I had the same experience as you did. I got addicted twice on 2 different guys and everything the readers said - the opposite happened. In my first addiction I read with Yona, Aries Intuition, Karen Jo, Will, QoC, Gail, Divine Love, Oracle Indigo, Leanne, the lady on Keen who apparently blocks everyone (forgot her name) and probably more aswell as many on UK sites and none were right even when they were negative as every single one said he would be back and he told me himself he wasn't interested in me at all. But the readers said to ignore him because he was mad, had commitment issues blah blah and I fell for it. I believed I could manifest him come back or free will in that his pathway could change and he could come back to me, but I was kidding myself. I can't believe that not one psychic got things right for me and it's disappointing when they have worked so well for others.
The 2nd addiction I was a fool to try them again after they got things wrong the first time but I tried many readers on Michele Knights and predominantly UK based sites such as Psychic Sofa and ATA, Kooma, MK and Psychic Today. Some on Michele Knight were good with validations, especially Connie and Louise but nothing happened once again. All said he would be back apart from 1 or 2 who asked lots of questions then based off of what I told them said 'nah, he isn't returning', so I couldn't really call that psychic.
It's so disappointing that these people call themselves psychic yet got things so so wrong. Some things in life we definitely have no control over and you have to let go and if it is meant for you it won't pass you by, but no calling readers will bring someone back sadly. You're sat there wasting money, your heart, energy and effort on some guy who isn't wasting a dime on you.