Author Topic: LadyPersephone  (Read 247763 times)

Offline Lala123

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #615 on: September 21, 2021, 05:12:03 PM »
What she said hasn't happened, at least not yet. We are not back together by any means just had more communication recently than usual, however he seems to have pulled away so shes right about it being rocky. I'm just doubting that this prediction of her saying we will get back together is going to happen. In january she made it seem like it would be very soon but here we are 8 months later.

I read with her a while back and I do remember her not being comfortable giving a timeline. I also remember her being more of an empath than someone who predictions one can count on, but I could be wrong. its great what she said happened for you though.

So I hs another reading with lady p today about a poi I previously read about In January and one more time after that. In the first two readings she was sure we’d be getting back together down the line. For a while I didn’t think of this and tried to move on and see others but Poi and I recently had communications and I decided to get another reading on him. She basically said she sees things being rocky but that she did a card spread and sees our end result as us being together.

I asked if she sees us working on things again sooner than later and she said she does not want to do timing but it could be in the next couple of weeks but to not hold her to that. Anyone have similar experiences??? Feel free to PM me.

Offline wishes215

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #616 on: September 21, 2021, 08:07:54 PM »
ok now that makes more sense. i always found her to be someone who gave good suggestions to help better the situation.

What she said hasn't happened, at least not yet. We are not back together by any means just had more communication recently than usual, however he seems to have pulled away so shes right about it being rocky. I'm just doubting that this prediction of her saying we will get back together is going to happen. In january she made it seem like it would be very soon but here we are 8 months later.

I read with her a while back and I do remember her not being comfortable giving a timeline. I also remember her being more of an empath than someone who predictions one can count on, but I could be wrong. its great what she said happened for you though.

So I hs another reading with lady p today about a poi I previously read about In January and one more time after that. In the first two readings she was sure we’d be getting back together down the line. For a while I didn’t think of this and tried to move on and see others but Poi and I recently had communications and I decided to get another reading on him. She basically said she sees things being rocky but that she did a card spread and sees our end result as us being together.

I asked if she sees us working on things again sooner than later and she said she does not want to do timing but it could be in the next couple of weeks but to not hold her to that. Anyone have similar experiences??? Feel free to PM me.

Offline Qcnm

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #617 on: March 19, 2022, 11:57:21 AM »
Any updates on this reader ?

Offline Qcnm

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #618 on: March 24, 2022, 08:43:40 AM »

Offline lala

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #619 on: March 12, 2023, 06:17:30 AM »
Any updates?

Offline love123

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #620 on: April 07, 2023, 10:00:29 PM »
I read with her off her site today! I was really impressed, she picked up on my POI and our situation right away, didn't ask questions just dove right in. Will wait to see if her predictions pass!

Offline Stone88

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #621 on: April 08, 2023, 12:46:18 AM »
Could you let us know what her website is pls?

Offline love123

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #622 on: April 08, 2023, 01:57:51 AM »

Offline russianred

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #623 on: December 01, 2023, 05:17:13 PM »
Does anyone have any updates on her?

I like flat-rate readings at this point (I've spent way too much on Keen in my life), and she has a lot of availability on her site.

Offline lala

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #624 on: April 18, 2024, 09:34:40 PM »
any updates on this reader?

Offline kika

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #625 on: April 24, 2024, 09:52:52 PM »
Had a reading with her today. She is coming back to Keen.

Offline artsygirlms

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #626 on: July 01, 2024, 08:29:28 PM »
I love LadyP. Her and Karen Jo help me the most. The rest are just me being an addict and throwing my money away.

I had a reading with LadyP 2 months ago and everything has lined up. She definitely gives me peace even though my situation is not easy at all right now and no, it is not all fairytales and easy/positive.

But when she picks up on things/people that I know are in the mix and his feelings about that stuff that I know to be true, that gives a level of trust. Especially when I didn't ask anything or say a word. I think I will continue to check in with her every two months.

Offline KikiWelll

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #627 on: July 03, 2024, 06:55:10 PM »
Hey, I came here from another forum. I've been going through a very complicated situation with my love life, so I started my journey with readings from different psychics a few years ago. I tried tens and tens of them and built up the list of my go-to's who have been proven to some accuracy. I have been sharing my honest reviews about all of them.
Based on recommendations on this forum, I tried Yona Farrell, Karen Jo, and Lady Persephone so far.
Well Lady P was good for me! She picked up my situation pretty well without me mentioning things she was able to see on her own, she also was accurate about feelings and current things that I can confirm. She gave me the same picture of my situation as those other good readers that match with reality too. I can not speak for her predictions tho since it's too soon.
But I think I can give her positive feedback.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #628 on: July 04, 2024, 03:48:33 PM »
LadyP never got anything right for me future wise. I can't even remember if she got current things right for me since it was so long ago but it doesn't matter because the guy i was calling about during that time never made a true commitment to me and married someone else. Glad i didn't have that path though he's divorced and seems like he hasn't matured at all.

Offline KikiWelll

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Re: LadyPersephone
« Reply #629 on: July 04, 2024, 04:38:33 PM »
Oh wow, yes I had a similar situation too...
But she was wrong still in picking up the current and future?
She told me the same things as many other readers and some details about the person wich was correct.