Author Topic: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships  (Read 3855 times)


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Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« on: February 21, 2020, 03:24:58 PM »
This is something I am curious to get a dialogue going on and hear your perspectives and real life experiences if possible..

Anyone open to sharing their musing on what multiple psychic readings to do the poi, and how they can impact the flow of the relationship?

I would imagine, yes, they would drain them energetically - but to what extent?  do they know they are being read on (assume no) but do they feel that it is the caller (us) draining them and how do you think its felt?

another question I have is - say this does impact the relationship- this is something I go back and forth on and would love some other perspectives.  Part of me thinks yes these readings could impact the relationships energy and flow- however a lot of these relationships that are called on, or looked into, are challenging ones in that the POI is not giving clarity or consistency so we are seeking answers.  So to say the relationship would fare well without the calls is hard to imagine too.

anyway. just looking for people to share thoughts on how multiple readings can impact, to what extent, how much is too much on the POI and does it keep them hanging (conversely, does it keep us on their mind??).

My personal thoughts are - this is a topic that recently came to mind based on a post I read and I hadn't given it much thought until now so I am working it out in my head but I do believe it would drain them, and I do think it might keep them on the hook.

I am personally having a hard time letting go of a relationship that needs to be let go of and so I feel I probably keep him around minimally (not in a capacity that is supportive to me in anyway) but in a way that just keeps me hanging on. I am working to detach. But I feel the readings I get probably make him feel bound to me in some way but not in a way that hes going to actually change his ways, or be with me.  I think I am just mores on his mind or something. but not in a way that will make him change if that makes sense.

Letting go of this relationship has more to do with my own fear of not finding this connection (however toxic it is) with someone else.  I feel connected to him in such a strong way but at the same time I see how inconsistent he is with me and how I deserve so much more) but the actual soul level stuff was so much more than I have ever experienced.  strange.

anyway I went off on a tangent there but if anyone has any thoughts on how reading impact POI -id love to hear it!!!  the detachment stuff I am working on separately :)

Offline russianred

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2020, 06:18:23 AM »
This is such a fascinating topic to me, and I hope that others will join in...

I know that if I feel that I'm starting to detach a bit mentally from POI and then get a reading, I find myself feeling right back in the same headspace of longing and hoping after the reading.

Can they feel that we're getting readings?  I don't know.  My gut tells me that maybe they can somehow feel a binge with just so much desperate energy being directed toward them...

I love your point about how we are often calling about complicated or challenging relationships anyway so it's hard to say that the readings are making it any more challenging than it already was.

I think that as we back away from readings it's a sign that we are ready to detach and THEN that detachment, if it's genuine, I think sometimes brings POIs back... like every action has an opposite reaction... so maybe it feels like putting an end to readings resulted in the POI's return when it was really about our own detachment.

Offline Cranberry88

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2020, 11:53:44 AM »
I find this topic very interesting yet mysterious to an extend that we could possibly know 10% of whats really going on.
in my religion, getting a reading is something forbidden. However, due to some complications i have in life i ended up getting readings, one after the other which still isnt an excuse for me.
going back to the topic, i believe psychics does give u a "True" insight of whats going on but your reaction towards the reading might not necessarily fix things hence its always good to react naturally on incidents.
6 months back i had an excellent relationship with POI where i literally stopped readings completely, but out of curiosity i went to one of my top readers just to see what would happen next. 2 weeks later our relationship crashed down for a SILLY reason. we havent been talking now for more than a month. So yeah. that is something to be considered (atleast to me) 

Offline russianred

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2020, 07:08:45 PM »
I find this topic very interesting yet mysterious to an extend that we could possibly know 10% of whats really going on.
in my religion, getting a reading is something forbidden. However, due to some complications i have in life i ended up getting readings, one after the other which still isnt an excuse for me.
going back to the topic, i believe psychics does give u a "True" insight of whats going on but your reaction towards the reading might not necessarily fix things hence its always good to react naturally on incidents.
6 months back i had an excellent relationship with POI where i literally stopped readings completely, but out of curiosity i went to one of my top readers just to see what would happen next. 2 weeks later our relationship crashed down for a SILLY reason. we havent been talking now for more than a month. So yeah. that is something to be considered (atleast to me)

Thanks for sharing your story.

You know, I don't know if I even truly believe in psychic ability, but you brought out a good point about how I do think that sometimes these readers can give us a more objective perspective on our situation.

Playing devil's advocate for a second -- did you seek out that reading just out of total curiosity or did you get an intuitive sense on some level that things weren't going right?  If it was more the latter, the breakup might have been more of a manifestation of that already existing energy than anything having to do with the psychic.  But, again... who knows.

This is a fascinating topic.  All I know for sure is that it's better for my own mental health to get spaced out and planned readings.

Offline SarahM

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2020, 04:15:19 AM »
Yup this is something i always wondered about as well. Can the other person "feel" anything when we're constantly getting readings about them? This is unfortunately one of those things that we'll never get an answer to lol...

Offline russianred

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2020, 05:33:18 AM »
Bumping thread in hopes of receiving more thoughts...

I thought this was a great thread idea and have wondered about this a lot.  It's been a big motivator for me to stop getting so many readings.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2020, 05:47:49 AM »
A couple of thoughts I have on this are as follows:

I do believe that everything is an energy. Therefore, whoever we are connected to, or not even in touch with, can feel when your energy is focused on them or not. And that is whether they are even consciously aware of it or not. That said, this is why it is said to LET GO of the situation/person and change your focus on something else. Letting go doesn't just mean going silent on a person, lying in wait for them to contact or something. It means energetically letting it go. When you do that, they can then feel that detachment and lack of your energy with them. THAT is when a "loss" or a "void" or a "feeling as though something is missing" feeling hits them. That is the ONLY time it will be felt. They may not be aware of exactly what it is they're feeling, but it's something that is suddenly "gone" from them. Why do you think it is that it always seems like when we're moved on to someone else, the ex or the previous POI pops back up? It's because now they are feeling the lack. This is so much easier said than done though due to the sometimes painful heartache and longing to be with a person along with the fear of letting go thinking that if you do, it will be gone permanently, and sometimes it is gone permanently but whether you hold on or let go doesn't matter because it won't change the fact that it's permanently gone. These are just things I've learned along the way.

As far as readings and how they impact others or the relationship, I don't think it effects the other party personally unless they KNOW you're getting readings on them. That may make them feel uncomfortable etc. It also may plant seeds in their head and change their behavior if they're aware that you're getting readings on them. Better not to let them know. Outside of that, readings DO have an impact on US because if we get a reading and that psychic says there's a third party around or that they see one coming in, well our behavior is going to change within that relationship according to the information received from that psychic. It better be a damn good psychic or else that can destroy a relationship with potential. Having said all of this, if you find yourself having to call psychics because your POI is displaying confusing behavior, then it's probably not the right person for you to begin with.

The next man that I meet, I will not call a psychic about and should there come a day that I feel hesitation or confusion with said man, then that's my sign that he's not right for me. A healthy relationship with a genuine person will never make you feel hesitant or confused. Just more stuff that I learned along the way. Good luck to everyone!

Offline russianred

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2020, 05:57:48 AM »
A couple of thoughts I have on this are as follows:

I do believe that everything is an energy. Therefore, whoever we are connected to, or not even in touch with, can feel when your energy is focused on them or not. And that is whether they are even consciously aware of it or not. That said, this is why it is said to LET GO of the situation/person and change your focus on something else. Letting go doesn't just mean going silent on a person, lying in wait for them to contact or something. It means energetically letting it go. When you do that, they can then feel that detachment and lack of your energy with them. THAT is when a "loss" or a "void" or a "feeling as though something is missing" feeling hits them. That is the ONLY time it will be felt. They may not be aware of exactly what it is they're feeling, but it's something that is suddenly "gone" from them. Why do you think it is that it always seems like when we're moved on to someone else, the ex or the previous POI pops back up? It's because now they are feeling the lack. This is so much easier said than done though due to the sometimes painful heartache and longing to be with a person along with the fear of letting go thinking that if you do, it will be gone permanently, and sometimes it is gone permanently but whether you hold on or let go doesn't matter because it won't change the fact that it's permanently gone. These are just things I've learned along the way.

So so so so true.  Every part of this -- that it cannot be forced but also that it is the way to having someone return if he intended to return anyway.  I like what you said about how if the person is gone permanently, he's gone permanently whether you hold on or not.

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2020, 11:25:38 AM »
I think they can definitely sense in a way when we are getting readings on them.

I’ve noticed every guy I’ve gotten a reading on has somehow changed on me, and not for the better, almost as if the readings have put a jinx on the whole situation. That’s why I will never get a reading on any future relationship.

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2020, 01:28:14 PM »
I agree with all the previous posters. If a person is an empath like you or emotionally sensitive especially, they may not be able to tell on a conscious level that you are having readings on them but they will feel that you are wondering about them subconsciously. Personally, I didn't exactly feel that someone was asking psychics about me, but I sensed that a guy in the past was doing some sort of spell work and remote seduction to seduce me--it definitely felt that something was off and that "I had to get physical with him" but it didn't feel natural.  At one point, I felt overwhelmed by these intruding energies and I literally wanted to was really unsettling but he realized at some point that I wasn't responding well and stopped.

They will also feel a void when you stop asking about them and will probably get back to you, not because they realized their mistakes and want to confess their undying love, but because they feel a void or in other words, a shift in the energy and their ego is wounded and seeks validation. Once they get it, 90% of the time they will switch back to their old ways and go cold on you again. This is often the case if your ex is a borderline, narcissistic or plain mentally unstable yet emotionally sensitive.   

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2020, 06:11:45 PM »
My POI knows I read about him. He even asks me what comes up (heck he may as well pay for these readings lol) but absolutely nothing has affected the situation between us when I do get readings.
Even when I read on him prior to us recognizing our connection - he didn’t sense anything I’ve done regards to that lol


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Re: Psychic Effects on POI and Relationships
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2020, 03:54:22 AM »
One of my favorite people on youtube, Agnes Vivarelli, said the one time she called a psychic, she was devastated by the news and didnt eat or sleep much for a year. Imagine that... a manifesting guru getting serious depression after one psychic reading... 

A reader in 2018 said I would never go back to Europe to meet someone and the more often i read about it the worse the outlook became and I didnt hear from them during that time.  I start doing a few manifesting techniques and like magic, they come back into my life. 

Over the years, the POI always pulled away after I got a reading and just a lot of unlucky things happened.  Maybe they could also feel the neediness too that I felt after a reading because I wanted the really positive stuff to be right and I put up with things that I should not have put up with, just to have this dream come true that the psychic told me about. 

It is kinda sad because for some with talent they could tell when i would hear back from someone  but as time went on, the predictions manifested less and less along with the time spent with my crush. 

  It also prolonged relationships that I could have cut off without further thought but the psychics would say stuff like, he is confused and going through a hard time.... he really loves you ... blah blah. 

No matter the energetic effects, an entire situation cut off from reality is stuck in your head about how you think things are going... and i feel like that is the most dangerous part
« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 03:56:17 AM by WinterElf »