Author Topic: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here  (Read 14656 times)

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2012, 12:33:37 AM »
Firstly, thank you for your time, it is appreciated but I have a question, Mikki, if you may be able to shed some light. I'm getting conflicting readings from readers that I trust. NOT 200 readers (been there done that years ago, no more) but just a few. Unfortunately some say YES and some say NO in my situation. Is everyone right, is everyone wrong? Are there many outcomes and anything is possible? I guess right now I am just really confused and will be grateful for any clarity I can get on why I am getting different outcomes from gifted and tested readers.

Offline momo

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2012, 08:46:50 AM »
Hello everyone. I haven't posted much here in quite a while so I'm a bit out of the loop. Anyways, not too sure where to post this question but this thread seems the most appropriate. So I had a reading yesterday about 2 different people. The psychic in question seemed to pick on the 1st person down to a T. The reading seemed pretty accurate until I switched the subject. Almost everything the psychic said about the 2nd person was wrong(at least as in the present stuff that I already knew); so now I'm confused as to what to make of the reading. Obviously, I can't really trust any prediction she made, but now I'm curious, is it possible for psychics to pick up on one person and not another when doing a reading? Or did she just get lucky with the info she gave me on the 1st person? And by accurate on the 1st person I mean, she picked up a trip across the country that's coming up next month; that seems pretty spot on. I always thought that when psychics connect with their clients, they connect completely, not just on one subject & not the other. Anyways, I'm kinda rambling by now so if anyone has any insight on this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance, & hope everyone has a good day :)

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2012, 03:02:52 PM »
momo is this a reader that has been discussed here on the forum? maybe someone can help you who has read with that same psychic before.

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2012, 05:03:10 PM »
Firstly, thank you for your time, it is appreciated but I have a question, Mikki, if you may be able to shed some light. I'm getting conflicting readings from readers that I trust. NOT 200 readers (been there done that years ago, no more) but just a few. Unfortunately some say YES and some say NO in my situation. Is everyone right, is everyone wrong? Are there many outcomes and anything is possible? I guess right now I am just really confused and will be grateful for any clarity I can get on why I am getting different outcomes from gifted and tested readers.

Ok Diva,

Here's what I get. Around you is a lapse, some sort of delay. Most are picking up on the blessing God has instore for you, yet others are sensing the delay so they say no. First and foremost, you need to pray for prosperity and freedom. I would look into a energy cleanse or aura cleanse., if your not comfortable with that, lots of prayer as Gods love himself is a cleanse. Look into herbs that cleanse, that way whatever time lapse or delay or energy your getting that is unwanted can be removed :)

Offline LavenderGirl

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2012, 02:40:05 PM »
Hi there, just to say unfortunately a lot of readers maybe restricted to post on this - there should be no reason why they have anything to hide if they are sincere, but some are tied to clauses by the companies they work for. It is a shame because honest readers should at least be able to defend what they do and Mikki has been brave enough to step up and say something - people who have readings and those who give them would benefit from understanding each other a lot more when there is more of an open understanding of each other. Good idea though to start this post and lets hope more readers come out and speak up !

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2012, 04:02:27 PM »
I would be interestingly to get their viewpoints on the nature of these readings.  The problems arise on here from readers posing as regular members.  They come on here and promote their business.  They are getting incredibly easy to spot on here though.
Whenever someone takes offense about an opinion on here different than their own - red flags go up for me.
I am 99% sure now, that a reader that many like on here not only reads these posts, she is slso a member.
I find this disturbing to say least!!

Offline Synergy

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2012, 04:11:11 PM »
I would be interestingly to get their viewpoints on the nature of these readings.  The problems arise on here from readers posing as regular members.  They come on here and promote their business.  They are getting incredibly easy to spot on here though.
Whenever someone takes offense about an opinion on here different than their own - red flags go up for me.
I am 99% sure now, that a reader that many like on here not only reads these posts, she is slso a member.
I find this disturbing to say least!!


I agree.  I think there are actually a few popular readers posing as members here on the forum.  I commend Mikki for being honest regarding her identity.  It's refreshing.  Those readers who are lurking here or posting falsely are ridiculous. Get a life, fake posters. 

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2012, 08:00:04 PM »

WaitingonFaith... Not many people are updating because nothing is happening.  What do you expect?  And yes, people get upset when things don't pan out.  My guy has a new girlfriend.  He has moved on.  What am I supposed to do?  Keep updating about readers telling me he's coming back, when it's likely he never will?  I read with 3 people now and don't read as often as I used to.  A lot of people are in the same boat. 

I've counted on this forum a lot throughout the past year, and it helps to chat with people who are going through similar experiences.  I do think this place became negative, but it's actually been a lot better lately.  I'm not sure what you're referring to now, as I haven't seen much drama.

Regarding Mikki... Sorry, Mikki, but you told me I would marry "J" (the man I used to date last year), and he actually married someone else. I enjoyed reading with you the times I did, but like many others, you were wrong. I'm over it, but the majority of the predictions were wrong.  Same thing with "C".  It's a risk we take when we get these readings, but I still respect and commend Mikki for showing her face here and saying who she is.  I think it's cowardly for readers to check out this site, and then use the information shared here as if to pretend that they are picking stuff up on their own.  IT's wrong. 

Offline lizbear555

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2012, 08:29:43 PM »
I have been reading this thread and figured I'd give my opinion.  This is the first time I post on the site but I have been a member of the forum and have gone in the chat room quite a bit.  I myself went through a couple of months March - May to be exact calling readers about the relationship with my ex and if we would get back together.  Although many of the readers have told me we would and a couple have been right about contact this still has not happened.  I am in the same boat as Synergy and heard from my ex's mouth 2 weeks ago that he is in a new relationship, it's serious and he is in love.  While in the same conversation he told me that he loves me and cares for me I have taken our conversation to mean that it's over.  As hard as it was to hear I thank god and the universe every night for him making that phone call to me.  It is out of my hands and in the end I really do want him to be happy and if it's with someone else than so be it.  I'm not saying any of the readings I have gotten are wrong right now because there is always a possibility he could return like they said but it may not be for a few months/years.  I am so happy that i found this forum because I do enjoy talking to people who are going through the same thing and find support in that.  Also through my rampage of calling psychics I learned about the Law of Attraction and how to start attracting someone who really wants to love me and be with me...not someone who could never figure out their mind.  We have all been through break up's before and thought the world was ending and would never find love again but we all have and we all will again.  For right now I have stopped getting readings regarding my recent ex and have been focusing on myself.  It feels good.  If i do recieve another reading it will be about the new love coming into my life and not the old one returning.  For everyone who is confused/depressed/sad over the readings they have had about life/an ex returning/love just remember that you are beautiful and deserve the best in life.  Take your readings as guidance to help you make life the best you can and don't dwell on it not happening or not happening when a reader says it will.  I did it for entirely too long and have finally let go and am moving on to hopefully brighter and better things.  I will come back and update if any of the readings about my ex returning come to manifest but as of right now the best thing that this forum and the members here have done for me is make me look at myself again and realize how fantastic i can make my life be.

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2012, 09:44:07 PM »
@Mikki - Again, thank you for your time and insight. Oddly enough, I had a reading with a 3rd trusted advisor and her message to me was similar. Basically, my guides said for him to come back I must first let go. Good advice and I do feel my energy (sad, frustrated, longing, missing, regret, etc) is causing a lapse as you described. I am spiritual and do cleansing baths with herbs and candles, so I am not uncomfortable with your suggestion. My roommate is moving out soon and I think I'll start a 7 day cleanse then because I'll also be able to do my entire home as well. All of my time lines are sort of in line with one another so I think at this point it's time to focus on me and trust in my readings while also setting them aside. They all seem to agree on one thing: his new relationship is one-sided (she wants more than he does) and will come to an end, but it is a life lesson he needs to learn.

@Jordie - I appreciate your effort to keep the thread on topic. I think we all do more harm than good when topics get mixed up. Not just this thread but throughout the entire forum and for some of us that are newer here it makes research difficult, haha!

As far as the negativity or positivity that exists throughout the forum...many of us are in perhaps the most painful moments of our lives. I know I am. I've never allowed another person to affect me as much as my ex has. I think it's only human to lash out sometimes where you can, and unfortunately a fairly anonymous forum breeds this type of tension because of how freely one is able to express themselves without the uncomfortableness of having to look one in the eye or truly suffering any consequences for behavior (good or bad). From reading thru many of these pages for quite some time now, I honestly don't think anyone means anyone any true harm no matter how harsh the statements may be. We are all frustrated, which is probably an understatement, and want to expel some of that any way we can which also makes tempers flare and directing it to strangers so to be speak that much easier. I'm new here and any and all of you are welcome to tell me to stick it where the sun don't shine, lol!!! But I think overall everyone here prob cares about one another and just need to overlook some outbursts. As with any friendship, we are all entitled to opinions, bad hair days, etc. I hope you all know my words are coming from a kind heart and genuinely not directed to any one in particular nor subject matter in particular. I wil continue to share my experiences here as long as I feel I can continue to be a contributing member. Thanks everyone!!!

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2012, 09:52:30 PM »
decibel / mikki

I think getting energy work is excellent advise. My life finally started to move forward a bit when I had some energy work done. I went to a local Reiki therapist who is also a massage therapist. It took about 4 sessions and then I started to feel a difference. At the time I was very stuck and very depressed. Without me saying a word the reiki therapist knew what she was dealing with and I remember the day she told me I was starting to "feel" alittle better to her. I was somehow "stuck" in all areas of my life (for a few years) and I don't know how the energy stuff works but something was released because I started moving forward. No, HE didn't come back but I started dating, new job, etc. Things are no where near perfect for me right now but I'm better then I was.

Best of luck and thanks Mikki for offering insight.


Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2012, 01:49:39 PM »

WaitingonFaith... Not many people are updating because nothing is happening.  What do you expect?  And yes, people get upset when things don't pan out.  My guy has a new girlfriend.  He has moved on.  What am I supposed to do?  Keep updating about readers telling me he's coming back, when it's likely he never will?  I read with 3 people now and don't read as often as I used to.  A lot of people are in the same boat. 

I've counted on this forum a lot throughout the past year, and it helps to chat with people who are going through similar experiences.  I do think this place became negative, but it's actually been a lot better lately.  I'm not sure what you're referring to now, as I haven't seen much drama.

Regarding Mikki... Sorry, Mikki, but you told me I would marry "J" (the man I used to date last year), and he actually married someone else. I enjoyed reading with you the times I did, but like many others, you were wrong. I'm over it, but the majority of the predictions were wrong.  Same thing with "C".  It's a risk we take when we get these readings, but I still respect and commend Mikki for showing her face here and saying who she is.  I think it's cowardly for readers to check out this site, and then use the information shared here as if to pretend that they are picking stuff up on their own.  IT's wrong.


I do know you, the quirky guy, however there are alot of different things that transpired out of my control. I actually had this comment addressed to me already through a very good friend of yours on here. In my response to her, I explained some things however the creator of the thread felt as I did your personal business should not be posted on here unless you consent. I can tell you 2 of the reasons things went as they did, however I dont feel as though that conversation is one you might want to be public. If you would like I can PM you, and if you don't agree with the response and need second opinions I have a group I mentor to as well as receive guidance from that can also read you in this matter (we do general overall readings for each other to help us grow spiritually.) I remember you quite well and I can see just what happened. Synergy, I also believe as far as people coming on here to spy on members before they read you is absurd, there are no identifiers that match up with a phone call. When working a line you get a call you answer it. You read the person, and continue on. Now for those like me who have their own sites, yes we have communication with our clients but that still doesnt directly correlate with your username on here.

Also to the members who believe it is wrong to not identify yourself: Me personally, I am who I am and have never been afraid to speak my mind, infact as a kid I got a sore behind everyday for that very reason, however you have to understand its not just clauses and lawyers readers are concerned about, we ourselves go through the same things you all do. Most people on here do not use common names such as Miekeyla Stanton because you automatically hide your personal data to not be embarrassed, harassed, or have your identity stolen. In this business, everything is discrete. If I read with you, it is still apart of business, and what I wont do is comment on your opinion of my motives, purpose, or even results of a reading, THATS WHY people are afraid of being in the spotlight on this thread.  Guys Im not the only psychic on here either, several of the usernames on here are the psychics names but they dont talk as they are afraid of being attacked. Me I fear no man, so why should I fear their opinions. However it took me a long time to get to that point.

Now I will say this much to all the frustrated women and men, who have gotten a reading from me or anyone else, as far as how things will go in the future of your life, you determine what steps you take in your future. When it concerns another person, such as will we marry, several other things in life can and will affect your future with that person. One important thing is black magic, I know many people get tense around this subject, but there are soooooooo many people out here doing it and affecting many people and everyone is walking around with blinders on. If you know God exist, know the devil does too and that when God equipped him, he was to use his magnificent powers for good, he choose to compete with God, and now keeps Gods people in bondage with depression and matters of love. I will tell you without getting to deep, I have had love taken from me and bm placed by family members jealous of my gift. Not to mention having spells placed on my relationship that almost worked until God gave me a vision, its not always the reader being wrong, sometimes is others influencing your situation. Please keep that in mind.

To Everyone, you all have been so awesome, and so supportive with your post and I really appreciate it.

Sorry I have been away, I have been a bit sick to my stomach, I am pregnant with twins, so I had some free time I thought I wold check the site out. I will be back on later today in hopes to see responses, off to do readings :)!!!!

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2012, 04:06:53 PM »
Mikki, I hope you are feeling better.
There are a few points I would like to comment on. First about readers pulling information off of here and using it in a reading. I don't know if they do or don't, by I can see how easy it would be to do if someone left a lot of details. I am sure the readers get a ton of calls and depending on how well someone's memory is I can see how talking to someone might bring to mind something that was read in the forum. Could be done on purpose or maybe it even clouds the reading because it might be hard to seperate what was read and what the reader is receiving. Only the reader and the person being read can know for sure. I leave details out for 2 reasons. One, I like my privacy and for all I know my neighbor could be on this forum. And second, I don't want clouded readings.

The other point is black magic. I don't believe in it, but do believe people can be affected by it if they believe in it. If someone told me they were going to put a curse on me I have 2 choices. One I could get really worried, anxious etc and let it affect how I act. I could also just say - feel free to do what you want and have fun. Now, that is not to discount people that might purposely try to hurt you by saying bad things to others about you or trying to take a man away by flirting or whatever. I don't view that as black magic, I view it as the person being a bitch. Lol. I went to a local reader a few years ago who told me a spell was put on all the women in my family because of my father. I could have believed her and spent the money to have it removed. However, I don't believe it. If I have a bad relationship or keep ending up with the same type of jerk that is my fault, not a curse. If someone treats me bad it is because I allow it and have the option to turn away. A curse will not keep me there. I do however believe in karma and that you receive what you put out there. By that I mean if I walk around looking angry all the time people will react to me negatively. If I walk around open and pleasant I will for the most part attract positive interactions. Not always because there are some people out there that will be unhappy no matter what. I will also not discount the fact that there are some truly evil people out there and I just hope I never have come across them or have them touch my life. My life is not one big happy party, some really difficult times have come my way. It is how I choose to deal with them that makes my life pretty good. I can choose to just lay down and complain nothing goes my way, or I can dust myself off and figure out how to get through. That basically ties in with the black magic. YOU choose how things go, not someone that might be putting a spell on you.

Hi Jordie,

As far as the readings from reviewing things on here, I cant see it making a reading more effective as its millions of post just like its millions of people. However, I learned as a kid if it does not apply to you, do not respond lol.

Hmmm, I remember when I talked like you lol. I have always been a medium and could see spirits since being a child, but I also didn't know what BM was and that it existed.

As a person who is gifted, being a medium, I have seen things others haven't. As far as beliefs its perfectly fine to not believe in them, but understand I have seen spirits have been touched, "choked to be specific" by them, have seen angels, felt the touch of God while being attacked by spirits sent and I was not able to say from that point forward that I do not believe them, although I do not wish or pray them on you for you to believe. It may not affect your life to believe or not, but I would advised you to not limit yourself to obtain as much spiritual knowledge there is and understand not all people actually reap what they sew, some just happen to be dealt a bad hand at the expense of others.

 If you are biblical then I can even give you some scriptures to reference as I was raised and am a believer in Jesus Christ. Black Magic is utilizing spirits and demons to do your bidding for you to cause harm to others. In most cases its sending negative energy which normally can be a spirit as spirit beings are pure energy, or it could be demons. If you can understand how energy works, the people here on earth do not just dissipate into thin air and no longer exist once they pass. Our spirits are in the form of energy. Just as people are either kind or evil on earth in human form, spirits are exactly the same way. This life is given to us to do acts of kindness and to grow spiritually. Most Angels are humans whom have reached that spiritual level and crossed over to the side that can affect us but we cannot see. Most evil spirits are spirits either 1 trapped on earth confused as to why they are here, or 2 spirits sent to hell banned from the heavens. With that said...... demons which if you are biblical do exist.... are properly described in the Testament of Solomon, who was the son of David, who was king in Jerusalem, and mastered and controlled all spirits of the air, on the earth, and under the earth. By means of them also he wrought all the transcendent works of the Temple. Telling also of the authorities they wield against men, and by what angels these demons are brought to naught. Now through the testament of King Solomon, we learn exactly what witch craft is. It is using spirits and left behind energy to formulate outcomes on earth. The difference in whether it is "black" which I hate that term so I will go with "evil" is based on what you are formulating. To wish ill intent on someone, or to take away the persons free will, is considered evil. Per my studies, as I am a lover in all things spiritual, it is his(Gods) desire to see those with powers help deliver others and if magic is used with a pure heart he is still receiving of them into his kingdom. <This statement I am making comes from being a medium, having conversations with God, and research of what the original biblical scroll verbiage meant.

Spiritual Warfare is not fiction, it is truth, as I have experienced and believe me I was doing nothing to cause such, simply strong enough in Christ and my faith to know the way to overcome. (Can you tell seminary is in my path lol) I wont go too much further in preaching to anyone as this isnt a debate as I have experienced something so real that whether you believe it to be so or not would never change the existence, however I pray I have enlightened someone today.
For furter research I placed a link to describe exactly how demons effect our lives through the testament of KS.

 Thank you Jordie for caring about me too :)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 04:12:23 PM by Mikki Reno »

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2012, 07:43:18 PM »
Not looking to debate Mikki I enjoy hearing about others beliefs and experiences, and am fascinated by them. I will never point my finger to anyone and say they are wrong because it is again, their beliefs and experiences. I have met people in my life that have seen spirits and I get chills every time someone tells me a story like that. (and I don't mean story as in fictional). I am actually jealous of people that have been able to see spirits, though I don't want to come across any evil ones.
Yes, some people have been dealt bad hands and is not for me to question why as their is no good reason to me. I agree it isn't because they did bad or good, it just happens. What a person makes of it or how they deal with it is up to them though. Some struggle more than others. I just feel some people accept the bad and make no effort to improve. My ex was like that, he would point his finger at everyone else for his problems instead of looking at himself. No one but him was holding him back. I tried to help but you can only do so much if the other person is not receptive.

Jordie Thanks for Clarification,

That is very true, alot of times we as humans decided to accept negative circumstances and become afraid of change or feel as though we may not be worthy. If you look at the link, alot of those feelings can come from experiences or from  the effects the spiritual world has on us. Then you have the ones who know somethings wrong or things just keep happening but instead of changing their own ways, the person blames everyone else for their misfortune. Jordie all these things come from different iway people deal with their cards they are dealt, but not all people are as fortunate as you to have strength as you do. Count yourself blessed, however understand I didn't know half the things I do now until I personally was attacked.

Im gonna sign off for today but I may be back later once my stomach settles..

once again thank you Jordie for all that youve done and thank you for understanding :)

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2012, 07:45:10 PM »
@Mikki - I do believe in magic as energy being shifted and projected. I also do not believe in karma. I've seen too many harms go unpunished in the world as a whole and just personal experiences. I've also seen a great deal of bad luck come to my Mother who is the kindest woman you'll ever meet. She's dedicated her life in helping others and is a nurse. She quite literally would give the shirt off her back to a stranger and dutifully pays her tithe every Sunday. Yet, my Mother can't get a break if she begged for it. So, yeah, I think Karma if it does exist is unjust. But, as far as magic is concerned, IMO, it does exist and has been used for 100's if not 1000's of years. I also believe that many use the scam of "you've been cursed" as a ploy for money. I think like any spiritual practice, the fakes out weigh the real ones unfortunately. Many people believe in prayer and praying is a form of magic in the sense that it's focused energy. Not the Harry Potter magic you see in movies, haha!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday and gets to enjoy the beautiful display of fireworks tonight!!! Teehee I'm soooo excited!!!