Author Topic: My Tally of readers  (Read 36768 times)


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My Tally of readers
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:46:05 AM »
I took Synergy's advice and will share all of whom I have read with over the course of gosh too many years and not proud of it.    :'(

So I will just begin with my experiences and place them in 2 categories.  I kept notes on every reader I have spoken with.  I saw someone post somewhere about recording their calls.  What a great idea!  Wish I had thought of that and I wouldn't have all these notebooks.  LOL

When I began calling Keen, I talked with the following readers:

CaryFaith:  Nice lady.  She described instantly she saw an engagement ring (which btw I seen others on here say she told them the same uggh) and that I was going to marry the guy at that time, I was dating.  I was only dating him for one month.  I told her my concerns about him, his temper and stuff and CaryFaith said he was "passionate and already in love with me."  Okay.... I did continue getting updates from her as time progressed.  She told me he was my SM and to hang in there.  Now I have to mention that I did initially call her about the love of my life that we were no longer together and asked if she saw reconciliation, and CaryFaith said yes.  So when she started reading about this guy I was just dating I got super confused.   Every reading I had with her she gave me timeframes that did not pan out.  Plus she kept saying my old love was returning.  Finally I emailed her and told her I am frustrated and confused with her readings.  She emailed me back and said my old love is being put on hold for a bit and to concentrate on the new guy.  Fast forward... The new guy started acting totally insane and I actually broke it off with him.  CaryFaith told me I made a huge mistake (so did others and I will share that too) so I ended up going back with the guy.  Within one month he became so emotionally and mentally abusive it was insane.  I did go to a doctor with him that diagnosed him with being bipolar and manic with major mood swings.  No one picked this up.  I figured I would help him by supporting him but he refused to take his meds.  I found out he was a closet drinker (which no one picked up either) and the abuse got so bad I had to end it for good.  When I talked to CaryFaith after the break up she then agreed it was a good choice.  Ummm she first told me it was a bad one.  After months of talking to her I decided no more with her.

Divine Inspirations (Sunshine):  Talked to her twice.  She also yelled at me for breaking up with the guy above.  LOL.  Did not pick up anything on him and none of her time frames panned out at all.

Steven Craig:  Actually laughed at me and made a joke of my heartache.  Yea I hung up the phone on him.

DeborahMills:   Gave me a huge fairy tale reading of how my SM was returning and this new guy was just a distraction.  This was after she told me all about her woes and struggles she was going through.  I could not believe she kept going on and on about herself and I was paying her to read me.  I honestly felt like I should have given her advice on what she was telling me LOL.  Gave timeframes none of which came close.

Eli Casey:  Terrible.  Rude.  Short answers like I was disturbing him.

Lady Celeste:  Also nice lady.  But none of her predictions panned out and she kept deterring me away from why I called and telling me my iron was off.  Told me to get to the doctor.  Have to be honest she kept going to my health which scared the crap out of me.  So I made an appt with my doctor to get all checked out.  Nothing was wrong with me.  Nothing.  I was perfectly healthy.  I don't know why some readers do that.  They should not put a scare in you like that.

Storm Cestavani:  I can't put into words how wrong this guy was.  Nothing was true.  He did not tune in at all and was way off.

Lynn Hutchinson:  Another one that right off the bat was telling me how horrible her life was and how bad keen was.  I had to literally stop her and say can we proceed.  She did not tune in either was all wrong in the reading, could not even pick up a male energy.

GinaMarie1:  Was mean and brutal.  Sounded like I was a bother to her.  Nothing correct.  Not even close.

Keith Mitchell:  Totally wrong all I got was a YES! He's going to call you.  When I asked for a more indepth answer he silently said "alfred" that is his spirit guide and repeated the same response.  I hung up.

Laurie Lee 90210:  Nice lady.  None of her predictions were correct.  She gave good advice but very general.

Mahayle:  Told me I was going to be this great writer.  Could not tune into my relationship.  Also another one that said something was wrong with my health.  Now this was about 1.5 years after Lady Celeste told me.  Even wrote me an email said it's your stomach see your doctor.  What did I do?  LOL  yep went to the doc's had a bunch of tests done and nothing wrong.  God I feel like an idiot.

Jeekers17:  Very sweet lady.  Is more of a life coach than psychic.  Said she could not give timeframes and really could not see the situation.  At least she was honest.

JoyFullVisions:  She is good but no longer on Keen.  She was spot on with all.  Timeframes, names, picked up the energies around my SM, did not give a fairy tale and her predictions always came to pass.  Oh how I wish she was still on keen!

DivineReadings (by Cally):  She is the one that told me my SM was riding his motorcycle outside my home.  When infact later that week I found out my neighbor bought a bike.  She really strung me along and I have to say I got a lot of heartache from this reader with the false hopes.

Sandy Esther aka Jesus Angel:  Just called her.  I was very confused on this reading.  Talked about end times and stuff and told me to pray and I didn't stay on the phone that long.  I really did not like how I felt talking to her.

Okay who I read with now and really like.

Answers by Allynis:  Good reader.  Still waiting on predictions to pan out.  Gave me long term ones.  But she did pick up accurately on what was happening, what happened and gave a very optimistic view into the why's.  I really like her style and I feel shes the real deal.

Cookie:  Amazing.  Picked up on everything going on.  Really was a jaw dropping reading.  Only have called once and waiting for timeframes to pass. 

Ellen Harwell:  Wonderful reader.  Read twice with her so far.  Was accurate on situation with SM and gave me details of exactly what has been going on.  Gave timeframes I am waiting on. 

WhiteLightAngel:  I love Deborah!  Very down to earth to speak with, have been reading with her for a long time now.  Predictions have happened.  Timeframes are off but do happen "around" the time she says.  I go to her when I need clarification.  She is also a good medium for me.  Some things have come through that shocked me about loved ones that have passed on.

AstroSarah:  Here, another great one.  Her predictions have manifested for me.  A few timeframes have been off, but only by a day or two.  Very sweet and gentle.  She reads really well into my present situations and gives me very realistic outcomes. 

Sapphire21:  Just started reading with her and really like her so far.  She got all the past and present so far and waiting on future things to enfold.  I like her style and also her energy. 

Okay that is my summary so far.  LOL  Yea I know I have read with too many readers.  Gosh I did not even list a few in the past that were just totally off.  So now I am down to 5 readers.  But out of that bunch I mainly call 3 of them.  Like I read somewhere on here to get readers with specific gifts and that's what I have narrowed down too. 

I am sure I will be adding to this post.   ::)

« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 04:51:48 AM by Healer »

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 02:23:31 AM »

Hey gr8 feedback. Even I liked Allynis a lot and sapphire21 also. It feels gr8 when popular readers gives favourable outcomes and others tell how accurate they were :)

Have you ever spoke to Aries Intuition - Kisha . Even she is very popular and I am relying on her predictions the most as she is great with outcomes. I want to read with cookie but her queue is way too long and I dont have that much patience. Would try catching astrosarah or whitelightangel

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 02:36:54 AM »
hahaha. even I think that Keen should have atleast some sort of filter. Obvioulsy there are some very talented there but the rest of the crowd is !!!!!!! god!!!!! I thank this forum so many times because here I get so many honest feedbacks. Before this I used to talk to anyone on liveperson or keen thinking they were all psychics. How stupid is that now :)


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2012, 02:51:33 AM »
welcome to the forum! Its a shame about Jesus Angel...she really seems to have gone of the deep end. Does anyone believe that it is the same person anymore?

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2012, 03:15:48 AM »
I think you missed the latest updates about her.. everyone was talking about that something is wrong with her. Whats her name on facebook. you ppl have made me curious.

Offline cheetah

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2012, 03:39:03 AM »
how do you find her on facebook

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2012, 04:19:29 AM »
I have talked to Sandy Ester aka Jesus's Angel for a few years now an it is her anwering the calls, but she isnt the same it is strange to say the least.  I wont be calling her again, nothing has happened like she predicted and the reading goes into some really grey areas for me.

I hope she is okay, but I would have to say that something is going on with her.  I really liked her as a person, but her reading are full of the end of the world and they just dont feel right to me anyway.

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2012, 04:39:35 AM »

What does she says in her readings abt the end of the world??? seriously scary

Offline lotusflower

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2012, 04:44:30 AM »
This is kind of a long list and I may add more later when I find my notes. 
The psychics that was totally wrong and I can't recommend. Some were very nice.
Isabel Spencer
Jemma Quinn
Dallas Cordts
Chairity Townsend
Kelly Harrison
Katerina (she just went by this, no last name)
Linda Kaye
Tisha Bibb
Sherry Calina
Catherine Levert
Ava Moon
Psychic Blue Rose aka darmatre
Robert Renfield
Zeena Estervez
Steve Bergstrom
Barbara Johnson
Bliss Jones

Offline newlyPsychicAddicted

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2012, 04:53:40 AM »
Have u ever read with arradaza(hope i spelled correctly)??? she was somewhat accurate with the situation but timeframes  were  weird..

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2012, 04:19:35 AM »
I have talked to Sandy Ester aka Jesus's Angel for a few years now an it is her anwering the calls, but she isnt the same it is strange to say the least.  I wont be calling her again, nothing has happened like she predicted and the reading goes into some really grey areas for me.

I hope she is okay, but I would have to say that something is going on with her.  I really liked her as a person, but her reading are full of the end of the world and they just dont feel right to me anyway.

I just looked at all that...she's had some kind of psychotic break, I wonder who's giving her all the five star ratings? She's completely incoherent...


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2012, 05:45:00 AM »
I spoke to Sandy Ester one time. I asked her what was going on with my (Ex b/f AKA Soulmate) I said he was trying to reconcile the relationship then it appears that he has fallen off the face of the earth and all communication has stopped. She then told me that she needed more information b/c she felt like I had just thrown her in front of a bus??? I said ok, sure...and I explained some more. Then she told me to leave him alone b/c he was a part of Satan's Army, and that he was a fallen angel. :o :o So I again asked "what does that mean in regards to my relationship?" she stated that this year (2012) was the year of the new awakening and not many people are aware of this, but I was one of God's chosen ones and I will be saved  ??? ??? so I said, "Will he contact me?" she stated that I had more serious issues to worry about than him contacting me. That God needs to build his army, and that all of this was an illusion ::) ::) At that point she tells me the world as we know it will end this year and the second kingdom will come. I finally realized that I wasn't going to get an answer to my questions and I just disconnected the call, and wrote her off as having the beginning stages of a serious mental illness. Please save yourself and don't call her..RUN!!!


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2012, 06:05:14 AM »
@Highlyfavored2...your post is making me laugh so hard that I literally have a bellyache..for months I have been reading great reviews about this women and even arranged a call with her  but each time it was about to go through I canceled it.I guess my inner gut/guardian angels were sending me some clear signals to stay away from this one.Anyway thanks for sharing your experience and making me laugh.I really needed

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2012, 10:55:04 AM »
Highlyfavored - That made me laugh out loud but UGH. You must have gotten off the phone and asked yourself - WTF???


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Re: My Tally of readers
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2012, 07:42:39 PM »
This call was in 1/4/2012. Oh, and she did send me 4 free minutes too. Safe to say they won't EVER be used on her again.... :-\

