asking about dates of when certain paperwork would come… and a few said in couple of weeks and I was surprised it was that day! It literally and finally came yesterday! …But then I asked a certain question thing about work. And one advisor whom I did very much enjoy their wise answer said no; but I also asked reddit and former coworkers and they said I how I handled the question should be fine, I’ll get it... I weirdly am going to trust Reddit and coworkers and chatGPT- I dunno, it’s out of my hands for now.

Again whatever crashes, crashes whatever is meant for me will be.

I am both wonderfully and fearfully made. …From ash I came, to ash I go. (To very loosely quote that book)

I turned to this site today hoping there would be some post regarding giving up readings during Lent, and there it was.   I applaud you for your honesty, tenacity, and different approach to reaching your goals.  My small town pastor once said he vowed to change 20 things in his life as part of a New Year's Resolution, but only fulfilled one goal. I think he was trying to point out that God wants to see us try (at the very least) and does not ask for perfection  For me, I am a little more selfish, as I am turning away from readings during Lent as I don't want to be lured by any more false promises. I have spoken to one advisor for over a year (10 readings), who told me I would be contacted for a better job opportunity.  I am currently employed, but my company I work for has taken advantage of me repeatedly. They really like me, but they never correct the inequities.  I'm older and it's difficult to find a different job as I am very specialized. Which brings me back to the reader who SWEARS that this will be the week I hear "out of the blue" there is an opportunity.  While it is very tempting to call, I am going to try God on this one as I need His strength to help me cope if it doesn't happen. I wish you the very best in reaching your goals, and again, I applaud your honesty and fresh approach.

Offline Mina

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2024, 06:33:28 PM »
Day 4 of lent… and I found out on the 2nd day it’s not really a 40 day fast…that’s the mmavegarge … it’s really more like 45/46 ish days 😑

I’m currently thinking about all that pop advice about going no contact with one SP - and then what feels like cop out or gaslight-y advice how “it’s not hard 21 days, 30 days, 3 months going no contact ; it’s a mindset”. 😑😑😑🔪 🔪 🔪

But yeah I feel like I’m approaching kind of psychics this way. If anyone has done 12 steps group the term “White knuckling it” comes to mind. You’re going sober but with little resources to help guide and that can be so rough

But it is true it takes time, and surrendering … and I’m not there, at said “mindset”. I start my day with prayer and when I’m in the thick of it I journal. I use that catholic app it does have some insightful topics. Has you meditate on Jesus and that relationship. I’ve also been throwing myself in this research of what lent means to other religious sectors: Protestants, Catholics, Lutherans … and that kind of gives me peace. And well I listen to a lot of new age to Christian vlogs… honestly, I think a lot of these ppl are weak willed, bobble heads looking for internet clout. The vast of it can be this way.

I have also found some other testimonies where I see my story in them- who come from religious abuse, who studied sources that I deemed good “manifesting” and said this still feels empty. Even ppl who claim they had spiritual gift themselves but then still chose Jesus. I dunno, I hope to get clairity and connection with this aspect in my life


Last night I realized in horror I forgot to disclose something for my background check, a debt for financial thing, and I’m like “crap… well I could worry about or trust it’s in God hands”.

Faith is such a weird word. I came across this manifesting coach who said it’s choice; and I’m like what?! Are you kidding me?! I felt robbed because I how could I just “choose” to have faith. But I see it’s that word “faith” is so personal.

I do want to be respectful of ppl spirituality. But I think ppl are going to differ with their relationship to spirituality. And I just think that there is part of psychics that plays into ppl role into their own spiritually that will be different.

But this is where I’m at.

I must admit I did open my keen account and read some predictions… but then closed the account back up.

So many predictions fail, even ones from the Bible.
I feel bad for ending this on downer note
But I do think it’s important to share where I’m at and establish an outreach to those that ask of it

Offline Mina

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2024, 10:41:22 PM »
This section is for those who identify with psychic addiction

If it triggers you you’re free to block me or ignore this section

Offline Notacrystalfreak

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2024, 12:47:12 PM »
This section is for those who identify with psychic addiction

If it triggers you you’re free to block me or ignore this section

How rude of them. Please continue to use this forum as you wish, as it could help someone with addiction.

Offline Mina

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2024, 06:48:16 AM »

Yeah; no I broke and gave in and am back on Day 1 and 1/2 after day 7 but gave in prior day 5; but still am continuing a spiritual approach… journaling more instead of here, but welp I’m here . It wasn’t until yesterday I realized “oh I’m learning to have talk with God” how to listen, that’s what i truly crave…
On day 5 I was going to post but couldn’t… but it went something like this “had several breakdowns all before 10am and coffee” … who has time, especially in the throes of emotions, and for what specifically I could say. Yes it is SP related but I’ll just leave it at that.

…what can I say too? … I’ve always been overly “sensitive” and looked at that as defect. But I get it spiritual / God talk can be a trigger. I know ppl for the most part don’t have my drive and I can admit ppl who have more than me in these things drive me bonkers too.

But I felt it was important to post. To see. I just got off work and some things truly sucked and some things were a genuine appreciation.

Just wanted to be honest. It’s day by day. Not perfection - true.

… you know what I really do want to know “hey God what does so and so think of me? Hey God what was the point of that relationship?” I was thinking about my second car my Dad bought me and how it came about was such beautiful surprise. Or when my friends pitched in for yearbook in high school because I genuinely forgot to ask my parents for money - but didn’t because I didn’t want to worry them about money. Like that was God right there answering prayers, in great miracles- I can’t surely for say I manifested that alone, like there was some serious divine intervention with these events. I don’t know what this “lesson” about SP, that drives me to call psychics is, but it’s what helps me get thru the spiritual aspect. But that phrase “may God’s peace be with you” I hope is with you, that you can rest in it and know it’s true.

Offline sai07

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2024, 05:21:26 PM »
Hi Mina,

I'm right there with you. I was OK for 5 days and then broke down and then again was off Keen for a few days and then broke down yesterday. I'm back on the break now.

I don't think the process will be perfect - not for everyone anyways. I also have been praying more and while my psychic addiction is still not under control, I do feel a sense of peace with my situation with my POI. I still love him but I also am starting to feel a bit more numb with prayer. I still want him and I'll still pray for him until my desire dies.

But all this is to say, I appreciate your honesty and your transparency and you are not alone. xo

Offline starempress

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2024, 09:08:00 PM »
readings can be so addictive, and when you are paying $20min the money just flies.  You get that high from hearing (in many cases) that sugarcoated reading, that when the predictions are not happening overnight, you seek that high again.  I think it is important to find a reader that has either a short term or very long term outlook rather than the ones that simply say "soon".   I always use readers that read the current path as well as the next month.  My current reader does just that, sometimes she will pick up something that is coming up in the future but won't expand on dates, just gives me a non fairytale response, for example that there are several months I may need to wait etc.  Besides this reader I also love Yona as she just gives an outlook for the next say 6 months to a year so i don't have the short term expectation.

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2024, 10:48:57 PM »
Mina, don’t be discouraged. First and foremost I find it positive that you share when you have,”failed” if that wha5 you would even call it. As a very faithful Christian man, who has had horrible psychic binges in the past I get it, it almost feels like a kick in the nuts, or that is how it feels to me that is.  I have been really really good about not getting readings, and trust me I want them! I moved 900 miles from my home as you may remember and I still don’t have a job!! It’s so upsetting that a man with my resume can’t get a job, yet I’m now considered a senior interviewer now. I’m 44, wtf does senior and 44 have in common? Oh well I guess I am interviewing with much younger people and truthfully I think they fear my experience and their job itself. Regardless I struggle as much as we all do but I just pray and pray and pray. I curse and swear at God as well. I get down right pissed off at him and I make sure he knows it. Afterwards I feel much better. Anyways glad to hear that you are trying different things other than these stupid ass readings that draw us back for more and more. Keep me posted.

Offline Mina

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #11 on: February 29, 2024, 12:55:35 AM »
I’m working thru day 5
And there’s been a lot of “valleys”

However, I am grateful because no I’m not working it alone… I know there are others here, and that great Force. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. And thank you for those who have reached out!

This time has also been about putting down obsessive manifesting techniques. And yes some have worked and some have given me “okay” manifestations but the manifestations I had not only God with me, but blessed them, on top. Those are rock solid, good. That truly felt like “he who made the stars calls me by his name.” I felt so seen and I was absolutely not forgotten. And I didn’t have to affirm “I am chosen” or “I am enough”; it was miracle!

I think it’s gets so twisted. My biggest fear has been okay God I surrender this person to you; I fear you’re going to take them away. But I do think my desires and God’s desire are on the same coin. But you can’t exactly focus on your way? Or your will? Ppl in manifesting Neville Goddard groups justify this one claiming God gives us desires … well true; but we’re molded from it. So for me at this start of this my prayers were: May my desires and Gods desire meet… to now “okay God I’m ready, your desires your will be done. Can I trust you?” And that’s huge step for me

I think one of my favorite qualities by the person I have for - was just how seen I felt in that relationship… and since November I have felt “yes I can see me”  I can give me those things… but I also am learning to tune into that force that he who made the stars calls me by his name. That’s the force that sees me more.

And reflecting on an advisor who gave me terrible news, can’t verify it, could be true, could be not, then hung up… ugh! So many of those moments… it hurts, and I don’t do alone… I guess this is surrendering.

Offline Mina

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« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2024, 07:18:36 PM »
I was so exhausted yesterday! For about 3 days I’ve been getting in line for an advisor and then listen to a Catholic inspirational talk… and then get out of the line, close my account, and cry to ground.

It is truly exhausting! My body feels tired and soul just feels like fighting.

It started to lift because I got some movement for work, as far as, paperwork goes. So I just submitted the paperwork- I reminded myself if I get this job it’s by the grace of God. Surrender. And if I don’t it’s by grace God to trust I will be provided for. Surrender

I then found some news about mutual friend/acquaintance who passed away who knows my current ex … ugh both my exes. 😑 And my heart is heavy because I don’t think I was liked much by this person, yet I wanted their approval so bad. I then learned about vanity: Vanity Is the inordinate preoccupation of what ppl think me… and that’s what I do with manifesting or psychics; try to figure out ppl actions, thoughts, intentions and fit myself to where I could fit… and that’s so exhausting too. My ppl pleasing I must admit have been vain efforts.

I reached out to friend to confess how this feel… they asked if I would use this as an excuse to reach out to any of my exes… and at first I definitely wanted to but I see now no. I didn’t even want to say anything but I felt to say something short to social community. I continue my prayers for this person who passed away, and loved ones who were touched by this person life. And again surrender

But it doesn’t feel heavy like yesterday
I don’t feel tempted to ask about funeral services, go fund me stuff, or ask if my exes will reach out … it hurts but I feel stronger that I can surrender a little bit more trust

I felt it was really important to share that YES how exhausting it is to quit, feel like I failed but try again.

To truly surrender my manifesting “wills”, and my reassurance with psychics. That I keep breaking and no it is not easy… but I do find peace focusing on the cross of Jesus and knowing that no I cannot do it alone; it is by God’s grace.

I truly believe my will and God’s are on the same coin of life; so when it seems like God says no it does not mean my desires do not matter God, or I am being punished, or it’s being taken away from me. It is to lean in, for God is truly close to brokenhearted. Your desires and mine are very precious to God, to let myself (and maybe you; if you’re open to) have God access all of it. So I again I give my will, my resentment, my vanity seeking, my joy, my shortcomings, my joy, my sadness, my love, my hate, my exhaustion and my strengths … again all of me, to God and trust in that grace.

Offline sai07

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2024, 09:53:46 PM »
Good for you, Mina! It is def a process. Hanging in there with you.

Offline Notacrystalfreak

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2024, 03:04:49 PM »
How did this post get 7000 views

