Author Topic: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....  (Read 12105 times)

Offline Dxbguppy1

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Hi everyone,

Would love to hear if any of the below readers were accurate about reconciliation predictions with POI please.

Aerie Rivers
Kassie Kai
Terry Mitchell
Michelle Rose
Field Expert
Diana Soshone
Aqua Marine

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2020, 03:58:41 PM »
I think most of those have individual threads.  If you don't get many responses you may want to just read through those.

Offline mayflower

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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2020, 06:41:19 PM »
Hi everyone,

Would love to hear if any of the below readers were accurate about reconciliation predictions with POI please.

Dino - twice time reading with him both is wrong
Leelo - last time timeframe was wrong
Avia - she is nice but not much detail
Kassie Kai - Not positive reading for me but negative was correct once time.
Field Expert - No psychic ability, only giving advice
Diana Shoshone - I found out she told me the same story like she gave to others
Aqua Marine - many times reading with her. 3-4 times were correct but no timeframe or event prediction. It was like reading emotion.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2020, 07:49:43 PM »
@mayflower, Diana Soshone gives people similar readings?

Offline mayflower

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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2020, 08:02:38 PM »
@mayflower, Diana Soshone gives people similar readings?
There was some part she told me which I found out later she using the same word. Not pattern like scammer but It makes me wonder she is real psychic or not.

Offline hope36

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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2020, 10:18:53 PM »
Hi everyone,

Would love to hear if any of the below readers were accurate about reconciliation predictions with POI please.

Aerie Rivers
Kassie Kai
Terry Mitchell
Michelle Rose
Field Expert
Diana Soshone
Aqua Marine

I've read with 3, all in May 2019.
Dino -  he said poi will reach out in Aug, and there will be reconciliation. NOPE.
Cindy - she said he might reach out but it wont go anywhere as he is still in the same boat he was in during breakup. Poi never reached out, but she helped me understand a bit more around the situation, if that makes sense. I liked her, although she is very curt, her delivery isn;t the best!
Diana Shoshone - never got any predictions, she suggested I should do rituals and went into describing them (salt under pillow, burn white candles, stuff like that). I re-read my transcripts, and there were no predictions. *shrug*


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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2020, 08:03:34 AM »
i used dino.a lot in the past, business reading he was ok, relationship i dont think so
aries river, no, 2 times both wrong
kassie for me its like 80% accurate but for relationship she doesnt pick up a lot, she can only tell yes or no but she just cant tell much about the poi's feelings or thinking

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2020, 09:23:41 AM »
I’ve read with every single one you listed. I was hooked on Bitwine 2 years ago. Thousands of dollars later.....nothing they said happened. Not even The big didn’t mention them but I didn’t have any luck with anyone on Bitwine.

Offline Dxbguppy1

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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2020, 01:16:17 PM »
Just wanted to add Leeloo nailed her first prediction of contact so will see how the rest go.

Offline whatdoyoumean09

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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2020, 04:50:23 PM »
Just wanted to add Leeloo nailed her first prediction of contact so will see how the rest go.

Leeloo is incredible, but if you read too much with her, the results become a bit questionable. Her dates at first were always right on point, and she was definitely worth the money.

Offline Dxbguppy1

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Re: Aerie Rivers/Dino/Lidia/Leeloo/Avia/Kassie Kai/Terry Mitchell/CindyS....
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2020, 11:16:43 AM »
Just wanted to add Leeloo nailed her first prediction of contact so will see how the rest go.

Leeloo is incredible, but if you read too much with her, the results become a bit questionable. Her dates at first were always right on point, and she was definitely worth the money.

I agree- Terry Mitchell was also right for me in terms of predictions.

Offline Sabrina

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Dino - Spot on twice and then way off, completely the opposite happened
Kassie Kai - Accurate if you can take the honesty
Avia - Very general
CindyS - I wouldn't say she's curt, was nice to me, said that things won't progress and she was right
Leeloo - I felt that the reading was confusing

Offline Love2lovenj

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Hi everyone,

Would love to hear if any of the below readers were accurate about reconciliation predictions with POI please.

Aerie Rivers
Kassie Kai
Terry Mitchell
Michelle Rose
Field Expert
Diana Soshone
Aqua Marine

I've read with 3, all in May 2019.
Dino -  he said poi will reach out in Aug, and there will be reconciliation. NOPE.
Cindy - she said he might reach out but it wont go anywhere as he is still in the same boat he was in during breakup. Poi never reached out, but she helped me understand a bit more around the situation, if that makes sense. I liked her, although she is very curt, her delivery isn;t the best!
Diana Shoshone - never got any predictions, she suggested I should do rituals and went into describing them (salt under pillow, burn white candles, stuff like that). I re-read my transcripts, and there were no predictions. *shrug*

What does salt under the pillow do?

Offline hope36

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What does salt under the pillow do?
I think it absorbs negative energy(??!!) She asked me to swap out with a fresh batch every day.
I was very depressed at the time, and she gave me some procedures to follow, not sure if they helped or not but I did them for a few months until I felt better :)

Offline hope36

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Yeah I never heard of salt under pillow! 😅 I’m curious now too! I do an occasional salt around four corners of the room I’m sleeping, let it sit there for day or a few then sweep it up to cleanse and protect. In Hawaii my boss kept practically salt shakers in our office for the same principle but he never removed them.
I’ll do an occasional salt bath room, preferably epsom for back relief, and I forget emotional this does calm me down too.

So I guess I could see salt under pillow... but too me it feels too much like food and I move around a lot in bed... I can see myself already waking up with salt stuck to my face, so you know I’ll try anything once! 😂😂😂

Oh sorry, should have posted the full thing -- salt inside a zip lock bag or some transparent clear spill-proof bag :)
Also, she advised rock salt or Himalayan salt
i used the same ziplock bag, just changed out the salt everyday (flush the old batch down the toilet)