Author Topic: I got tested for coronavirus and......  (Read 11261 times)

Offline bee.23

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I got tested for coronavirus and......
« on: March 16, 2020, 03:05:06 AM »
So I mentioned this on another thread but just to update my “vent” fully....

I’m in Maryland, USA. 24 year old healthy female. I juice, take vitamins, and practice a vegan diet. Ironically I got sick from the kids I nanny 4 weeks ago, and the sickness hasn’t gone away. Which is quite unusual, due to my typical prompt recovery from past illnesses within a couple days to a week. It started with the regular flu and a cold, fever, chills, extreme lethargy. Then when weeks had passed with no resolve and my symptoms weren’t diminishing (fever was gone but cough and cold still very present) I went to the doctor, and she said I had bronchitis. That the flu had most likely left bacteria that turned into bronchitis. She prescribed me an antibiotic. A few days later, and utterly randomly, I started projectile vomiting all day long... with same symptoms as prior ones  ***disclaimer, sorry nasty just trying to share my experience*** 💀 and I mean like it was very aggressive. I assumed it was due to the antibiotic, but not convinced,  as I had taken this antibiotic previously with no complaints. Within 2 days, all those symptoms had subsided, and I was just left with the headache,  fatigue, body aches, chest pain and a persistent cough (which is what my current symptoms still are)

 I  re-visted my doctor and on second examination, she proceeds to tell me, “oh I might have misdiagnosed you, this is seeming more like pneumonia”. I was baffled, but it made more logical sense as I’ve had this cough for 4 weeks now, accompanied by very discomforting chest pain, and  blood-tinged mucus.  She recommended I get tested for the corona virus and I went to a hospital near me and did. To my surprise, THE TEST CAME BACK POSITIVE.

What a discouraging journey this has been! BUT, my silver lining is HOPE.  I am hopeful I will make a full recovery, and am pretty disappointed that the doctor I visited before misdiagnosed me, prescribed me antibiotics, which ended up making my condition worse cause it was viral and not bacterial. I know all of  this could’ve been avoided had she just offered to run more tests. She was in and out both visits within 2-3 minutes. But regardless, I did fall victim to this virus and am praying protection over all of you that you not encounter this same experience. You guys keep me feeling supported regardless ❤️ So appreciation to you for that.

Please use my story, as an example to take precautions for your health. Be mindful in your surroundings, and socially distance yourself as much as possible.

Today my employer called to tell me someone at her office had the virus, and she believes she might have caught it and brought it home to her children, who in turn gave it to me. They are all sick as well, and going to get tested tomorrow.

In conclusion, no psychic predicted this sickness in my life, not one.
Either way, I wish you all nothing but light, love, and well being✨
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 04:10:11 AM by bee.23 »

Offline ES1281

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2020, 03:10:30 AM »
Hi bee, please let me give you a hug.
 I pray for your quick recovery and health of your family and all beloved ones.
You'll be okay we all supports you here.❤️

So I mentioned this on another thread but just to update my “vent” fully....

I’m in Maryland, USA. 24 year old healthy female. I juice, take vitamins, and practice a vegan diet. Ironically I got sick from the kids I nanny 4 weeks ago, and the sickness hasn’t gone away. Which is quite unusual, due to my typical prompt recovery from past illnesses within a couple days to a week. It started with the regular flu and a cold, fever, chills, extreme lethargy. Then when weeks had passed with no resolve and my symptoms weren’t diminishing (fever was gone but cough and cold still very present) I went to the doctor, and she said I had bronchitis. That the flu had most likely left bacteria that turned into bronchitis. She prescribed me an antibiotic. A few days later, and utterly randomly, I started projectile vomiting all day long... with same symptoms as prior ones  ***disclaimer, sorry nasty just trying to share my experience*** 💀 and I mean like was sick 14 different times throughout the day, running back and forth to bathroom constantly. Was very aggressive. I assumed it was because I was on this new antibiotic, but not convinced,  as I had taken this antibiotic previously with no complaints. Within 2 days, all those symptoms had subsided, and I was just left with extreme fatigue, body aches, chest pain and a persistent cough (which is what my current symptoms still are)

 I  re-visted my doctor and on second examination, she proceeds to tell me, “oh I might have misdiagnosed you, this is seeming more like pneumonia”. I was baffled, but it made more logical sense as I’ve had this cough for 4 weeks now, accompanied by very discomforting chest pain and a headache. She recommended I get tested for the corona virus and I went to a hospital near me and did. To my surprise, THE TEST CAME BACK POSITIVE.

What a discouraging journey this has been! BUT, my silver lining is HOPE.  I am hopeful I will make a full recovery, and am just very disappointed that the doctor I visited before misdiagnosed me, prescribed me antibiotics, which ended up making my condition worse cause it was viral and not bacterial. I know all of  this could’ve been avoided had she just offered to run more tests and rather not  given opinionated ones. But regardless, I did fall victim to this virus and am praying protection over all of you that you not encounter this same experience. You guys keep me feeling supported regardless ❤️ So appreciation to you for that.

Please use my story, as an example to take precautions for your health. Be mindful in your surroundings, and social distance yourself as much as possible.

Today my employer called to tell me someone at her office had the virus, and she believes she might have caught it and brought it home to her children, who in turn gave it to me. They are all sick as well, and going to get tested tomorrow.

I wish you all nothing but light, love, and well being

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2020, 03:16:57 AM »
I'm so glad you got tested!!
This same thing happened to me in early Feb but there weren't test kits then!!
I got sick on Feb 13 after coming back from Las Vegas almost 14 days earlier.

I TOO WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BRONCHITIS. Because I was neg for the flu and every other viral/bacterial thing.
BE WARY folks - do not believe it is Bronchitis...I did not get better after antibiotics when I should have in 48hrs.
I kept getting worse and was on a breathing machine (nebulizer)
It took me 9 days to get over...

I pray for a full recovery!

Thanks for sharing your story.

So I mentioned this on another thread but just to update my “vent” fully....

I’m in Maryland, USA. 24 year old healthy female. I juice, take vitamins, and practice a vegan diet. Ironically I got sick from the kids I nanny 4 weeks ago, and the sickness hasn’t gone away. Which is quite unusual, due to my typical prompt recovery from past illnesses within a couple days to a week. It started with the regular flu and a cold, fever, chills, extreme lethargy. Then when weeks had passed with no resolve and my symptoms weren’t diminishing (fever was gone but cough and cold still very present) I went to the doctor, and she said I had bronchitis. That the flu had most likely left bacteria that turned into bronchitis. She prescribed me an antibiotic. A few days later, and utterly randomly, I started projectile vomiting all day long... with same symptoms as prior ones  ***disclaimer, sorry nasty just trying to share my experience*** 💀 and I mean like was sick 14 different times throughout the day, running back and forth to bathroom constantly. Was very aggressive. I assumed it was because I was on this new antibiotic, but not convinced,  as I had taken this antibiotic previously with no complaints. Within 2 days, all those symptoms had subsided, and I was just left with extreme fatigue, body aches, chest pain and a persistent cough (which is what my current symptoms still are)

 I  re-visted my doctor and on second examination, she proceeds to tell me, “oh I might have misdiagnosed you, this is seeming more like pneumonia”. I was baffled, but it made more logical sense as I’ve had this cough for 4 weeks now, accompanied by very discomforting chest pain, blood-tinged mucus, and a headache. She recommended I get tested for the corona virus and I went to a hospital near me and did. To my surprise, THE TEST CAME BACK POSITIVE.

What a discouraging journey this has been! BUT, my silver lining is HOPE.  I am hopeful I will make a full recovery, and am just very disappointed that the doctor I visited before misdiagnosed me, prescribed me antibiotics, which ended up making my condition worse cause it was viral and not bacterial. I know all of  this could’ve been avoided had she just offered to run more tests and rather not  given opinionated ones. But regardless, I did fall victim to this virus and am praying protection over all of you that you not encounter this same experience. You guys keep me feeling supported regardless ❤️ So appreciation to you for that.

Please use my story, as an example to take precautions for your health. Be mindful in your surroundings, and social distance yourself as much as possible.

Today my employer called to tell me someone at her office had the virus, and she believes she might have caught it and brought it home to her children, who in turn gave it to me. They are all sick as well, and going to get tested tomorrow.

Either way, I wish you all nothing but light, love, and well being✨
In conclusion, no psychic predicted this sickness in my life, not one

Offline Candy

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2020, 03:26:24 AM »
Wow! So sorry to hear you are going through this and hope for a speedy recovery!! Did your doctor(s) make you retrace your steps and alert anyone else whom you came into contact with? Looking at the news, it just seems like the numbers are extremely low, considering how contagious this virus is. If they test more, I’m sure they’d find that the numbers are much higher. Take care of

So I mentioned this on another thread but just to update my “vent” fully....

I’m in Maryland, USA. 24 year old healthy female. I juice, take vitamins, and practice a vegan diet. Ironically I got sick from the kids I nanny 4 weeks ago, and the sickness hasn’t gone away. Which is quite unusual, due to my typical prompt recovery from past illnesses within a couple days to a week. It started with the regular flu and a cold, fever, chills, extreme lethargy. Then when weeks had passed with no resolve and my symptoms weren’t diminishing (fever was gone but cough and cold still very present) I went to the doctor, and she said I had bronchitis. That the flu had most likely left bacteria that turned into bronchitis. She prescribed me an antibiotic. A few days later, and utterly randomly, I started projectile vomiting all day long... with same symptoms as prior ones  ***disclaimer, sorry nasty just trying to share my experience*** 💀 and I mean like was sick 14 different times throughout the day, running back and forth to bathroom constantly. Was very aggressive. I assumed it was because I was on this new antibiotic, but not convinced,  as I had taken this antibiotic previously with no complaints. Within 2 days, all those symptoms had subsided, and I was just left with extreme fatigue, body aches, chest pain and a persistent cough (which is what my current symptoms still are)

 I  re-visted my doctor and on second examination, she proceeds to tell me, “oh I might have misdiagnosed you, this is seeming more like pneumonia”. I was baffled, but it made more logical sense as I’ve had this cough for 4 weeks now, accompanied by very discomforting chest pain, blood-tinged mucus, and a headache. She recommended I get tested for the corona virus and I went to a hospital near me and did. To my surprise, THE TEST CAME BACK POSITIVE.

What a discouraging journey this has been! BUT, my silver lining is HOPE.  I am hopeful I will make a full recovery, and am just very disappointed that the doctor I visited before misdiagnosed me, prescribed me antibiotics, which ended up making my condition worse cause it was viral and not bacterial. I know all of  this could’ve been avoided had she just offered to run more tests and rather not  given opinionated ones. But regardless, I did fall victim to this virus and am praying protection over all of you that you not encounter this same experience. You guys keep me feeling supported regardless ❤️ So appreciation to you for that.

Please use my story, as an example to take precautions for your health. Be mindful in your surroundings, and social distance yourself as much as possible.

Today my employer called to tell me someone at her office had the virus, and she believes she might have caught it and brought it home to her children, who in turn gave it to me. They are all sick as well, and going to get tested tomorrow.

Either way, I wish you all nothing but light, love, and well being✨
In conclusion, no psychic predicted this sickness in my life, not one


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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2020, 03:38:07 AM »
oh im soo sorry, hope you recover soon
my bf told me the test is extremely expensive thats why govt and or clinical centers are very hesitant this coronavirus testing.
that also made the figures far lower than reality
hope you recover soon, be strong, let your immune system fight!!!!
pls update us when you feel better

Hi bee, please let me give you a hug.
 I pray for your quick recovery and health of your family and all beloved ones.
You'll be okay we all supports you here.❤️

So I mentioned this on another thread but just to update my “vent” fully....

I’m in Maryland, USA. 24 year old healthy female. I juice, take vitamins, and practice a vegan diet. Ironically I got sick from the kids I nanny 4 weeks ago, and the sickness hasn’t gone away. Which is quite unusual, due to my typical prompt recovery from past illnesses within a couple days to a week. It started with the regular flu and a cold, fever, chills, extreme lethargy. Then when weeks had passed with no resolve and my symptoms weren’t diminishing (fever was gone but cough and cold still very present) I went to the doctor, and she said I had bronchitis. That the flu had most likely left bacteria that turned into bronchitis. She prescribed me an antibiotic. A few days later, and utterly randomly, I started projectile vomiting all day long... with same symptoms as prior ones  ***disclaimer, sorry nasty just trying to share my experience*** 💀 and I mean like was sick 14 different times throughout the day, running back and forth to bathroom constantly. Was very aggressive. I assumed it was because I was on this new antibiotic, but not convinced,  as I had taken this antibiotic previously with no complaints. Within 2 days, all those symptoms had subsided, and I was just left with extreme fatigue, body aches, chest pain and a persistent cough (which is what my current symptoms still are)

 I  re-visted my doctor and on second examination, she proceeds to tell me, “oh I might have misdiagnosed you, this is seeming more like pneumonia”. I was baffled, but it made more logical sense as I’ve had this cough for 4 weeks now, accompanied by very discomforting chest pain and a headache. She recommended I get tested for the corona virus and I went to a hospital near me and did. To my surprise, THE TEST CAME BACK POSITIVE.

What a discouraging journey this has been! BUT, my silver lining is HOPE.  I am hopeful I will make a full recovery, and am just very disappointed that the doctor I visited before misdiagnosed me, prescribed me antibiotics, which ended up making my condition worse cause it was viral and not bacterial. I know all of  this could’ve been avoided had she just offered to run more tests and rather not  given opinionated ones. But regardless, I did fall victim to this virus and am praying protection over all of you that you not encounter this same experience. You guys keep me feeling supported regardless ❤️ So appreciation to you for that.

Please use my story, as an example to take precautions for your health. Be mindful in your surroundings, and social distance yourself as much as possible.

Today my employer called to tell me someone at her office had the virus, and she believes she might have caught it and brought it home to her children, who in turn gave it to me. They are all sick as well, and going to get tested tomorrow.

I wish you all nothing but light, love, and well being

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2020, 03:46:03 AM »
Testing should be free for all Americans now...

This is a PSA for everyone

oh im soo sorry, hope you recover soon
my bf told me the test is extremely expensive thats why govt and or clinical centers are very hesitant this coronavirus testing.
that also made the figures far lower than reality
hope you recover soon, be strong, let your immune system fight!!!!
pls update us when you feel better

Hi bee, please let me give you a hug.
 I pray for your quick recovery and health of your family and all beloved ones.
You'll be okay we all supports you here.❤️

So I mentioned this on another thread but just to update my “vent” fully....

I’m in Maryland, USA. 24 year old healthy female. I juice, take vitamins, and practice a vegan diet. Ironically I got sick from the kids I nanny 4 weeks ago, and the sickness hasn’t gone away. Which is quite unusual, due to my typical prompt recovery from past illnesses within a couple days to a week. It started with the regular flu and a cold, fever, chills, extreme lethargy. Then when weeks had passed with no resolve and my symptoms weren’t diminishing (fever was gone but cough and cold still very present) I went to the doctor, and she said I had bronchitis. That the flu had most likely left bacteria that turned into bronchitis. She prescribed me an antibiotic. A few days later, and utterly randomly, I started projectile vomiting all day long... with same symptoms as prior ones  ***disclaimer, sorry nasty just trying to share my experience*** 💀 and I mean like was sick 14 different times throughout the day, running back and forth to bathroom constantly. Was very aggressive. I assumed it was because I was on this new antibiotic, but not convinced,  as I had taken this antibiotic previously with no complaints. Within 2 days, all those symptoms had subsided, and I was just left with extreme fatigue, body aches, chest pain and a persistent cough (which is what my current symptoms still are)

 I  re-visted my doctor and on second examination, she proceeds to tell me, “oh I might have misdiagnosed you, this is seeming more like pneumonia”. I was baffled, but it made more logical sense as I’ve had this cough for 4 weeks now, accompanied by very discomforting chest pain and a headache. She recommended I get tested for the corona virus and I went to a hospital near me and did. To my surprise, THE TEST CAME BACK POSITIVE.

What a discouraging journey this has been! BUT, my silver lining is HOPE.  I am hopeful I will make a full recovery, and am just very disappointed that the doctor I visited before misdiagnosed me, prescribed me antibiotics, which ended up making my condition worse cause it was viral and not bacterial. I know all of  this could’ve been avoided had she just offered to run more tests and rather not  given opinionated ones. But regardless, I did fall victim to this virus and am praying protection over all of you that you not encounter this same experience. You guys keep me feeling supported regardless ❤️ So appreciation to you for that.

Please use my story, as an example to take precautions for your health. Be mindful in your surroundings, and social distance yourself as much as possible.

Today my employer called to tell me someone at her office had the virus, and she believes she might have caught it and brought it home to her children, who in turn gave it to me. They are all sick as well, and going to get tested tomorrow.

I wish you all nothing but light, love, and well being

Offline lp1111

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2020, 03:49:36 AM »
Hope you feel better soon! In the doctor’s defense, this was unheard of until very recently. It is viral; however, it is presenting itself as a respiratory infection. So for doctors who hadn’t yet known what to look for or even that it existed, this turned out to be a common course of action.

Offline bstalling

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2020, 03:56:45 AM »
OMG Hope you feel better soon.

Offline bee.23

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2020, 03:58:59 AM »
Oh goodness! It comforts me that I’m not the only individual who has experienced a misdiagnosis then..... and it is just so upsetting hearing stories like these, but your support means the world. Glad you’re feeling better❤️ And recovered

I'm so glad you got tested!!
This same thing happened to me in early Feb but there weren't test kits then!!
I got sick on Feb 13 after coming back from Las Vegas almost 14 days earlier.

I TOO WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BRONCHITIS. Because I was neg for the flu and every other viral/bacterial thing.
BE WARY folks - do not believe it is Bronchitis...I did not get better after antibiotics when I should have in 48hrs.
I kept getting worse and was on a breathing machine (nebulizer)
It took me 9 days to get over...

I pray for a full recovery!

Thanks for sharing your story.

So I mentioned this on another thread but just to update my “vent” fully....

I’m in Maryland, USA. 24 year old healthy female. I juice, take vitamins, and practice a vegan diet. Ironically I got sick from the kids I nanny 4 weeks ago, and the sickness hasn’t gone away. Which is quite unusual, due to my typical prompt recovery from past illnesses within a couple days to a week. It started with the regular flu and a cold, fever, chills, extreme lethargy. Then when weeks had passed with no resolve and my symptoms weren’t diminishing (fever was gone but cough and cold still very present) I went to the doctor, and she said I had bronchitis. That the flu had most likely left bacteria that turned into bronchitis. She prescribed me an antibiotic. A few days later, and utterly randomly, I started projectile vomiting all day long... with same symptoms as prior ones  ***disclaimer, sorry nasty just trying to share my experience*** 💀 and I mean like was sick 14 different times throughout the day, running back and forth to bathroom constantly. Was very aggressive. I assumed it was because I was on this new antibiotic, but not convinced,  as I had taken this antibiotic previously with no complaints. Within 2 days, all those symptoms had subsided, and I was just left with extreme fatigue, body aches, chest pain and a persistent cough (which is what my current symptoms still are)

 I  re-visted my doctor and on second examination, she proceeds to tell me, “oh I might have misdiagnosed you, this is seeming more like pneumonia”. I was baffled, but it made more logical sense as I’ve had this cough for 4 weeks now, accompanied by very discomforting chest pain, blood-tinged mucus, and a headache. She recommended I get tested for the corona virus and I went to a hospital near me and did. To my surprise, THE TEST CAME BACK POSITIVE.

What a discouraging journey this has been! BUT, my silver lining is HOPE.  I am hopeful I will make a full recovery, and am just very disappointed that the doctor I visited before misdiagnosed me, prescribed me antibiotics, which ended up making my condition worse cause it was viral and not bacterial. I know all of  this could’ve been avoided had she just offered to run more tests and rather not  given opinionated ones. But regardless, I did fall victim to this virus and am praying protection over all of you that you not encounter this same experience. You guys keep me feeling supported regardless ❤️ So appreciation to you for that.

Please use my story, as an example to take precautions for your health. Be mindful in your surroundings, and social distance yourself as much as possible.

Today my employer called to tell me someone at her office had the virus, and she believes she might have caught it and brought it home to her children, who in turn gave it to me. They are all sick as well, and going to get tested tomorrow.

Either way, I wish you all nothing but light, love, and well being✨
In conclusion, no psychic predicted this sickness in my life, not one

Offline bee.23

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2020, 04:02:47 AM »
The doctors didn’t inform me to do any of that, but honestly I haven’t gone outside of the house apart from my nanny job (I’m a ginormous homebody lol) so there’s no where I could have infected. I’ve been sick in the house for weeks. My Roomate gets me anything I need and she has yet to get sick but she’s also getting tested. I agree! I truly believe there are THOUSANDS more that are infected and it’s just not documented because they haven’t been tested, or believe it’s the common flu or in my case doctor thinks it’s “bronchitis”

Wow! So sorry to hear you are going through this and hope for a speedy recovery!! Did your doctor(s) make you retrace your steps and alert anyone else whom you came into contact with? Looking at the news, it just seems like the numbers are extremely low, considering how contagious this virus is. If they test more, I’m sure they’d find that the numbers are much higher. Take care of

So I mentioned this on another thread but just to update my “vent” fully....

I’m in Maryland, USA. 24 year old healthy female. I juice, take vitamins, and practice a vegan diet. Ironically I got sick from the kids I nanny 4 weeks ago, and the sickness hasn’t gone away. Which is quite unusual, due to my typical prompt recovery from past illnesses within a couple days to a week. It started with the regular flu and a cold, fever, chills, extreme lethargy. Then when weeks had passed with no resolve and my symptoms weren’t diminishing (fever was gone but cough and cold still very present) I went to the doctor, and she said I had bronchitis. That the flu had most likely left bacteria that turned into bronchitis. She prescribed me an antibiotic. A few days later, and utterly randomly, I started projectile vomiting all day long... with same symptoms as prior ones  ***disclaimer, sorry nasty just trying to share my experience*** 💀 and I mean like was sick 14 different times throughout the day, running back and forth to bathroom constantly. Was very aggressive. I assumed it was because I was on this new antibiotic, but not convinced,  as I had taken this antibiotic previously with no complaints. Within 2 days, all those symptoms had subsided, and I was just left with extreme fatigue, body aches, chest pain and a persistent cough (which is what my current symptoms still are)

 I  re-visted my doctor and on second examination, she proceeds to tell me, “oh I might have misdiagnosed you, this is seeming more like pneumonia”. I was baffled, but it made more logical sense as I’ve had this cough for 4 weeks now, accompanied by very discomforting chest pain, blood-tinged mucus, and a headache. She recommended I get tested for the corona virus and I went to a hospital near me and did. To my surprise, THE TEST CAME BACK POSITIVE.

What a discouraging journey this has been! BUT, my silver lining is HOPE.  I am hopeful I will make a full recovery, and am just very disappointed that the doctor I visited before misdiagnosed me, prescribed me antibiotics, which ended up making my condition worse cause it was viral and not bacterial. I know all of  this could’ve been avoided had she just offered to run more tests and rather not  given opinionated ones. But regardless, I did fall victim to this virus and am praying protection over all of you that you not encounter this same experience. You guys keep me feeling supported regardless ❤️ So appreciation to you for that.

Please use my story, as an example to take precautions for your health. Be mindful in your surroundings, and social distance yourself as much as possible.

Today my employer called to tell me someone at her office had the virus, and she believes she might have caught it and brought it home to her children, who in turn gave it to me. They are all sick as well, and going to get tested tomorrow.

Either way, I wish you all nothing but light, love, and well being✨
In conclusion, no psychic predicted this sickness in my life, not one

Offline bee.23

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2020, 04:05:38 AM »
Sorry everyone! I’m still a few months new to this forum so I forget not to individually respond to each of yalls comments in quote and spam the thread (my own thread lol granted) but I want to thank you all for the support 😟😟😟😟 Truly appreciated and accepting all the HUGS ❤️


Offline bee.23

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2020, 04:14:49 AM »
Wishing you a speedy recovery bee!!! What was strange in my case was that several weeks ago, I got very ill. Fever, chills, pains, not knowing which position to find in the bed to get any comfort. What was new was the mind numbing headache. I usually get migraines 2 or 3 times a year but nothing like this. No painkiller could help until it subsided after abt 3 days. When i visited the doctor and did a flu test, one nurse said negative and another nurse said positive but it was a vary faint line on the indicator. So i wasnt sure it was the flu. I was prescribed tamiflu which nearly destroyed my stomach. I have never taken a flu shot because I never believed in it. But after this experience, I swear as of next year im getting flu shots. I have a gut feeling it may have been corona. I know for a fact if i had other health issues i would have had major difficulty recovering. So I was lucky. Many ppl keep saying that we will be ok because most ppl get very mild symptoms. That may be.... but in some ppl, and not only elderly ppl, it can be devastating... even if you were previously healthy. These things always happen to someone over there who we dont know, but in time this thing is inching closer to home. Bee, I wish you and everyone else, guidance, protection, safety, and good health!! U got this Bee!!

Oh Lordy - sorry to hear you’re going through the struggle too lol. My mom is a doctor and swears against taking the flu shot (for her own reasons) so I never took it due to that. Well I’m deffinitely regretting that now😂😂 Not that it’s makes a difference in my scenario but I more so empathize with the fact maybe we all should find protection in a flu shot, so we can at least prevent ourselves from one global sickness out here. So in saying that... not only do I feel you, but I feel for you. but I do wish us a full recovery and health!!! I pray we will be fine 🙏🏽
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 04:16:21 AM by bee.23 »


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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2020, 04:19:00 AM »
well it's also free at our area BUT the govt is not willing to do test for allll suspicious cases, they just told people to stay home self quarantine 14 days.

Testing should be free for all Americans now...

This is a PSA for everyone

oh im soo sorry, hope you recover soon
my bf told me the test is extremely expensive thats why govt and or clinical centers are very hesitant this coronavirus testing.
that also made the figures far lower than reality
hope you recover soon, be strong, let your immune system fight!!!!
pls update us when you feel better

Hi bee, please let me give you a hug.
 I pray for your quick recovery and health of your family and all beloved ones.
You'll be okay we all supports you here.❤️

So I mentioned this on another thread but just to update my “vent” fully....

I’m in Maryland, USA. 24 year old healthy female. I juice, take vitamins, and practice a vegan diet. Ironically I got sick from the kids I nanny 4 weeks ago, and the sickness hasn’t gone away. Which is quite unusual, due to my typical prompt recovery from past illnesses within a couple days to a week. It started with the regular flu and a cold, fever, chills, extreme lethargy. Then when weeks had passed with no resolve and my symptoms weren’t diminishing (fever was gone but cough and cold still very present) I went to the doctor, and she said I had bronchitis. That the flu had most likely left bacteria that turned into bronchitis. She prescribed me an antibiotic. A few days later, and utterly randomly, I started projectile vomiting all day long... with same symptoms as prior ones  ***disclaimer, sorry nasty just trying to share my experience*** 💀 and I mean like was sick 14 different times throughout the day, running back and forth to bathroom constantly. Was very aggressive. I assumed it was because I was on this new antibiotic, but not convinced,  as I had taken this antibiotic previously with no complaints. Within 2 days, all those symptoms had subsided, and I was just left with extreme fatigue, body aches, chest pain and a persistent cough (which is what my current symptoms still are)

 I  re-visted my doctor and on second examination, she proceeds to tell me, “oh I might have misdiagnosed you, this is seeming more like pneumonia”. I was baffled, but it made more logical sense as I’ve had this cough for 4 weeks now, accompanied by very discomforting chest pain and a headache. She recommended I get tested for the corona virus and I went to a hospital near me and did. To my surprise, THE TEST CAME BACK POSITIVE.

What a discouraging journey this has been! BUT, my silver lining is HOPE.  I am hopeful I will make a full recovery, and am just very disappointed that the doctor I visited before misdiagnosed me, prescribed me antibiotics, which ended up making my condition worse cause it was viral and not bacterial. I know all of  this could’ve been avoided had she just offered to run more tests and rather not  given opinionated ones. But regardless, I did fall victim to this virus and am praying protection over all of you that you not encounter this same experience. You guys keep me feeling supported regardless ❤️ So appreciation to you for that.

Please use my story, as an example to take precautions for your health. Be mindful in your surroundings, and social distance yourself as much as possible.

Today my employer called to tell me someone at her office had the virus, and she believes she might have caught it and brought it home to her children, who in turn gave it to me. They are all sick as well, and going to get tested tomorrow.

I wish you all nothing but light, love, and well being

Offline HornetKick

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2020, 04:23:30 AM »
Oh Lordy - sorry to hear you’re going through the struggle too lol. My mom is a doctor and swears against taking the flu shot (for her own reasons) so I never took it due to that. Well I’m deffinitely regretting that now😂😂 Not that it’s makes a difference in my scenario but I more so empathize with the fact maybe we all should find protection in a flu shot, so we can at least prevent ourselves from one global sickness out here. So in saying that... not only do I feel you, but I feel for you. but I do wish us a full recovery and health!!! I pray we will be fine 🙏🏽
I agree with your Mom. Avoid the flu shot. The flu shot does not protect you against getting the flu. It only lessens the symptoms, but you will still get the flu. Been there, done that.

Offline bee.23

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2020, 04:32:56 AM »
Oh Lordy - sorry to hear you’re going through the struggle too lol. My mom is a doctor and swears against taking the flu shot (for her own reasons) so I never took it due to that. Well I’m deffinitely regretting that now😂😂 Not that it’s makes a difference in my scenario but I more so empathize with the fact maybe we all should find protection in a flu shot, so we can at least prevent ourselves from one global sickness out here. So in saying that... not only do I feel you, but I feel for you. but I do wish us a full recovery and health!!! I pray we will be fine 🙏🏽
I agree with your Mom. Avoid the flu shot. The flu shot does not protect you against getting the flu. It only lessens the symptoms, but you will still get the flu. Been there, done that.

Oh surprising! And you still got sick! I had no idea about this till you mentioned. Definitely something to reconsider then, thank you. This whole case has just been very frightening to me. I’ve never been sick this long and don’t know why I’m not getting better. Many people that caught the virus would have recovered by now and I’m nearing 5 weeks ill. It’s very frightening to me and predominantly that they couldn’t offer me any real help - because there are no current advances with aid in this virus, so it was even more disheartening to leave feeling like “will I get better ? Or no?” “What will occur if I don’t ?” Dark thoughts, but attempting to keep a calm mind admist it all. Right now this forums support is the only thing getting me through truthfully 😓
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 04:34:34 AM by bee.23 »