I had good reading with her too. I have never had a psychic state my name without me prompting her at all. Unless she received information from the caller id, she started out on the right foot. Not much has transpired quite yet, as it is still a way off in the future, but here is the skinny for what she said, and I will post results on her predictions.
1) I have a strong Libra energy around me, it will be short lived. <---- She also said it felt like a step Father energy, which would mean a friend I am spending time with on New Years. (This happened as she said, and after 28 years of friendship, it is now over)
2) I am moving on from my current day job. Not right away, but more into 2022. Same industry. (This happened as she said)
3) I will switch industries later in 2022, more into 2023. (Film).
4) I will receive help for my next film project, but not for a few months. I had asked about whether or not I will be able to sign on the DP that I was looking for. It coincides with our current shooting schedule. (Everything happened except for the DP part, which ended up being someone else).
5) My sports prediction Algorithm will be disappointing, not profitable, more of a hobby. (First psychic to say this. So far she hasn't been incorrect. I guarantee she doesn't sugar coat, which is a good thing).
6) I will meet someone named Kristin/Christie, and it will be a long term relationship; she is between a water and an earth sign, not on the cusp. This is in Spring, March - May. Someone with a son. (I just met a Kristin with a son, two to be exact, and it was a pleasant interaction)
There were a few other minor things, which don't need mention here. All in all I absolutely believe she has a gift. I can't wait to see what will happen. Sounds like you had a great reading as well Anxious. Thanks for creating this thread!