Author Topic: Synergy's Tally  (Read 28780 times)

Offline Synergy

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Synergy's Tally
« on: March 12, 2012, 04:45:50 PM »
I saw Amaranth's great post, and I've decided to create one of my own.  Thanks for the idea, Amaranth!

I've been calling readers about my situation with Chance.  All my readers are from Keen, and, yes, there are a lot of calls to report on.

Here we go...

Kisha - Saw "1" for contact from Chance and had assumed it was one week, month or 10th or 11th of this month.  Called again when contact did not occur, and she sees a 3 and 4 making her think those are weeks, and the original prediction was one month.  Sees him coming back and us having an opportunity to be together romantically.  If we do get together, it will be up and down and will only work out if he gets counseling.

LisaDianne - Chance will return sometime between March 21st and the first week of April.  Sees him meeting my daughters May 19th.  I also asked her about the ex.  The ex's marriage will end soon, but I need to stop thinking about him bc he's unemotional.

DeniseMonique - Sees Chance reaching out on March 30th or 31st.  Vividly described a day meeting between us as a result of that contact.  Sees us together in April with him making a lot of effort to show me he's serious this time.

FaeryLady - Almost exactly what DeniseMonique said.  He'll reach out end of March.  He'll do the work to show me he wants the commitment.

Barbara4846 - He and the ex are already having problems and will break up soon.  He'll come back.  We'll be together bc I'll take him back, and she sees us getting married...  Told me to call her 3 to 4 weeks after the call to tell her he was back.  This would put the timeframe at the end of the month. 

AstroSarah - He's coming back.  She doesn't like to give timeframes, but she said April, but possibly sooner.  We'll have fun, but he's not the man I'm going to marry. 

SandyEsther - Wants me to pray.  She sees him going through some sort of "recovery" period in the next couple of weeks, and then he'll reach out.  Didn't make any real long term predictions bc she was mad I hadn't read some psalms she told me to read.  She said there was some sort of spiritual attack and she needs me to overcome it.  Sees my newly married ex coming forward and making an advance. 

LadyPersephone - He went back to the ex to feed his ego, and he will come back to me "soon".  She doesn't know if I'll want him when he returns though because I think it's gross that he's gone back to the ex.  This is true as I see him differently now.   

Aurora - The only one who saw him going back to the ex.  She doesn't see him returning until the end of spring, but could be sooner she said if I let go of timeframes.  She said it will be up to me if I want him back, an she can't see what I'll decide. 

Cookie - He and I will date, but he won't want to commit.  No timeframe given. 

So, most timeframes are for the end of March.  I guess I'll know soon enough, and I'll respond to this post to let you know who, if anyone, was accurate. 


Offline Amaranth

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2012, 05:16:09 PM »
Glad to see your post!

Sandy Esther also gave me some psalms to read, so if I plan on calling her back, I'll know to ha s done it, lol.  She also described spiritual attack.  Her dates for past incidents were spot on to the day, but I get a little cautious of psychics who seem to consistently believe that everything that goes wrong in our life is the result of wicked spirits and evil.

Anyway, hope March pans out for you!  Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2012, 09:57:31 AM »
I saw Amaranth's great post, and I've decided to create one of my own.  Thanks for the idea, Amaranth!

I've been calling readers about my situation with Chance.  All my readers are from Keen, and, yes, there are a lot of calls to report on.

SandyEsther - Wants me to pray.  She sees him going through some sort of "recovery" period in the next couple of weeks, and then he'll reach out.  Didn't make any real long term predictions bc she was mad I hadn't read some psalms she told me to read. She said there was some sort of spiritual attack and she needs me to overcome it.  Sees my newly married ex coming forward and making an advance. 

Weird, you're not the first person to say she described something like that in the recent past.  She even went so far with me as to describe my SM's ex's deceased grandmother coming through and wishing ill on me, and I've had friends call her and she's told them similar things - that someone is sending bad energy their way or spiritually attacking them.  I don't remember her doing this before...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 01:45:03 AM by Somnus »

Offline Synergy

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2012, 03:06:26 PM »
I saw Amaranth's great post, and I've decided to create one of my own.  Thanks for the idea, Amaranth!

I've been calling readers about my situation with Chance.  All my readers are from Keen, and, yes, there are a lot of calls to report on.

SandyEsther - Wants me to pray.  She sees him going through some sort of "recovery" period in the next couple of weeks, and then he'll reach out.  Didn't make any real long term predictions bc she was mad I hadn't read some psalms she told me to read. She said there was some sort of spiritual attack and she needs me to overcome it.  Sees my newly married ex coming forward and making an advance. 

Weird, you're not the first person to say she described something like that in the recent past.  She even went so far with me as to describe my SM's ex's deceased grandmother coming through and wishing ill on me, and I've had friends call her and she's told them similar things - that someone is sending bad energy their way or spiritually attacking them.  I don't remember her doing this before...


I've been reading with Sandy Esther since last summer, and these last two calls that I've made to her in the past few weeks have been the only two times she's made these statements, so this must be some new tactic.  How odd.  I wonder why she's telling everyone this? 

She has not tried to sell me any ype of cleansing services, nor has shhe suggested I speak with someone else, so I don't really see the purpose. 

Offline Synergy

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2012, 03:56:54 PM »

SHE DID THE SAME THING TO ME!!!  So, when I would call about my ex, Sandy Esther would tell me that I would marry him.  Something happened over the summer where she did start changing her tune a little bit, but she still told me there was hope for us.  Then, she DID see Chance coming into my life before he did, so I was convinced she was the reader for me. 

Here's the thing... once I started calling about Chance, she began hating on the ex and saying that she never liked him for me. Um, no, I remember her loving him for me, and her telling me that I would have to wait and be patient for us to be together again.  Her story only changed when someone else was in my life. 


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2012, 07:15:56 PM »
I saw Amaranth's great post, and I've decided to create one of my own.  Thanks for the idea, Amaranth!

I've been calling readers about my situation with Chance.  All my readers are from Keen, and, yes, there are a lot of calls to report on.

SandyEsther - Wants me to pray.  She sees him going through some sort of "recovery" period in the next couple of weeks, and then he'll reach out.  Didn't make any real long term predictions bc she was mad I hadn't read some psalms she told me to read. She said there was some sort of spiritual attack and she needs me to overcome it.  Sees my newly married ex coming forward and making an advance. 

Weird, you're not the first person to say she described something like that in the recent past.  She even went so far with me as to describe my SM's ex's deceased grandmother coming through and wishing ill on me, and I've had friends call her and she's told them similar things - that someone is sending bad energy their way or spiritually attacking them.  I don't remember her doing this before...

No way can all those people have dead people wishing them ill. Sounds like she's setting them up for a costly "cleansing"

@sunandmoon: I have to agree with you here - sounds like she's possibly getting ready to set up that type of thing.

@Synergy: I'm betting SE knows you are way too smart to fall for something like that - your intelligence comes out in your posts here, so I imagine it clearly 'shows' when you're speaking as well. Additionally, the fact that you did not read the Psalms she suggested would tell her, I would think, that you wouldn't be buying into her 'spiritual attack' theory.

The sad thing is, there ARE going to be those vulnerable people who WOULD believe such things, causing even more emotional damage, stress, anxiety, etc.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2012, 03:49:31 PM »
Ok everyone.  I wish I was updating my tally to tell you all that my predictions have manifested, but I am sorry to say that the opposite is true.  I still have MANY pending predictions for contact and all of them are for sometime in April (from the first week to mid-month), so I will continue to update once those dates pass.

Well, Nancy, Denise Monique, and Allynis were all wrong with regards to contact.  I called Nancy multiple times, and each time she said March 30th, so I was really hopeful.  I did not hear from Chance on that date.  In fact, I should mention that he has not initiated contact since we were still together in January.  I ran into him on March 19th, but nothing significant happened.  Anyways, Denise Monique gave me a very detailed prediction saying that he would contact me on March 30th or 31st, and that we would meet for a lunch date as a result of the contact.  We would then begin dating, and he would spend all of April courting me and trying to convince me that he's ready for a relationship.  I did call her before the original timeframe came to pass, and she changed the prediction to the first week of April, so if I do hear from him this week I will update everyone and will change her to being correct instead of incorrect.

I did call Allynis after I created this tally.  We spoke last Sunday the 25th.  She told me that I wouldn't believe her, but that I would get contact from him in 7 calendar days.  That means I should've heard from him by yesterday, and I didn't. 

I have spoken to many other readers since I created this tally.  Sapphire21 said she could not provide me with dates and also couldn't even tell me if we'd get back together again.  She told me about his feelings, and she said that the only thing that is certain is that he and I will definitely talk about what happened.  She doesn't know what will happen after that. 

Here are some new predictions from the readers I had already contacted:

Kisha - Sees a 3 for contact.  Could be the 30th (didn't happen), the 3rd, or the 3rd week in April.  Says I will feel good about things with him in May.

Lady Persephone - He will return mid-April.  Was correct with prediction of short term reconciliation between Chance and his ex.

Aurora - 2nd week of April

LisaDianne - Prediction still pending.  First week of April.  Was also correct about Chance and the ex not being together for long.

Cookie - No timeframe given and I am a bit confused by her predictions.  She did give me a big one so i will confirm if/when it happens

Barbara - Only says he will reach out soon.  She was correct in a previous prediction regarding Chance and his ex not lasting very long

Advisor Lania - End of Spring

Esme Spenser - Says he'll come back but not anytime soon

I'll provide updates as the dates pass or if contact does occur. 

I saw Amaranth's great post, and I've decided to create one of my own.  Thanks for the idea, Amaranth!

I've been calling readers about my situation with Chance.  All my readers are from Keen, and, yes, there are a lot of calls to report on.

Here we go...

Kisha - Saw "1" for contact from Chance and had assumed it was one week, month or 10th or 11th of this month.  Called again when contact did not occur, and she sees a 3 and 4 making her think those are weeks, and the original prediction was one month.  Sees him coming back and us having an opportunity to be together romantically.  If we do get together, it will be up and down and will only work out if he gets counseling.

LisaDianne - Chance will return sometime between March 21st and the first week of April.  Sees him meeting my daughters May 19th.  I also asked her about the ex.  The ex's marriage will end soon, but I need to stop thinking about him bc he's unemotional.

DeniseMonique - Sees Chance reaching out on March 30th or 31st.  Vividly described a day meeting between us as a result of that contact.  Sees us together in April with him making a lot of effort to show me he's serious this time.

FaeryLady - Almost exactly what DeniseMonique said.  He'll reach out end of March.  He'll do the work to show me he wants the commitment.

Barbara4846 - He and the ex are already having problems and will break up soon.  He'll come back.  We'll be together bc I'll take him back, and she sees us getting married...  Told me to call her 3 to 4 weeks after the call to tell her he was back.  This would put the timeframe at the end of the month. 

AstroSarah - He's coming back.  She doesn't like to give timeframes, but she said April, but possibly sooner.  We'll have fun, but he's not the man I'm going to marry. 

SandyEsther - Wants me to pray.  She sees him going through some sort of "recovery" period in the next couple of weeks, and then he'll reach out.  Didn't make any real long term predictions bc she was mad I hadn't read some psalms she told me to read.  She said there was some sort of spiritual attack and she needs me to overcome it.  Sees my newly married ex coming forward and making an advance. 

LadyPersephone - He went back to the ex to feed his ego, and he will come back to me "soon".  She doesn't know if I'll want him when he returns though because I think it's gross that he's gone back to the ex.  This is true as I see him differently now.   

Aurora - The only one who saw him going back to the ex.  She doesn't see him returning until the end of spring, but could be sooner she said if I let go of timeframes.  She said it will be up to me if I want him back, an she can't see what I'll decide. 

Cookie - He and I will date, but he won't want to commit.  No timeframe given. 

So, most timeframes are for the end of March.  I guess I'll know soon enough, and I'll respond to this post to let you know who, if anyone, was accurate. 


Offline Synergy

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2012, 03:58:39 PM »
Oh!  I forgot WhiteLightAngel.  Debra sees him coming forward around the second week of April. 



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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2012, 04:55:56 PM »
Im sorry to hear that  your predictions haven't come true in the time frame given. When I was reading what you said about Denise Monique, I remembered she told me the same thing back in December that my guy and I would meet, and he would take me out and we would discuss what happen and that we would get back together. She also said that by Feb. We would be discussing marriage plans. She was so detailed and even quoted a conversation that she saw him having with me. She said what he would say and then said what I would say. I hung up with her being thrilled. However, none of what she said happened. Not the date or the conversation. So now I see the same pattern with someone else.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 11:04:11 PM by Highlyfavored2 »

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2012, 05:35:47 PM »

Thanks so much for the dose of positive energy!  I am actually taking this a lot better than I would've expected.  I did go on a mini-rampage and spoke with Hatter and Aurora.

Hatter gave me a negative reading, and Aurora said pretty much what she's told me before.  She doesn't think this is completely over, and she sees us having another opportunity to be together romantically.

Aurora told me something similar to what Cookie has told me and what Kisha told you.  Aurora told me that I need to stop having negative thoughts, and that when I think of him it should be in an inviting sense.  I should picture myself with my arms open, welcoming him towards me.  She said that in the past two weeks he has been talking himself out of contacting me, which he had actually started convincing himself to do.  She said I need to rid my thoughts of negativity, so that he feels like it's ok to come forward.  Aurora also told me to stop talking to people who tell me that he's too good for me or those who say they don't see us getting back together.  She said sometimes people unknowingly "curse" you with their negative thoughts.  Cookie also told me that I am my own worst enemy, as Kisha told you, because she says I always have doubt.  She told me to start believing that it will happen, and then it will.

I actually consider myself a very positive person, but I can admit that since so many readers were wrong when I used to call about "J" that I fear they will be wrong about a reconnection with Chance.  I am going to start believing that we will reconnect, in an effort to manifest.  We can do this!

Also, I am so sorry to hear about Denise Monique giving everyone the same reading.  I can't believe she charges so much!  It's terrible.  She's a fraud. 

Thanks again, kth.  I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way, as well!

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2012, 04:11:48 PM »
Hello everyone.  I figured I'd provide an update to my tally.

Absolutely nothing has come to pass.  Everyone who predicted contact between the end of March and mid-April has been wrong.  In fact, I went to lunch with two of our mutual friends yesterday, and everything they had to say seems to indicate that this is a lost cause, and I am waiting on someone who doesn't miss me at all and is enjoying his freedom to sleep with random women. 

Kisha, AstroSarah, LadyP, Sincerity and Aurora maintain that he will initiate contact sometime in the next 3 weeks. MsLisaM says it will be another 6 weeks.  Lania says end of Spring. Barbara sees something significant in July.  Northstarjulie says 2-3 months. 

All these readers who see him coming back have also told me that this will be an up and down relationship that will take a lot of work.  Julie advised me not to take him back, and Sarah said that I would take him back even though I probably shouldn't.  Kisha has expressed similar sentiments.  Only Barbara has said that this will be an absolutely wonderful relationship, and I am convinced she's too positive. 

I had the most amazing call with MagicalSandra this morning.  I didn't say a word and she told me everything that happened between us and was absolutely right.  She told me to run for the hills and not to take this man back if he returns.  I think she's right, but I'm an idiot, so if he comes back I think I'm going to learn the hard way that this is a mistake.  He does need to come back first, though, and at this point I don't see that happening...

My wallet and my mind need a break from these readings, so I am hoping to stop getting readings until something happens.  If I don't hear from him, I will seriously lose all hope in psychics. 

Ok everyone.  I wish I was updating my tally to tell you all that my predictions have manifested, but I am sorry to say that the opposite is true.  I still have MANY pending predictions for contact and all of them are for sometime in April (from the first week to mid-month), so I will continue to update once those dates pass.

Well, Nancy, Denise Monique, and Allynis were all wrong with regards to contact.  I called Nancy multiple times, and each time she said March 30th, so I was really hopeful.  I did not hear from Chance on that date.  In fact, I should mention that he has not initiated contact since we were still together in January.  I ran into him on March 19th, but nothing significant happened.  Anyways, Denise Monique gave me a very detailed prediction saying that he would contact me on March 30th or 31st, and that we would meet for a lunch date as a result of the contact.  We would then begin dating, and he would spend all of April courting me and trying to convince me that he's ready for a relationship.  I did call her before the original timeframe came to pass, and she changed the prediction to the first week of April, so if I do hear from him this week I will update everyone and will change her to being correct instead of incorrect.

I did call Allynis after I created this tally.  We spoke last Sunday the 25th.  She told me that I wouldn't believe her, but that I would get contact from him in 7 calendar days.  That means I should've heard from him by yesterday, and I didn't. 

I have spoken to many other readers since I created this tally.  Sapphire21 said she could not provide me with dates and also couldn't even tell me if we'd get back together again.  She told me about his feelings, and she said that the only thing that is certain is that he and I will definitely talk about what happened.  She doesn't know what will happen after that. 

Here are some new predictions from the readers I had already contacted:

Kisha - Sees a 3 for contact.  Could be the 30th (didn't happen), the 3rd, or the 3rd week in April.  Says I will feel good about things with him in May.

Lady Persephone - He will return mid-April.  Was correct with prediction of short term reconciliation between Chance and his ex.

Aurora - 2nd week of April

LisaDianne - Prediction still pending.  First week of April.  Was also correct about Chance and the ex not being together for long.

Cookie - No timeframe given and I am a bit confused by her predictions.  She did give me a big one so i will confirm if/when it happens

Barbara - Only says he will reach out soon.  She was correct in a previous prediction regarding Chance and his ex not lasting very long

Advisor Lania - End of Spring

Esme Spenser - Says he'll come back but not anytime soon

I'll provide updates as the dates pass or if contact does occur. 

I saw Amaranth's great post, and I've decided to create one of my own.  Thanks for the idea, Amaranth!

I've been calling readers about my situation with Chance.  All my readers are from Keen, and, yes, there are a lot of calls to report on.

Here we go...

Kisha - Saw "1" for contact from Chance and had assumed it was one week, month or 10th or 11th of this month.  Called again when contact did not occur, and she sees a 3 and 4 making her think those are weeks, and the original prediction was one month.  Sees him coming back and us having an opportunity to be together romantically.  If we do get together, it will be up and down and will only work out if he gets counseling.

LisaDianne - Chance will return sometime between March 21st and the first week of April.  Sees him meeting my daughters May 19th.  I also asked her about the ex.  The ex's marriage will end soon, but I need to stop thinking about him bc he's unemotional.

DeniseMonique - Sees Chance reaching out on March 30th or 31st.  Vividly described a day meeting between us as a result of that contact.  Sees us together in April with him making a lot of effort to show me he's serious this time.

FaeryLady - Almost exactly what DeniseMonique said.  He'll reach out end of March.  He'll do the work to show me he wants the commitment.

Barbara4846 - He and the ex are already having problems and will break up soon.  He'll come back.  We'll be together bc I'll take him back, and she sees us getting married...  Told me to call her 3 to 4 weeks after the call to tell her he was back.  This would put the timeframe at the end of the month. 

AstroSarah - He's coming back.  She doesn't like to give timeframes, but she said April, but possibly sooner.  We'll have fun, but he's not the man I'm going to marry. 

SandyEsther - Wants me to pray.  She sees him going through some sort of "recovery" period in the next couple of weeks, and then he'll reach out.  Didn't make any real long term predictions bc she was mad I hadn't read some psalms she told me to read.  She said there was some sort of spiritual attack and she needs me to overcome it.  Sees my newly married ex coming forward and making an advance. 

LadyPersephone - He went back to the ex to feed his ego, and he will come back to me "soon".  She doesn't know if I'll want him when he returns though because I think it's gross that he's gone back to the ex.  This is true as I see him differently now.   

Aurora - The only one who saw him going back to the ex.  She doesn't see him returning until the end of spring, but could be sooner she said if I let go of timeframes.  She said it will be up to me if I want him back, an she can't see what I'll decide. 

Cookie - He and I will date, but he won't want to commit.  No timeframe given. 

So, most timeframes are for the end of March.  I guess I'll know soon enough, and I'll respond to this post to let you know who, if anyone, was accurate. 


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2012, 06:13:56 PM »
Synergy,,I'm sorry. I know you have to be bummed out.  I've read with eveyone you listed here too.  Barbara told me years ago I'd be married within months to the idiot that MagicalSandra saved me from wasting time on.  The man has been through 2 marriages and divorces and two DUIs and an incarceration since I was obsessed with calling readers about him.   MagicalSandra predicted it all and told me I'd never get what I wanted from the man -that he would be in my life forever if I wanted and let him, but not the way I wanted.  She was 100% accurate on him.  I didn't listen to her in the beginning and kept calling others too for awhile, believing their BS and letting him come and go in my life.  I could have saved myself so much pain (and money) if I'd listened to her from the beginning. There are just too many fairytales out there on Keen, but you won't get one from her.  Did she think he'd come back around?

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2012, 07:18:34 PM »
I read with Magical Sandra for the first time recently and then had my 2nd reading a few days ago. She is ethical, honest, and a true psychic. She WON"T give you a fairy tale. She looks for other avenues to explore if what is currently going on isn't working. Highly recommend her if you can get her to read for you. If you are looking for validation of another reader or if you want timing, she isn't who to call. If you are in need of fresh new insight, she is excellent. She asked me to not call for 3 weeks to see what happens - but if I need her I can call anytime and she is there for me. What more can you ask for? Her initial 2 predictions did manifest.

One side note - I've gone through A LOT over the last 5 years and she saw it all without me telling her and she also knew I didn't want to talk about it. LOL


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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2012, 08:36:06 PM »
Magicalsandra has (2) listing she will usually email you if you get in line for the listing for her regular callers and tell you that she doesn't take new callers on that line. She then told me she will meditate and see if she could help me. After about 2 days she emailed me back and told me which listing to call her on.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 12:38:11 AM by Highlyfavored2 »

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Re: Synergy's Tally
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2012, 08:59:41 PM »
Highlyfavored2 - she meditated for me before my first reading too. My second reading she already had a spread of cards down when she called me back. I personally think she is trying to see if she can connect before taking the call.

