Author Topic: California Psychics/ Abrielle  (Read 28773 times)

Offline tammyp

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2013, 05:21:32 AM »
I read with Abrielle on March 29.  She didn't tell me anything "wrong". She did say some things that were right such as, she saw him as a drifter in and out of my life, yes, he does come and when he gets too close, he goes, but she also said she sees him like that with his work, going from place to place, he is a tour guide in Scotland and Ireland, so those were right.  She asked me if I drew pictures, I said no, she said then they are photographs, yes, I am a photographer. Later in the reading I mentioned having sent him a cartoon email the day before, she said maybe that's what the drawing was then that she saw. Maybe. At the very end, she said keep studying Gaelic, you may need it. I had been online the night before looking for words in Gaelic for a tattoo I was considering.

Predictions- long term- marriage in two years. Said he would go thru some changes in the next 4 to 5 months.  Said to circle August, said it came very strong and without asking and that was a good thing, and he will ask me then when I am coming for a visit.  Also asked if I was prepared to move to Ireland because I would probably have to.  And said he would be starting his own business and we would be guides together and traveling.

Just so you know, I haven't heard from this man in about 5 months.

So....we shall see.... ( I don't really hold my breath on these things anymore)

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2013, 01:53:18 PM »
Hopefully, she is correct for you.  It sounds like she picked up on some key pieces of information in your reading.
I just read with Abrielle last week.  I asked California Psychics for a refund.  She didn't even pick up on this man's wife.  WTF!!!!
She said she saw a 3rd party and this person was rooting for me.  What?
I have read with her in the past - but I have become more particular about how I spend my money.
I have read very positive things about her - so I stayed on the phone hoping she was going to say something that connected to me.
She did say she felt fear around him.  She did throw out a couple of dates in May. 
If she is correct on the dates I will post about this.  Sometimes I think they use psychology and counseling to get through these readings.
Just my thoughts.....

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2013, 02:33:21 PM »
I'm sorry - I should have written WTH!! 
Hope I didn't offend anyone.

Offline tammyp

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2013, 08:29:50 PM »
@wt,  I agree.  I am new to CP, I usually read on PS.  I too, am pretty much over this cycle and I am really picky about who I read with.  I think since I have found "the one" on PS, I wanted to find another "one" on a different site. For validation or whatever, I don't know.  Who knows anything in this crazy mess? 

Offline Luckystar

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2013, 08:46:18 PM »
I read with Abriell in Nov and Dec of 2010....she was off on both of her predictions. I actually threw away my notes because she was so off. Hopefully she is right for you

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2013, 09:17:34 PM »
I read with her August 2012. Totally of on her predictions, basically nothing she said panned out

Offline whiteangel

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2013, 06:02:08 PM »
I've read with Abrielle a lot.  Yes, she would get some things right from time to time and I definitely think she has integrity and is a true psychic but the big picture prediction did not pan out, not by a long shot. And, I can say that pretty confidently at this point in time. 

Also, she told me that there were no other women around a man in question - that turned out to be wrong too.  A lot of my 'go-to' psychics were wrong about this BTW.

 I think Abrielle gave me some really solid and helpful guidance at a time when I needed it so I give her a lot of credit for that, but I also feel that because of her confidence in her own predictions and the way she told them to me (or at LEAST the way I heard them), she also kept me spinning in circles more than most of my other readers and in a holding pattern for waaaaaay too long.  Again, I take responsibility for this, she has not paid me to listen to her thus far!    And yes, it's the same 'your soul mates, he's not ready yet, he'll be ready soon -- in September, then in October, then in November, then in December, then in January and then in March...  fairytale nonsense.  I haven't spoken with her in months and I can't promise I'd never read with her again but it's pretty unlikely at this point.

On an up note, now that time has passed and I have some perspective on things, and have closed certain chapters - I'd give my props to two psychics on CP - Daphne and Raissa. If your tired of fairy tales, I'd recommend them.  I think I've already shared my insights about them in previous posts.   They have proven to be the most accurate for me - I think part of it is that they can see the dumb stuff that a person is more likely to do rather than just read a persons ultimate potential- which we all know they will most likely never live up to. I think other psychics (like Abrielle) can read a persons feelings, but if those feelings don't equal actions, I don't see the need to pay for that information anymore.

Also - for kicks, both Daphne and Raissa were eerily accurate in their predictive descriptions of a person that I've met, or has re-entered my life recently anyway.  Astounding really.   They are both really, really good.  I can't recommend either of them enough for a solid, well rounded reading.  I also believe that they are skilled life coaches and that's been invaluable to me as well.

Here are my final thoughts: you can't predict the future, nobody can. None of these psychics can do that! So use them to help gain perspective, identify what feels best for you and make decisions that you need to make for yourself.  The future is changeable.  I've spent THOUSANDS, too many thousands to say and at the end of the day, you just can't predict the future and the two psychics I've just mentioned, I believe, know that too.  So they are there when I need guidance and insight and I'm really trying to leave it at that. 

And, FINALLY, I can say all of this with a little distance. As the situation that has kept me feeling more or less trapped for over a year now is finally over and the fog has lifted and I can look back and see who was actually accurate about how things were likely to turn out. Unfortunately, it was not Abrielle.

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2013, 06:18:01 PM »
Since you mentioned them i also want to agree that Raissa is a really good empath...i don't know how good she is for predictions since i was calling mainly about the current situation a few years ago but she was also cheaper then. I also read with Daphne and it was a short reading, i remember her predictions being wrong but it felt like she sort of picked up the situation. Not like Raissa though.

Offline thisiscracra

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2016, 10:48:56 PM »
its been a while but anyones predictions from abrielle came true or is it just all guessing on their part??

Offline olivariaa

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2016, 06:24:59 PM »
Hi guys. I've been stalking this forum now for months.

In regards to abrielle, a prediction she gave me 3 years ago panned out, down to specific details. I had just started dating my now husband then, and she saw us getting married over the summer. She saw the dress I picked out and who specifically would be there with me. The thing is, she was an entire year off with her prediction.

I am now going through a bad legal situation with my husband and she said I'd have contact in 10 days. This was a month and a half ago. I can't say much about her long term prediction yet, so we will see.


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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2016, 02:05:36 PM »
Nothing Abrielle predicted for me ever panned out. She told me whoever I was dating in oct 2015 would be "the one". That person and I are on the rocks right now. Highly doubt he's the one BUT if by some miracle things turn around, then I'll be glad to update this :]

Offline bagalagaa88

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2016, 10:38:32 PM »
She was a bit off for me, it actually happened a bit earlier than expected back in January.
Called in December and said I would have contact and see the person in a couple weeks around the 10th or 15th I believe. I got it on the 6th and saw him on the 9th (before I flew overseas).

Also called in August and said someone around my POI would only be temporary and they were.
Still on the rocks with my POI but no one really predicted what would happen in the following weeks so her prediction could have been pushed off a bit because of some of the things that occurred.

She's really nice though and relatively quick and concise (no fluff).


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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2017, 06:17:20 AM »
its been a while but anyones predictions from abrielle came true or is it just all guessing on their part??
i read with abrielle a long time ago when I was addicted to CP. she was so sure of herself but was sooooo wrong lol

Offline journalmuse

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Re: California Psychics/ Abrielle
« Reply #28 on: September 27, 2017, 07:31:47 PM »
I read with her once. She was right about some things in terms of things about people that she couldn't have really known about. Her prediction for timing hasn't happened yet, but it went through September so I guess there's still a few days left. Also I tend to give people a "grace period" of a couple months because let's be honest if someone told me something was going to happen in April and it really happened in May I'd still consider that pretty accurate.

She seems to do the thing with colors you're wearing, someone else mentioned in their comments. She did with me, but in my case it was accurate (she guessed turquoise, I was wearing a lightish blue shirt).

