A morning technique: write out 10-15 random things you like to see in your day. Just randomly, try to spend as less than 5 min a day every morning, very first thing you do.
1. I have free slice of pizza
2. I have someone say they had a dream about me
3. I have received a call from an ex
4. A hug from a relative
Without even thinking just write it out quickly.
The point of this technique is to build your manifestation muscles. Seeing both small and big manifestation are possible in what feels impossible.
... to be honest, i’m scared of this technique... some things end up happening the next day, or two, yes that was fun. Watching them get crossed off is a delightful pleasant surprise. But ...after doing this on the third day (and can remember) I sincerely felt like “who is asking of this? Is this the me that really wants this, or ego? Will manifesting this bring me spiritual fulfillment? Are these thoughts mine or someone else? Who am I being guided by?” ... and this freaks me out, I may try it again though? (I’ve also been watching YouTube videos on new age to Christian) also I just started this technique... so I’m very new to this practice technique. I do think doing this will grow and work out your manifestation muscle.
Has anyone else done this technique? For a longer consistent time? Did anyone else get freaked doing this? Or am I odd ball with one? ...regardless, it could be empowering, if that’s what calls you
I do this all the time and have been doing it for quite a while. What’s wrong with having desires lol. That’s the whole point of life. Ego isn’t bad, it’s excess that’s too much. Why can’t you have spiritual fulfillment and all your desires too lol? They’re not mutually exclusive. Just intend for everything you desire to be in your highest alignment and there your problem is solved. I don’t really understand why you’re scared. Only you can guide yourself, there’s no one else unless you allow other people to have power. You also manifest 24 hrs out of a day it’s not something you just turn off so might as well manifest consciously and get things you want rather than go on autopilot and manifest based on old beliefs. This technique also works on writing down who you want to be in the present or past tense terms. The universe doesn’t judge, it just wants you to make a decision and stick to it so it give you what you want in the fastest way.
Agree with everything she has said!!!
Also Pinkamena, It all comes down to trusting yourself, and that may be hard right now. It took me a few months to rebuild my intuition, but once you do, it feels amazing because at the end of the day I am the ONLY ONE who knows what’s best for me. The universe/ any higher power aligns with me, not the other way around.