Author Topic: Megan  (Read 9500 times)

Offline stelka

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« on: March 28, 2012, 02:12:35 PM »
Hi everybody,

I have never posted anything here but been following this forum for few months now. I'm in the same situation like most of us here, being in the relationship with my SM (on and off), calling psychics for re-assurance and confirmation. The psychics I was calling are from CP mostly with one exception. I called AstroSarah on her website once. If anybody wants to know my experience w psychics let me know. I called hundreds of them and have tons of notes. I have my favourites and they have been very accurate for me. My SM and I broke up at the end of January and they predicted we got back together in the middle of March (which we did). Anyway, I want to tell you about one psychic on CP who is new and great empath. Her name is Megan, been there for a month or so and has many reviews already. I called her a month ago and was very impressed with her. Right now I'm trying to stay away from calling every few days. I have been in quene for Sherie for days but she is very hard to get in touch. Anyway, hope everyone has a good day and hope to hear from you soon.



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Re: Megan
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 07:28:23 AM »
Well tell us who you have read with from California Psychics and give a run down of your hits and misses. If you don't mind

Offline applesticks

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Re: Megan
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2012, 04:49:36 AM »
I've been reading with Megan since April. I love that she's very, very quick. I literally can buy a $35 package and split the time up to call her on two different occasions. I just call in, ask questions and she gives quick answers. No fluff or keeping you on the line. If you want explanation, just ask and she will expound on it. Otherwise, she lets you go when you want to get off, which is probably hurting her call ratios XD.

She's accurately predicted when I'd get a job and what kind of job it was going to be. She also accurately predicted when I was going to get another job offer elsewhere. She's very honest and will not tell you something she does not know or cannot see.

She stays on point. Today, she actually interrupted to let me know what her guides said while I was asking a different question. I definitely paid close attention 'cause she never changes the subject.

Plus she always remembers me without me saying my name, which is nice :). She did tell me she saw a guy contacting me today or tomorrow. In all honestly, I will fall over if that comes true 'cause I seriously doubt it. Though, most of her testimonials are from people who said they doubted the guy would call and he we'll see :)

Other than that, my regulars are Leslie, Abrielle, and Waverly. I've read with many others I'm just too ashamed to list. If only I knew which ones to stick to O_O

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Re: Megan
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2012, 03:54:39 PM »
I have never read with Megan but she does look "straightforward". Never read with Leslie or Waverly either. I read with Abrielle twice and both times she was wrong for me.

Offline tippyrose1

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Re: Megan
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2012, 06:30:22 PM »
Hi applesticks...this is tippy....I've been a member here for a long time just don't pot anymore..but still read every day...this forum cured my lie..these people have really saved money...but..I digress...I was a huge cp junkie for about 2 years...nothing ever came to pass...but recently I have some burning questions in my mind and I want too try someone I don't know what makes me think that this time will be different from the rest...but I just have that itch...I want to try someone like ksha or cookie...its just that I don't have the patience to wait and wonder when I will get a callback. I like cp because you can see who is on and you know about how long the wait will be. Anyway, I enjoyed reading about you readings with Megan...I have been looking at two people for a while now and they are Priscilla and jeremiah...for some reason they speak to me and I was wondering if you had ever spoken to either of them. Pardon any spelling on my phone..thank you all for keeping me company for the last year or so..blessings to each and every one of hug..xo the tip.


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Re: Megan
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2012, 06:34:25 PM »
Tried Megan when I first tried CP. She was definitely making stuff up as she coulnt pick up anything on me. She said I will "meet a guy that I am attracted to" and other bs to waste time.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Megan
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2012, 07:49:00 PM »

Hi Tippy
Have you tried Nathan? Has anyone tried Nathan ? I read a few here did, but just wondering how others felt about his reading. 

Hi applesticks...this is tippy....I've been a member here for a long time just don't pot anymore..but still read every day...this forum cured my lie..these people have really saved money...but..I digress...I was a huge cp junkie for about 2 years...nothing ever came to pass...but recently I have some burning questions in my mind and I want too try someone I don't know what makes me think that this time will be different from the rest...but I just have that itch...I want to try someone like ksha or cookie...its just that I don't have the patience to wait and wonder when I will get a callback. I like cp because you can see who is on and you know about how long the wait will be. Anyway, I enjoyed reading about you readings with Megan...I have been looking at two people for a while now and they are Priscilla and jeremiah...for some reason they speak to me and I was wondering if you had ever spoken to either of them. Pardon any spelling on my phone..thank you all for keeping me company for the last year or so..blessings to each and every one of hug..xo the tip.

Offline guesswho

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Re: Megan
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2012, 08:20:11 PM »
I've tried Nathan and I'm not going to lie, he was good.  I asked for a general reading and he told me the truth.  He accurately described the physical appearance of the men in my life and he even gave me the scoop on some stuff I didn't want to know.  I think he's very good.  He did not give me a fairytale reading at all, but wasn't overly negative like some readers.  I'm glad I just asked for a general reading because I could see that he could pick up stuff on his own with no input from me.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Megan
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2012, 09:11:56 PM »
I tried Nathan also,  and he was very good for me. He did not probe me for info,  he acutally amazed me as he shot off 2 names one is the current guy I am seeing, and one from my past, and the 2nd guy's name is not a common one. 

Offline applesticks

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Re: Megan
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2012, 06:01:22 AM »
I keep reading Nathan's testimonials and they seem very specific. Like he's able to pinpoint names and specific info and it's for most of his testimonials so I'm tempted to try him. But I'm also trying to unhook myself from CP and psychics in general. I think the reason why I like it so much is because of the immediate access you get from their website. I have too many binders of notes I want to admit.  :-X

Maybe I should invest a bobblehead that just repeats, "everything is going to be okay," whenever I hit it.

Megan said I should get contact from the guy yesterday or today. I had planned on going to see him at work this morning (I made this decision before I talked to her) but I changed my mind at the last minute this morning. I don't know if she meant that was gonna be the contact or if she was just wrong. It seems like Megan is 100% right on for job-related stuff but she's hit-or-miss for my guy. Though I swear to God, this guy is so inconsistent in real life..maybe that's why he's unpredictable...

So far, I think Leslie has been the one that's been the most accurate for me. I went for a job interview a couple weeks ago. Leslie said it was between me and a guy and she said they might ask for a second round of interviews to make sure, but it's between you and someone else. Well, job called...they said it was between me and a guy, and they just decided to go with the guy. :P

A couple days ago, I asked her about this upcoming interview I have with a different firm and she said she saw 3 interviews. The screening interview I was going to, but also two more. She thought it was so weird until she said, "oh, the 3rd one will be via phone." So today, I go to my screening interview and they told me the whole process: "1 screening interview and if you make it into the pool, the divisions will interview you themselves and if they like you, you have to do a final phone interview with the deputy of the agency." O_O

Though, honestly, when I take the time to do my own tarot spread, it seems those results pan out better..LOL

