I think, often when we call, we're mentally vulnerable to the power of influence. Even if we are skeptical of a psychic, catch a caller in a raw and vulnerable state, and they will want to believe what they are being told. When a psychic says "You'll meet someone..." is it a true prediction or are they just planting a seed? Does the desire to meet someone + believing in the certainty of it happening = creating your reality?
Yes! That's what I mean. People are very suggestible to influence, whether they realize it or not. It's just how the human mind works. Especially when we are feeling vulnerable.
I think a psychic could say, you'll meet someone, and then if the caller really believes it and wants that to happen they are more likely to put themselves in the time and place for it to happen.
It's also possible that the caller might try to "make" it happen by going up to someone and introducing themselves when they wouldn't normally have done that.
How many have gotten contact predictions for a certain timeframe, and when it didn't happen they decided to make contact themselves? Does that mean the psychic's prediction came true?
On the other side, a psychic can predict something totally realistic and plausible, but what happens if your beliefs about things are so strong that, in some way, shape or form, you keep it from happening? Does that mean the psychic was wrong?
It probably depends on the situation. I feel like a really good psychic, one who is REALLY on their game, would pick up on that and try to talk to the person about it.
Sweet Psychic is good at this. She asked me how I felt about her predictions...I don't know if she does that with everyone but I think it's a very good question to ask. I told her that I have doubts because this has gone on for so long. She told me that my doubts were blocking it from happening. And I do know that...this really isn't even due to a complicated set of beliefs, just plain old doubt...but it feels so hard to change it and has been like a vicious cycle I couldn't break out of. However she more than anyone gave me the confidence to believe this can still happen.
A lot of readers, I felt like just "dumped" a prediction on me that felt totally unrealistic, and gave me no real reason to believe in it, and didn't check to see whether my energy and beliefs could realistically allow something like that to manifest. It would just leave me feeling more upset and confused.
As an example, years ago I was 85lbs overweight. I absolutely, and firmly, believed a man would not be attracted to me and, if he was, he was probably a pervert who had some weird fat fetish. I'd call for readings asking about an ex and, from time to time, be told I would meet someone else (within whatever time frame they gave). No psychic ever picked up that I was overweight and had limiting beliefs.
Sure, deep down, I wanted to believe some guy would see beyond the weight and love me unconditionally. The reality was, I was so disbelieving and guarded, that there was no way I was going to meet someone. Were the psychics wrong? Or was I keeping myself from allowing those predictions to manifest?
Aw...well yeah that is the kind of thing I feel like they should pick up on.
Scott Angel was pretty amazing at that...he uncovered my deeper beliefs that were getting in the way, and he gave me some good advice about how to change them, all in a pretty short amount of time.
Hmmn...Steve Gunn was pretty good at this too, although he didn't go in depth as much. I wonder if male readers might be better at this for some reason?
I know a lot of readers just don't believe in ycyor at all. Some have told me that and told me that your beliefs shouldn't make any difference in how their predictions manifest.
These days, when a psychic makes a prediction rather than saying to myself, "Okay, let's see if this happens..." I say something like, "Do I really believe this is possible? Really possible?"
Me too! I keep asking myself, do I really believe this? That's what Sweet Psychic was asking me too, both times I read with her.