So I’m sure other people have experienced this too but this really didn’t sit well with me. A ‘psychic’ contacted me on my personalInstagram page and told me they have a strong connection with me I must dm them now! I looked at the page and the posts were thank you’s from clients and random astrology facts. My first thought was how do they know I believe in stuff like this as no one other than people on this site and the psychics I speak with (obviously) know I get readings. My second was the fact I talk to so many psychics what if one found my personal page (my real name is not common so I wouldn’t be that difficult to find) and lastly is this is just a scammer trying to make money on insta?
I’m still not sure which I think is true but it scared me so I just wanted to vent and let everyone know we need to be aware who we give our names to. I know loads of psychics would NEVER abuse the client relationship and do this but there are some that might. If it’s just a scam then it’s equally as bad as the page didn’t look reputable and some people may just pay for a reading
Anyways sorry if this has already been mentioned and I’m just very naive 🙈 keep safe everyone