Author Topic: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct  (Read 12876 times)

Offline Aaron0326

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Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« on: November 21, 2023, 03:32:39 PM »
Recently developed a big crush on someone and asked her out on a date. She said yes and we started chatting a lot.  Had a great first date and I was pretty smitten. Made tentative plans for a second date but a few days later she stopped talking to me all of a sudden.  Finally told me today she wasnt looking for anything and preferred to be friends. Went on a reading binge throughout our short-lived romance unfortunately with results below.

Correct or correct-ish:
-Venus CP: the only reader who flat out told me my POI wasnt looking for anything and it wouldnt work. She very abrupt about it which didnt feel good.  I brushed her reading aside a bit bc my POI was very engaged initially. To be fair, maybe my POI was open to something but just wasnt feeling me.  Regardless, what my POI told me is what venus told me. To her credit, venus is one of maybe two or three people who have made an actual prediction that passed for me years ago.
-Ari Bitwine: Ari told me she didnt see things working and that my POI just wasnt in the right place to be dating. Ari was also very accurate on characteristics of my POI. She has been accurate for me before too.
-George Valentino: initial reading on this POI was crazy accurate in terms of describing personal details and character.  He also knew most of the letters of her unusual first name.  He told me things could work if i took my time, however he changed that to things wont work in subsequent reading.  He has been very accurate for me in the past too.
-Spirit minded Keen: she didnt flat out tell me it wouldnt work, but she kept saying my POI still had an attachment to someone else. My POI did mention she had a relationship with someone she really liked earlier in the year but that it didnt work out. Maybe this is the case. Spirit minded also pulled out a few surprising validations including the vehicle my POI drives and the fact that POI lives in a different state despite being only 30 min away.
-Northstarjulie: She knew some very correct details about my POI off the bat. When I last spoke with her, I was feeling really good about my POI after our date. Julie mentioned things would get weird again the following week which they absolutely did.

-QOC: Anne gave me some very cryptic readings on this POI and I dont know exactly what to make of them. She repeatedly told me my POI likes me but there was some issue around work.  My POI and I do work at the same place and see each very occasionally. Maybe there is more to the situation than my POI told me. I dk. Anne has been crazy accurate with me in the past and has predicted legitimate events for me(one of maybe 2-3). I will say that a few days ago(when i excitedly called after our first date), Anne said "did you have the conversation"? She seemed to imply a negative conversation. She then seemed surprised that I felt great about the date. I feel like she was seeing our future convo about being just friends - Anne has on occasion predicted specific things for me like this. She has a unique gift.
-rachel marie: I think she picked up on details about my POI correctly. She gave me a narration of how things were going to go. Its theoretically possible shes right and I dont see it yet.. im not sure. Shes very sweet.  If she turns out to be correct, I will be sure to update.

-luna CP
-tajah CP
-Uli CP(i really want to like her. Her outcome was wrong but she did say a few things that caught me off guard)
-mattie CP
-alot of others

Hindsight: I have had three reading binges over the last ten years.  I always feel so stupid in hindsight because the writing is either on the wall or I get little to no help from the readings.  When the dust settles, I always realize my own gut feelings that I ignored were the best source of guidance. Getting wrapped up in predictions is also is such a distraction from what is happening right in front of you and can motivate you to make irrational/impulsive decisions based off of bad advice/insight.  It is also so irrational to call a psychic instead of just ask the person you are interested in up front. I dk why I still do this to myself lol.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2023, 10:57:56 PM by Aaron0326 »

Offline Kate

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Re: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2023, 11:27:15 PM »
Hey Aaron - thanks so much for sharing. She missed out on you - that's sad for her, but person who is meant for you (and I hope you meet her soon) is going to be very happy - and lucky!

Did you talk to Cookie at all?

Recently developed a big crush on someone and asked her out on a date. She said yes and we started chatting a lot.  Had a great first date and I was pretty smitten. Made tentative plans for a second date but a few days later she stopped talking to me all of a sudden.  Finally told me today she wasnt looking for anything and preferred to be friends. Went on a reading binge throughout our short-lived romance unfortunately with results below.

Correct or correct-ish:
-Venus CP: the only reader who flat out told me my POI wasnt looking for anything and it wouldnt work. She very abrupt about it which didnt feel good.  I brushed her reading aside a bit bc my POI was very engaged initially. To be fair, maybe my POI was open to something but just wasnt feeling me.  Regardless, what my POI told me is what venus told me. To her credit, venus is one of maybe two or three people who have made an actual prediction that passed for me years ago.
-Ari Bitwine: Ari told me she didnt see things working and that my POI just wasnt in the right place to be dating. Ari was also very accurate on characteristics of my POI. She has been accurate for me before too.
-George Valentino: initial reading on this POI was crazy accurate in terms of describing personal details and character.  He also knew most of the letters of her unusual first name.  He told me things could work if i took my time, however he changed that to things wont work in subsequent reading.  He has been very accurate for me in the past too.
-Spirit minded Keen: she didnt flat out tell me it wouldnt work, but she kept saying my POI still had an attachment to someone else. My POI did mention she had a relationship with someone she really liked earlier in the year but that it didnt work out. Maybe this is the case. Spirit minded also pulled out a few surprising validations including the vehicle my POI drives and the fact that POI lives in a different state despite being only 30 min away.
-Northstarjulie: She knew some very correct details about my POI off the bat. When I last spoke with her, I was feeling really good about my POI after our date. Julie mentioned things would get weird again the following week which they absolutely did.

-QOC: Anne gave me some very cryptic readings on this POI and I dont know exactly what to make of them. She repeatedly told me my POI likes me but there was some issue around work.  My POI and I do work at the same place and see each very occasionally. Maybe there is more to the situation than my POI told me. I dk. Anne has been crazy accurate with me in the past and has predicted legitimate events for me(one of maybe 2-3). I will say that a few days ago(when i excitedly called after our first date), Anne said "did you have the conversation"? She seemed to imply a negative conversation. She then seemed surprised that I felt great about the date. I feel like she was seeing our future convo about being just friends - Anne has on occasion predicted specific things for me like this. She has a unique gift.

-luna CP
-rachel marie bitwine
-tajah CP
-Uli CP
-mattie CP
-alot of others

Hindsight: I have had three reading binges over the last ten years.  I always feel so stupid in hindsight because the writing is either on the wall or I get little to no help from the readings.  When the dust settles, I always realize my own gut feelings that I ignored were the best source of guidance. Getting wrapped up in predictions is also is such a distraction from what is happening right in front of you and can motivate you to make irrational/impulsive decisions based off of bad advice/insight.  It is also so irrational to call a psychic instead of just ask the person you are interested in up front. I dk why I still do this to myself lol.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2023, 11:41:46 PM »
Hey Aaron - thanks so much for sharing. She missed out on you - that's sad for her, but person who is meant for you (and I hope you meet her soon) is going to be very happy - and lucky!

Did you talk to Cookie at all?

Recently developed a big crush on someone and asked her out on a date. She said yes and we started chatting a lot.  Had a great first date and I was pretty smitten. Made tentative plans for a second date but a few days later she stopped talking to me all of a sudden.  Finally told me today she wasnt looking for anything and preferred to be friends. Went on a reading binge throughout our short-lived romance unfortunately with results below.

Correct or correct-ish:
-Venus CP: the only reader who flat out told me my POI wasnt looking for anything and it wouldnt work. She very abrupt about it which didnt feel good.  I brushed her reading aside a bit bc my POI was very engaged initially. To be fair, maybe my POI was open to something but just wasnt feeling me.  Regardless, what my POI told me is what venus told me. To her credit, venus is one of maybe two or three people who have made an actual prediction that passed for me years ago.
-Ari Bitwine: Ari told me she didnt see things working and that my POI just wasnt in the right place to be dating. Ari was also very accurate on characteristics of my POI. She has been accurate for me before too.
-George Valentino: initial reading on this POI was crazy accurate in terms of describing personal details and character.  He also knew most of the letters of her unusual first name.  He told me things could work if i took my time, however he changed that to things wont work in subsequent reading.  He has been very accurate for me in the past too.
-Spirit minded Keen: she didnt flat out tell me it wouldnt work, but she kept saying my POI still had an attachment to someone else. My POI did mention she had a relationship with someone she really liked earlier in the year but that it didnt work out. Maybe this is the case. Spirit minded also pulled out a few surprising validations including the vehicle my POI drives and the fact that POI lives in a different state despite being only 30 min away.
-Northstarjulie: She knew some very correct details about my POI off the bat. When I last spoke with her, I was feeling really good about my POI after our date. Julie mentioned things would get weird again the following week which they absolutely did.

-QOC: Anne gave me some very cryptic readings on this POI and I dont know exactly what to make of them. She repeatedly told me my POI likes me but there was some issue around work.  My POI and I do work at the same place and see each very occasionally. Maybe there is more to the situation than my POI told me. I dk. Anne has been crazy accurate with me in the past and has predicted legitimate events for me(one of maybe 2-3). I will say that a few days ago(when i excitedly called after our first date), Anne said "did you have the conversation"? She seemed to imply a negative conversation. She then seemed surprised that I felt great about the date. I feel like she was seeing our future convo about being just friends - Anne has on occasion predicted specific things for me like this. She has a unique gift.

-luna CP
-rachel marie bitwine
-tajah CP
-Uli CP
-mattie CP
-alot of others

Hindsight: I have had three reading binges over the last ten years.  I always feel so stupid in hindsight because the writing is either on the wall or I get little to no help from the readings.  When the dust settles, I always realize my own gut feelings that I ignored were the best source of guidance. Getting wrapped up in predictions is also is such a distraction from what is happening right in front of you and can motivate you to make irrational/impulsive decisions based off of bad advice/insight.  It is also so irrational to call a psychic instead of just ask the person you are interested in up front. I dk why I still do this to myself lol.

I appreciate the kind words. Honestly, its ok and it really is not a big deal. That girl is actually very sweet and I wish nothing but the best for her.  She didnt do anything wrong.  I very seldomly get such intense crushes and when I do, I have an unhealthy habit of over-idealizing/romanticizing things.  I let my emotions get away from me and probably wasnt being rational.
I have been in cookies que for weeks haha. She is incredibly hard to get ahold of nowadays. Last time I spoke with her was maybe 2015 or so.  She has a very undeniable gift though. She is one of a very small handful of readers who I believe has a genuine ability.

Offline Kate

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Re: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2023, 11:44:26 PM »
Hey Aaron - thanks so much for sharing. She missed out on you - that's sad for her, but person who is meant for you (and I hope you meet her soon) is going to be very happy - and lucky!

Did you talk to Cookie at all?

Recently developed a big crush on someone and asked her out on a date. She said yes and we started chatting a lot.  Had a great first date and I was pretty smitten. Made tentative plans for a second date but a few days later she stopped talking to me all of a sudden.  Finally told me today she wasnt looking for anything and preferred to be friends. Went on a reading binge throughout our short-lived romance unfortunately with results below.

Correct or correct-ish:
-Venus CP: the only reader who flat out told me my POI wasnt looking for anything and it wouldnt work. She very abrupt about it which didnt feel good.  I brushed her reading aside a bit bc my POI was very engaged initially. To be fair, maybe my POI was open to something but just wasnt feeling me.  Regardless, what my POI told me is what venus told me. To her credit, venus is one of maybe two or three people who have made an actual prediction that passed for me years ago.
-Ari Bitwine: Ari told me she didnt see things working and that my POI just wasnt in the right place to be dating. Ari was also very accurate on characteristics of my POI. She has been accurate for me before too.
-George Valentino: initial reading on this POI was crazy accurate in terms of describing personal details and character.  He also knew most of the letters of her unusual first name.  He told me things could work if i took my time, however he changed that to things wont work in subsequent reading.  He has been very accurate for me in the past too.
-Spirit minded Keen: she didnt flat out tell me it wouldnt work, but she kept saying my POI still had an attachment to someone else. My POI did mention she had a relationship with someone she really liked earlier in the year but that it didnt work out. Maybe this is the case. Spirit minded also pulled out a few surprising validations including the vehicle my POI drives and the fact that POI lives in a different state despite being only 30 min away.
-Northstarjulie: She knew some very correct details about my POI off the bat. When I last spoke with her, I was feeling really good about my POI after our date. Julie mentioned things would get weird again the following week which they absolutely did.

-QOC: Anne gave me some very cryptic readings on this POI and I dont know exactly what to make of them. She repeatedly told me my POI likes me but there was some issue around work.  My POI and I do work at the same place and see each very occasionally. Maybe there is more to the situation than my POI told me. I dk. Anne has been crazy accurate with me in the past and has predicted legitimate events for me(one of maybe 2-3). I will say that a few days ago(when i excitedly called after our first date), Anne said "did you have the conversation"? She seemed to imply a negative conversation. She then seemed surprised that I felt great about the date. I feel like she was seeing our future convo about being just friends - Anne has on occasion predicted specific things for me like this. She has a unique gift.

-luna CP
-rachel marie bitwine
-tajah CP
-Uli CP
-mattie CP
-alot of others

Hindsight: I have had three reading binges over the last ten years.  I always feel so stupid in hindsight because the writing is either on the wall or I get little to no help from the readings.  When the dust settles, I always realize my own gut feelings that I ignored were the best source of guidance. Getting wrapped up in predictions is also is such a distraction from what is happening right in front of you and can motivate you to make irrational/impulsive decisions based off of bad advice/insight.  It is also so irrational to call a psychic instead of just ask the person you are interested in up front. I dk why I still do this to myself lol.

I appreciate the kind words. Honestly, its ok and it really is not a big deal. That girl is actually very sweet and I wish nothing but the best for her.  She didnt do anything wrong.  I very seldomly get such intense crushes and when I do, I have an unhealthy habit of over-idealizing/romanticizing things.  I let my emotions get away from me and probably wasnt being rational.
I have been in cookies que for weeks haha. She is incredibly hard to get ahold of nowadays. Last time I spoke with her was maybe 2015 or so.  She has a very undeniable gift though. She is one of a very small handful of readers who I believe has a genuine ability.

Well that's why most of us women are here.  We do that with most guys we have a crush/connection with. We need little more before we are romancing in our heads about a future that doesn't exist. And when things don't match or line up with it.. it's very very hard to revert back and let go.. It's a process...

Offline skyline

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Re: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2023, 04:21:20 AM »
I personally have stopped getting readings about anyone I’m dating.

I feel the reading jinxes the outcome.

Or they plant negative ideas in your head about the person and it’s very hard to get rid of it.

Offline KB

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Re: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2023, 04:08:34 AM »
I would say the readings just messed me up. Talk about drama. its like talking to the neighborhood gossips. I got o hooked because I get so needy when I get infatuated. Readings take you out of the present moment as you live for the future. I have learned the hard way, how destructive that can be for your own emotional growth-

Offline Sincity2

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Re: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2023, 05:18:15 PM »
I would say the readings just messed me up. Talk about drama. its like talking to the neighborhood gossips. I got o hooked because I get so needy when I get infatuated. Readings take you out of the present moment as you live for the future. I have learned the hard way, how destructive that can be for your own emotional growth-

I agree wholeheartedly. It’s depressing to think back on how strung along I was and how much money I spent on lies

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2023, 04:53:18 PM »
I personally have stopped getting readings about anyone I’m dating.

I feel the reading jinxes the outcome.

Or they plant negative ideas in your head about the person and it’s very hard to get rid of it.
This is the best comment, honestly. If you care too much about the subject of the reading, and are leaning into it too deeply, it will skew anything that you can see/know for yourself.

Northstarjulie is $6.58 on Keen on one of her listings and $6 on the other. She only charges $3.50 on another platform. That's crazy. I've never read with her but had considered it cause of Keen's promo, but I won't now.

Offline russianred

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Re: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2023, 06:41:27 PM »
I personally have stopped getting readings about anyone I’m dating.

I feel the reading jinxes the outcome.

Or they plant negative ideas in your head about the person and it’s very hard to get rid of it.

That's where I'm at now and where I want to stay. I keep reminding myself that what is going to happen will happen regardless of whether I get readings, and if anything, I feel like getting readings might've jinxed some connections and relationships. No one has ever gotten the big picture right anyway, plus none of the guys I've read on have been worth the thousands of dollars I've spent.

I feel like the platforms lead to binges for me so if/when I break down and want a reading, I'm going to try to stick with flat-fee readers you have to book in advance.

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Re: Recent Binge and Who Was Correct
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2023, 03:25:04 AM »
I finally recognized that if I kept going to psychics and getting fresh predictions and timelines, I was never really letting things play out - yeah just strung along. The hard thing is the psychics seem soooo genuine, so empathic....could they know they are hurting people, are they drinking their own kool aide and believe all that they are saying? Or are they just being manipulative and dishonest?

The ways they described my situation felt so spot on, uncanny and yet some of those really spot on psychics repeatedly gave me predictions for reunions and apologies that never panned out. 2 years of predictions. I didn't feel I was being manipulated.....accepting that maybe they are saying the same things to everyone because those things tend to fit universally to people with broken hearts is hard to swallow... but maybe true...and they were not all predicting fairy tale endings. ..Warren on CP, to me, was the worse. Brandon too. Alto.