Author Topic: Help interpreting spread please :)  (Read 2466 times)


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Help interpreting spread please :)
« on: November 04, 2019, 08:54:00 PM »
Hi! You were all so helpful with my last spread - and it proved very accurate- I would love help deciphering this one, mostly bc of how many royals and pents I pulled... wondering how you'd interpret!!

So I posed one question; pulled three cards:
As I shuffled, I questioned "What do I need to know this week? What themes will be important this week?":
I got knight of pents, king wands and reverse 3 pents
Was looking at the first line as past, present future as a way to answer this question but open to your interpretation

I then asked second question, "what situation will I be faced with?"
King pents, rx queen of pents, rx 7 cups

I was pulling the second row along lines of situation, possible challenges or opportunities and then outcome

I will attach image. I am asking for interpretation bc I got so many royal cards and also so many pents

Thank you!!


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Re: Help interpreting spread please :)
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2019, 09:17:27 PM »
Hi! You were all so helpful with my last spread - and it proved very accurate- I would love help deciphering this one, mostly bc of how many royals and pents I pulled... wondering how you'd interpret!!

So I posed one question; pulled three cards:
As I shuffled, I questioned "What do I need to know this week? What themes will be important this week?":
I got knight of pents, king wands and reverse 3 pents
Was looking at the first line as past, present future as a way to answer this question but open to your interpretation

I then asked second question, "what situation will I be faced with?"
King pents, rx queen of pents, rx 7 cups

I was pulling the second row along lines of situation, possible challenges or opportunities and then outcome

I will attach image. I am asking for interpretation bc I got so many royal cards and also so many pents

Thank you!!

By any chance are you feeling slightly impatient with a situation?  The Knight of Pents and the King of Wands seem to be facing off against one another; almost like the King of Wands would like to use his wand and bat that pentacle right out of the Knight of Pentacles hands.  It’s like he’s annoyed bc something, in his mind anyway relating to the Knight of Pentacles, is taking too long.  Then the 3 of Pentacles in reverse makes it seem as if there is no collaboration, energies are not working together.  Wands and Pentacles, in and of themselves, are contradictory —> super fast moving and full of passion to slow moving, steady, and highly practical.  You mentioned something to do with past, present, future.  Perhaps the past and the present are so opposite from each other that they cannot come together in the future? 

I’m not sure if the Court cards represent people or energies.  If people, there is an earth sign male that is less mature facing off against a more mature fire sign male.  As for you and the two males, there will be no working together.  I get “three is a crowd.”

As for the second row, I get a queen that is not too pleased with a certain situation.  Seven of cups rx to me is an illusion that was shattered, resisting fantasy or a temptation.  The king remains by her side, but her mind is elsewhere, focusing on an abandoned dream or wish or fantasy.  I don’t have my cards in front of me and I can’t see the image you attached, but I believe the queen is looking at the seven of cups as if they were spilling out the contents they held.  The contents bring emotion and all the stuff that dream was made of. It’s like she’s trying to find a silver lining. 

Not sure if any of this makes sense!


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Re: Help interpreting spread please :)
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2019, 07:23:35 PM »
WOw that was pretty incredible and not what I was expecting but I find that very releant and informing.  Thank you soooo much Yaz for the time you put into that!!! it means so much and i really think you went really deep and picked up on so much.

I never would have closely analyzed the relationship and the energies spread between the lines but that was really interesting.  Gosh I could ask you a million more questions on my situaion. I love Tarot it is so cool like a puzzle putting pieces together.

Now... what to do... would love to know the queens outcome!!! haha.  or at least ... next steps! Maybe i shoould pull them later today or tomorrow :)

