Author Topic: Why are Psychics so Sensitive and Mean?  (Read 2475 times)

Offline AstridSky

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Why are Psychics so Sensitive and Mean?
« on: May 17, 2021, 03:12:16 AM »
I’ve noticed a trend with readers after awhile. They’re super sensitive and mean. I’m trying to understand why considering you’re paying for a service. I’m seriously perplexed by the mental state of these people who get offended at the slightest thing. I had a reader flip out on me after I told her she offered a service. One who got upset after I told her the reality about my own life. These are people who all say they don’t sugarcoat yet can’t take the truth. It goes on and on.

If dealing with the public is that bad why do this work?! I gotta get over this addiction as I’m convinced most readers have mental health issues and I’m no better at this point with my own addiction to them.

I’d love to read others experiences with this topic.

Offline SarahM

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Re: Why are Psychics so Sensitive and Mean?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2021, 06:46:24 AM »
Yup or when you leave a somewhat negative review and they send you an email flipping out and then block you... I agree that a lot of these readers are overly sensitive/snarky.

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Why are Psychics so Sensitive and Mean?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2021, 02:34:53 PM »
wow some really harsh comments.

First, not all are like this. You hit their ego and most human being regardless of vocation and regardless of fake or real can't handle criticism. The ego plays a huge part in this.  I'm always blown away 2 ways, one that people on here forget that these are humans with human emotions, and 2 that readers go this far.

Readers aren't some magical beings that are immune to criticism. I know the ones i've used I have asked in the past why something didn't happen as they said and I've never had this reaction. They were also very nice and empathetic. The other thing to consider is that some people think they are nice themselves and are snarky or come off as snarky and the person is reacting to this.  Also, why do you care if they block you if you left a negative review? I mean if you didn't like them, i'd assume you wouldn't contact them again? Or maybe they said something someone didn't want to hear?

But this goes back to human nature, not all are spiritually evolved. I don't know how many times I have debunked an "educated" person in real life or social media with evidence and proof to back up my claims, they become nasty and name call and get defensive.  Why? because you hit their ego and pride and shook the foundation of their belief. Most humans aren't capable of being criticized or have pointed out that they are wrong. Think about your own reaction, there is a very small few that take in stride and will be receptive.

I'm not sure why you'd think these readers would be exempt, it sucks and it's unprofessional, but i've experienced this with all levels of professionals, no one is exempt.

Offline Krullisepic

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Re: Why are Psychics so Sensitive and Mean?
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2021, 01:56:48 AM »
it is a sign to stay away from them and stop calling maybe? I know how you feel.

Some customers feel that the psychics hold some mystical power and are intimated to post a real review.

Personally, I had a few psychics block me before I could post a rating and even questioning them ended up in a 3 to 4 mns of arguing with my money.

For your own mental health, talk to friends and family and not rely on a psychic's word.

Many of the best things in life came to me when letting go.

And dont drive yourself crazy looking over notes.