So I wanted to report back...
this is pretty cool - I had the weekend to sort of settle my thoughts and i knew this communication needed to take place.
Monday morning i drew one card. I drew the emporer.
I knew that meant it was time to assert my boundaries.
i called my POI and had the BEST conversation. it could NOT have gone better. I believe i truly believe in the cards.
While I did not back down from having the communication, i did back down in my approach. I was clear, calm, rational, non emotional and the converstion we had WAS AMAZING.
he shared openly his feelings, what he thought about me, us, what he loved about me, why thinga are the way they are, why he acted certain wasy, any question i had - was conversationally answered over a wonderful 30 minute+ phone call. nothing off limits. no anger, no hurt, just good solid heart to heart.
i walked away feeling ABUNDANT anfd FULL OF PEACE.
just like the cards said. Could not wait to share and thank you ALL for weighin in!!!