Author Topic: ARIES INTUITION - NEW OFFICIAL THREAD  (Read 379605 times)

Offline 2jp3

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« Reply #1170 on: February 04, 2023, 08:57:23 PM »
I read with Kisha about 5 times in the past 3.5 years.. 1 general reading in late 2019 and the rest phone calls. Do you think I would be considered an established client?

I waited this much time in communication because I wanted to wait before I get another general reading (since it predicts more than 2+ years out). I purchased a general email yesterday and discovered that April is her final reading when I returned back on here and saw the recent comments.. I just hope Kisha sees that I have read with her in the past a few times  :-\

Offline cinderella

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« Reply #1171 on: February 04, 2023, 10:33:13 PM »
You are considered one because you've read with her :)

Offline wishes215

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« Reply #1172 on: February 05, 2023, 08:01:38 PM »
so what I would be interested in knowing is whether any pf her predictions came true for you from back then? seeing you've give it enough time to manifest.

I read with Kisha about 5 times in the past 3.5 years.. 1 general reading in late 2019 and the rest phone calls. Do you think I would be considered an established client?

I waited this much time in communication because I wanted to wait before I get another general reading (since it predicts more than 2+ years out). I purchased a general email yesterday and discovered that April is her final reading when I returned back on here and saw the recent comments.. I just hope Kisha sees that I have read with her in the past a few times  :-\

Offline 2jp3

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« Reply #1173 on: February 05, 2023, 11:21:41 PM »
She was right about me having a new job opportunity - she said a number and expressed it’ll either be that number of months, or the month that the number represents (i.e. March = 3.. so 3 months from now or in March) she was right about that, I started a new job on that month. She said this is NOT the final step in my career journey.. I don’t know what’s next since I’ve been here at that same job for 3 years (well, I have my goals and know what I want. Just don’t know when it’ll happen)

She also brought up someone I will meet having an impact on me professionally.. not sure if this happened yet.. yes I did meet 2 men who were somewhat involved in my career/business who helped, but nothing groundbreaking or impactful (and I do not talk to these men anymore, so I don’t think I met who she’s talking about)

She talked about a guy in my life currently (at that time) and that friendship/relationship potential not manifesting yet.. no idea who she was talking about. No one in my life at that time or currently from that time rings a bell.

She did mention a vacation, but the vacation she described vs what I ended up going to randomly didn’t match her description and happened way longer than she said. Another vacation that WOULD have matched what she said.. never happened. I blocked those women right before the trip and no longer friends. If it had happened I could say “yeah that sounds like what she described..” but never did. 

Her love reading for me was short and I don’t think it matched. Yes I did date people at that time.. actually the guy I lost my V to. So maybe yes? The month she said I have to make decisions on my love life.. was the month I made the decision to have sex for the first time. Ok so maybe it sort of did stick actually.

She was right about my personality and inner thoughts. Her guides mentioned something that I am passionate about. She was right about my social life taking off. I don’t know if I met the people she said I would about my passion who would help me.. but I was amazed that her guide said a word that’s exactly what I want a business/financial freedom from. Yes I did make a lot of connections since then.. but I still don’t have that “word” she’s saying. I WAS close through 1 connection.. but he was a narcissist and I didn’t want to sacrifice myself or safety for the promise/potential of that business or help from him. He is blocked. So there HAS to be someone else and my journey to that isn’t done yet.

She was right when she mentioned how I am with money (although I am having a set back as we speak.. 2022 was rough for me financially..) but regardless she was correct about me improving financially after my reading (and I’ll get back on my feet!)

Oh and I did move. I moved out my parents home and have been living along months after she told me I wound (I think she was a month or so off.. but she was right.) I had plans to move and I did it.
So she was right about new job (down to the month), her guide said a that describes my passion/what I am working towards doing for financial freedom, social life did in fact improve, I did meet significant people (but I still have have that “thing”.. so I’m still wanting), and she described my personality pretty well.
I do wish this time, she/her guides talk about love  :-[ I’m at a age in my life, although still young (kid 20s), but I’m prioritizing finding the right guy and getting married in less than 5 years, preferably. I also hope her guides mention that “thing” that I’m passionate about so that I can get answers on if I’ll ever afford to do it and when.

so what I would be interested in knowing is whether any pf her predictions came true for you from back then? seeing you've give it enough time to manifest.

I read with Kisha about 5 times in the past 3.5 years.. 1 general reading in late 2019 and the rest phone calls. Do you think I would be considered an established client?

I waited this much time in communication because I wanted to wait before I get another general reading (since it predicts more than 2+ years out). I purchased a general email yesterday and discovered that April is her final reading when I returned back on here and saw the recent comments.. I just hope Kisha sees that I have read with her in the past a few times  :-\
« Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 11:28:41 PM by 2jp3 »

Offline sugarsky

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« Reply #1174 on: February 06, 2023, 09:00:09 PM »
She was right about me having a new job opportunity - she said a number and expressed it’ll either be that number of months, or the month that the number represents (i.e. March = 3.. so 3 months from now or in March) she was right about that, I started a new job on that month. She said this is NOT the final step in my career journey.. I don’t know what’s next since I’ve been here at that same job for 3 years (well, I have my goals and know what I want. Just don’t know when it’ll happen)

She also brought up someone I will meet having an impact on me professionally.. not sure if this happened yet.. yes I did meet 2 men who were somewhat involved in my career/business who helped, but nothing groundbreaking or impactful (and I do not talk to these men anymore, so I don’t think I met who she’s talking about)

She talked about a guy in my life currently (at that time) and that friendship/relationship potential not manifesting yet.. no idea who she was talking about. No one in my life at that time or currently from that time rings a bell.

She did mention a vacation, but the vacation she described vs what I ended up going to randomly didn’t match her description and happened way longer than she said. Another vacation that WOULD have matched what she said.. never happened. I blocked those women right before the trip and no longer friends. If it had happened I could say “yeah that sounds like what she described..” but never did. 

Her love reading for me was short and I don’t think it matched. Yes I did date people at that time.. actually the guy I lost my V to. So maybe yes? The month she said I have to make decisions on my love life.. was the month I made the decision to have sex for the first time. Ok so maybe it sort of did stick actually.

She was right about my personality and inner thoughts. Her guides mentioned something that I am passionate about. She was right about my social life taking off. I don’t know if I met the people she said I would about my passion who would help me.. but I was amazed that her guide said a word that’s exactly what I want a business/financial freedom from. Yes I did make a lot of connections since then.. but I still don’t have that “word” she’s saying. I WAS close through 1 connection.. but he was a narcissist and I didn’t want to sacrifice myself or safety for the promise/potential of that business or help from him. He is blocked. So there HAS to be someone else and my journey to that isn’t done yet.

She was right when she mentioned how I am with money (although I am having a set back as we speak.. 2022 was rough for me financially..) but regardless she was correct about me improving financially after my reading (and I’ll get back on my feet!)

Oh and I did move. I moved out my parents home and have been living along months after she told me I wound (I think she was a month or so off.. but she was right.) I had plans to move and I did it.
So she was right about new job (down to the month), her guide said a that describes my passion/what I am working towards doing for financial freedom, social life did in fact improve, I did meet significant people (but I still have have that “thing”.. so I’m still wanting), and she described my personality pretty well.
I do wish this time, she/her guides talk about love  :-[ I’m at a age in my life, although still young (kid 20s), but I’m prioritizing finding the right guy and getting married in less than 5 years, preferably. I also hope her guides mention that “thing” that I’m passionate about so that I can get answers on if I’ll ever afford to do it and when.

so what I would be interested in knowing is whether any pf her predictions came true for you from back then? seeing you've give it enough time to manifest.

I read with Kisha about 5 times in the past 3.5 years.. 1 general reading in late 2019 and the rest phone calls. Do you think I would be considered an established client?

I waited this much time in communication because I wanted to wait before I get another general reading (since it predicts more than 2+ years out). I purchased a general email yesterday and discovered that April is her final reading when I returned back on here and saw the recent comments.. I just hope Kisha sees that I have read with her in the past a few times  :-\

Hi- quick q
When you say you got your career opportunity, do you mean it happened in March? Or 3 months from the time of the reading

Offline Intheotherside

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« Reply #1175 on: February 07, 2023, 12:10:43 AM »
YEs, she is retiring and wont do any more readings. I am like you, trust her and only read with her....

Whaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! There are no other psychics out there that I trust like I do her. I don't talk to anyone else. I didn't get that email. I'm gonna ask her about that in my reading next week with her. I can't even do it without her guidance every few months. I'm going to check if she posted that on her website anywhere. I'm shocked and sad about that.

Offline Intheotherside

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« Reply #1176 on: February 07, 2023, 12:15:15 AM »

There are many outstanding readers out there. I know a few. But they are not affordable. I am sad but happy for her, I know she will be focusing on her job.

Thank you Nature Girl.

I am truly heart broken. I got her email too. She is indeed retiring. I can understand that it must be so draining for her to connect with so many different energies, plus work a full time job etc. I feel drained just working my one job and running my little Etsy job typing out soul contract readings and astrological reports. I get it.

I wish she would just consider maybe taking a sabbatical for awhile and then returning. Or maybe just only do readings like once a month or something. I wish there could be an in between. So many people look to her for guidance. There is NO ONE out there like her. Not even close. I've never found one to day.

I've been talking to her since 2010. She's my one and only. I honestly do not know what I'm going to do without her guidance in my life. I feel anxiety so bad and a bit lost. I just read with her every 3 or 4 months but her readings are what keep me going, not with relationships, just with spiritual guidance and life in general. I'm able to navigate better and make better choices. I'm prepared for what's coming and all of that.

I hope she returns someday. I really, really, really do. I love her so much and I respect her so much. She's a wonderful and genuine person. So hard to come by these days. :(

Hold on. You’re a psychic?

Also, we’re all allowed to be sad she’s retiring but, it’s a bit selfish to ask she keep working to serve you. Sometimes we need to follow our own intuition and make decisions based on the full picture we are experiencing. Kisha sees snippets and part of her retiring could very well be because people are becoming too dependent on her. She’s posted thing alluding to that on her wix time and time again recently.

No. I am not a psychic. I do numerology and astrology. The soul contracts are based upon numerology. I'm intuitive, but not enough to be a reader and claim to know other people's situations and make predictions and all of that, nor do I claim to do so. I wouldn't want to lead anyone astray.

I think you read my message wrong. I'm not asking her to "serve me". I won't be asking her to do anything. I guess you missed the part where I said that I understood why she's retiring. Every person is in need of spiritual guidance whether they obtain that guidance through means of meditation on their own, or through the gifts of someone else that is able to tune in to our guides. Sometimes making a decision based upon the present experience isn't always wise either simply because most of the time, those decisions are based upon temporary emotional states. We can't see the bigger picture and this is why we turn to people like Kisha.

I, personally, am unable to meditate. I've tried a thousand times. It just doesn't happen for me. At least not yet. I like to be prepared for things and it's difficult for me to live in such uncertainty. Many humans are like that. But then, there are those that enjoy living in uncertainty and it is simple for them to just go with whatever. Not everyone is the same.

Is it selfish if a person needs a counselor or a psychologist or a life coach to help them through? Isn't that what they chose to do? There's no difference here. A psychic, a REAL ONE, is a spiritual counselor of sorts rather than psychological. If you were seeing the same counselor or coach for 13 years and they were really making a difference in your life and helping you make personal changes that bettered your life, you wouldn't be sad that they were suddenly retiring? You wouldn't wish they would stick around for a bit? That doesn't mean you go harass them and ask them to just be there for you and screw how drained they are feeling, but you are entitled to have your own feelings about it as well as understanding why they are making the choice to retire.

Hope that helps you understand better.

Offline 2jp3

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« Reply #1177 on: February 07, 2023, 04:01:28 AM »
It happen the month. Guides showed her a number, and she interpreted as either the amount of months I’l get the job, or the actual month. She said, for example, “it’ll happen in 3 months or the month of March”. It happened in March (which was a few months away, very close)

She was right about me having a new job opportunity - she said a number and expressed it’ll either be that number of months, or the month that the number represents (i.e. March = 3.. so 3 months from now or in March) she was right about that, I started a new job on that month. She said this is NOT the final step in my career journey.. I don’t know what’s next since I’ve been here at that same job for 3 years (well, I have my goals and know what I want. Just don’t know when it’ll happen)

She also brought up someone I will meet having an impact on me professionally.. not sure if this happened yet.. yes I did meet 2 men who were somewhat involved in my career/business who helped, but nothing groundbreaking or impactful (and I do not talk to these men anymore, so I don’t think I met who she’s talking about)

She talked about a guy in my life currently (at that time) and that friendship/relationship potential not manifesting yet.. no idea who she was talking about. No one in my life at that time or currently from that time rings a bell.

She did mention a vacation, but the vacation she described vs what I ended up going to randomly didn’t match her description and happened way longer than she said. Another vacation that WOULD have matched what she said.. never happened. I blocked those women right before the trip and no longer friends. If it had happened I could say “yeah that sounds like what she described..” but never did. 

Her love reading for me was short and I don’t think it matched. Yes I did date people at that time.. actually the guy I lost my V to. So maybe yes? The month she said I have to make decisions on my love life.. was the month I made the decision to have sex for the first time. Ok so maybe it sort of did stick actually.

She was right about my personality and inner thoughts. Her guides mentioned something that I am passionate about. She was right about my social life taking off. I don’t know if I met the people she said I would about my passion who would help me.. but I was amazed that her guide said a word that’s exactly what I want a business/financial freedom from. Yes I did make a lot of connections since then.. but I still don’t have that “word” she’s saying. I WAS close through 1 connection.. but he was a narcissist and I didn’t want to sacrifice myself or safety for the promise/potential of that business or help from him. He is blocked. So there HAS to be someone else and my journey to that isn’t done yet.

She was right when she mentioned how I am with money (although I am having a set back as we speak.. 2022 was rough for me financially..) but regardless she was correct about me improving financially after my reading (and I’ll get back on my feet!)

Oh and I did move. I moved out my parents home and have been living along months after she told me I wound (I think she was a month or so off.. but she was right.) I had plans to move and I did it.
So she was right about new job (down to the month), her guide said a that describes my passion/what I am working towards doing for financial freedom, social life did in fact improve, I did meet significant people (but I still have have that “thing”.. so I’m still wanting), and she described my personality pretty well.
I do wish this time, she/her guides talk about love  :-[ I’m at a age in my life, although still young (kid 20s), but I’m prioritizing finding the right guy and getting married in less than 5 years, preferably. I also hope her guides mention that “thing” that I’m passionate about so that I can get answers on if I’ll ever afford to do it and when.

so what I would be interested in knowing is whether any pf her predictions came true for you from back then? seeing you've give it enough time to manifest.

I read with Kisha about 5 times in the past 3.5 years.. 1 general reading in late 2019 and the rest phone calls. Do you think I would be considered an established client?

I waited this much time in communication because I wanted to wait before I get another general reading (since it predicts more than 2+ years out). I purchased a general email yesterday and discovered that April is her final reading when I returned back on here and saw the recent comments.. I just hope Kisha sees that I have read with her in the past a few times  :-\

Hi- quick q
When you say you got your career opportunity, do you mean it happened in March? Or 3 months from the time of the reading

Offline sugarsky

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« Reply #1178 on: February 07, 2023, 07:49:05 AM »
It happen the month. Guides showed her a number, and she interpreted as either the amount of months I’l get the job, or the actual month. She said, for example, “it’ll happen in 3 months or the month of March”. It happened in March (which was a few months away, very close)

She was right about me having a new job opportunity - she said a number and expressed it’ll either be that number of months, or the month that the number represents (i.e. March = 3.. so 3 months from now or in March) she was right about that, I started a new job on that month. She said this is NOT the final step in my career journey.. I don’t know what’s next since I’ve been here at that same job for 3 years (well, I have my goals and know what I want. Just don’t know when it’ll happen)

She also brought up someone I will meet having an impact on me professionally.. not sure if this happened yet.. yes I did meet 2 men who were somewhat involved in my career/business who helped, but nothing groundbreaking or impactful (and I do not talk to these men anymore, so I don’t think I met who she’s talking about)

She talked about a guy in my life currently (at that time) and that friendship/relationship potential not manifesting yet.. no idea who she was talking about. No one in my life at that time or currently from that time rings a bell.

She did mention a vacation, but the vacation she described vs what I ended up going to randomly didn’t match her description and happened way longer than she said. Another vacation that WOULD have matched what she said.. never happened. I blocked those women right before the trip and no longer friends. If it had happened I could say “yeah that sounds like what she described..” but never did. 

Her love reading for me was short and I don’t think it matched. Yes I did date people at that time.. actually the guy I lost my V to. So maybe yes? The month she said I have to make decisions on my love life.. was the month I made the decision to have sex for the first time. Ok so maybe it sort of did stick actually.

She was right about my personality and inner thoughts. Her guides mentioned something that I am passionate about. She was right about my social life taking off. I don’t know if I met the people she said I would about my passion who would help me.. but I was amazed that her guide said a word that’s exactly what I want a business/financial freedom from. Yes I did make a lot of connections since then.. but I still don’t have that “word” she’s saying. I WAS close through 1 connection.. but he was a narcissist and I didn’t want to sacrifice myself or safety for the promise/potential of that business or help from him. He is blocked. So there HAS to be someone else and my journey to that isn’t done yet.

She was right when she mentioned how I am with money (although I am having a set back as we speak.. 2022 was rough for me financially..) but regardless she was correct about me improving financially after my reading (and I’ll get back on my feet!)

Oh and I did move. I moved out my parents home and have been living along months after she told me I wound (I think she was a month or so off.. but she was right.) I had plans to move and I did it.
So she was right about new job (down to the month), her guide said a that describes my passion/what I am working towards doing for financial freedom, social life did in fact improve, I did meet significant people (but I still have have that “thing”.. so I’m still wanting), and she described my personality pretty well.
I do wish this time, she/her guides talk about love  :-[ I’m at a age in my life, although still young (kid 20s), but I’m prioritizing finding the right guy and getting married in less than 5 years, preferably. I also hope her guides mention that “thing” that I’m passionate about so that I can get answers on if I’ll ever afford to do it and when.

so what I would be interested in knowing is whether any pf her predictions came true for you from back then? seeing you've give it enough time to manifest.

I read with Kisha about 5 times in the past 3.5 years.. 1 general reading in late 2019 and the rest phone calls. Do you think I would be considered an established client?

I waited this much time in communication because I wanted to wait before I get another general reading (since it predicts more than 2+ years out). I purchased a general email yesterday and discovered that April is her final reading when I returned back on here and saw the recent comments.. I just hope Kisha sees that I have read with her in the past a few times  :-\

Hi- quick q
When you say you got your career opportunity, do you mean it happened in March? Or 3 months from the time of the reading

Got it - thank u for sharing !!

Offline Intheotherside

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« Reply #1179 on: February 07, 2023, 11:43:52 PM »
But be aware teh month not necessarily is in that year.... Because I had a prediction that she mentioned 7 or July, I thought it was last year, but didn't happen yet. Could be this year or next year .... within 36 months

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« Reply #1180 on: March 01, 2023, 03:35:32 AM »
I had a love path reading with her in October. Not sure what to think. She said I would be waiting for this guy who isn't making any moves and he will makes moves in June. She also said I would have 2 kids back to back and it would change my life.

Offline Amoula

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« Reply #1181 on: March 07, 2023, 02:24:37 PM »
I am sad that she is retiring but happy for her for choosing herself.  For the past 3 years, she healed my broken heart.  Her reading helped me understand in-depth my complicated relationship with my parents. (Ancestor Guidance Reading)

Her email/ specific Q  reading that already unfolded
- Being the first to know about the pregnancy from a friend
- My poi came back after he ghosted me for a couple of months. He would explain why and so on.
- Ending a contract to receive the remaining funds from the bank. 
- Helped one of my parent's friends with their visa sponsorship
- Had an issue with my sister & my brother in law. For 2 years of harassment and bullying.
- Ending my connection with my former friend. It happened and it wasn’t a pleasant one.
- Reconnection with HS classmates 
- Met a new friend via social media which was unbelievable I usually have my guard up but the description Kisha provided about this individual is correct.

Love or meeting the future partner have not happen yet. Which is fine I’ve given up on love and thankfully moved on from my ex & poi. The stuff she picked up from both of these men. Made it a lot easier for me to move on.

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« Reply #1182 on: March 13, 2023, 10:54:42 PM »
Her Ancestor Guidance Reading also helped me heal my relationship with my ex which took over 5 years to end . She is the most accurate for me....

Offline Onyx

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« Reply #1183 on: March 16, 2023, 11:09:02 PM »
Had my last reading with Kisha today.  I'm really going to miss her. It was a general reading and everything resonated. It was all about emotion and finances, which makes sense since I'm retired. Looking forward to my finances increasing  :)

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« Reply #1184 on: March 17, 2023, 04:35:14 PM »
Kisha was very rude to me but maybe she is busy