Author Topic: My Story  (Read 14286 times)

Offline MidwesternSun

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Re: My Story
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2019, 12:27:06 AM »
I'm wondering if your ex posted that on social media to put it out there to other females they are together because she has her suspicions? Sorry just speculating.

Meh, I have been told by more than a few people that Cookie has predicted things, or explained the state of things, that at the time, the listener did not want (or could not) believe but later found out to be true.  So, it is possible.  But I don't think my ex is the type of girl to play those games. 

Yona did mention that upon her return, my ex and I would have, not arguments, but disagreements about perspectives.  It wouldn't be heated but we would have differing view points.  But I think that's really... really... really stretching things at this point.

Offline Rayban212

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Re: My Story
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2019, 12:36:02 AM »

I’m so sorry this happened to you and I really hope that you will soon heal from this. But question, how were the readers wrong? I know they didn’t get the full picture of things but from reading the story it seems like they were pretty accurate on what is to come. If they gave you a time frame up until the end of the year isn’t it too early to say they were all wrong? Also I saw a post a few months ago were you stated that you saw the FB post back in June.

I’m not defending readers at all nor am I telling you to keep holding on to the situation because I’am also trying to live forward from this life. But I’m just curious to how they were so wrong?

Offline MidwesternSun

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Re: My Story
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2019, 12:45:37 AM »

I’m so sorry this happened to you and I really hope that you will soon heal from this. But question, how were the readers wrong? I know they didn’t get the full picture of things but from reading the story it seems like they were pretty accurate on what is to come. If they gave you a time frame up until the end of the year isn’t it too early to say they were all wrong? Also I saw a post a few months ago were you stated that you saw the FB post back in June.

I’m not defending readers at all nor am I telling you to keep holding on to the situation because I’am also trying to live forward from this life. But I’m just curious to how they were so wrong?

Well, to be perfectly honest, Yona, Cookie, Mattie, etc... didn't give an exact time frame as to when my ex and her boyfriend would break up.  They just said, "By the end of the year, you two will communicate and you two will meet up after some communication.  Yona did say, 'There is a gap in communication between the two of you and will be for a period of time.'  Previously, she mentioned, "You will have a brief communication... you won't talk about what you want to talk about and you mustn't rush anything... and then there will be a gap in communication for likely months and not weeks.  Do not let your heart get the best of you." 

Mattie, Cookie, Rusty, Kisha, and a few others... all indicated that the boyfriend was a cheater and living a double life.  Very recently, Queen of Cups described it as 'The slow death... they are drifting apart and she knows it.'  Several other readers indicated "Nothing physical between them... he's a magician and shadow."  Cookie did say, "You could find out, by the time you two start communicating... that they have been together for a year.  I see her dating someone else before she reaches out to you.  But I see her reaching out to you... I see her inviting you to church."  She also practically screamed 'I guarantee this prediction.'  I have had a few friends listen to the Cookie readings (who also normally read with her) and they were all shocked because none of them have ever heard her say things like that to them.

So, technically, you are correct... the time frame is not up yet.  But this is behavior she never exhibited when we were together.  She seems much more open with her feelings, so I am thinking it is authentic.  I'd be really surprised if she posted these pictures as a means of trapping him.  She doesn't play games.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 12:50:04 AM by MidwesternSun »

Offline Rayban212

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Re: My Story
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2019, 01:04:11 AM »
Very good point mrrrrh2!

Thank you for clarifying midwestern, again I’m so sorry this all happened to you. Wishing you lots of peace and love to come <3 please update us if anything happens


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Re: My Story
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2019, 02:12:28 AM »
I’m really sorry this happened and I know that sinking feeling, but I also know that Facebook or social media in general LIES! Crazy things can still happen.

I agree with Bean82, you never know what goes on behind closed doors. Im sorry midwesternsun, my heart goes out to you and Im here if you ever want to talk. <3

Offline sparky

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Re: My Story
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2019, 06:56:59 PM »
Kind of eerie how similar your situation is to mine.  It isn't exactly the same but there are some similarities. As for social media I wouldn't worry about it.  A lot of it can be a front to make it seem like it is great but in reality it probably isn't so.  This isn't something you can't judge from just one or two posts.  It can take a while to figure out the true meaning of social media posts and there are a lot of subtle things in those posts that tell you what it means.  But I would just forget about the social media.  If she is meant to come back into your life then just live your life and she will return.  The more you dwell on the predictions and wait for her will just eat you up.  Which will bring you down more since you feel like you wasted so much time on them.

Offline Star_01

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Re: My Story
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2019, 07:00:47 PM »
Kind of eerie how similar your situation is to mine.  It isn't exactly the same but there are some similarities. As for social media I wouldn't worry about it.  A lot of it can be a front to make it seem like it is great but in reality it probably isn't so.  This isn't something you can't judge from just one or two posts.  It can take a while to figure out the true meaning of social media posts and there are a lot of subtle things in those posts that tell you what it means.  But I would just forget about the social media.  If she is meant to come back into your life then just live your life and she will return.  The more you dwell on the predictions and wait for her will just eat you up.  Which will bring you down more since you feel like you wasted so much time on them.

I agree, if someone is supposed to come back in, they will. Problem is, could be months or years from now when the person waiting would have moved on. And social media often creates false pictures, an ex of mine has been with his partner for over a year but they split up for a week or so inbetween and from their social media they seemed happy and like butter wouldn't melt. If they split up inbetween and got back together it can't be the healthiest situation! Don't look the surface appearance fool you.

Offline Loulou

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Re: My Story
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2019, 10:16:06 PM »

Oh wow!   That’s so disappointing to hear.  I’m so sorry this has happened to you

So not one psychic told you negative.  That’s terrible.  It goes to show there isn’t anyone we can really trust. 


So sorry to hear this, i hate to pry...but did they pick up a 3rd party?  or was this a total surprise to you?

Several of them picked up a third party...

In the last reading, Cookie indicated that she saw my my ex and her boyfriend having sex.  That was something we were saving for marriage, but who knows?  Maybe she was right.  She did see me having sex while my ex was gone... and that was true.  Cookie also repeated (several times) he is cheating on her.  I see him with other women, some times in the same day.  She doesn't know yet, but maybe she suspects, but she will eventually find out."  Kisha also indicated a male energy near her but was going to trick her.  Mattie also said he was cheating. 

In our first reading three months ago, Yona referred to (presumably) my ex as a 'Twisty Lady.'  Not that Yona disliked her, but indicated that my ex didn't have much experience dating until she met me.  Which was true.  Yona explained, "She is discovering her power... she likes to be in control.  She is exploring her power in the dating pool... not a bad thing, but she is realizing that there's a world here that she has largely ignored.  She is not sleeping around, but is looking for the connections in her life that she desires."  The first card in the first reading was The Devil - which I guess usually indicates that the rest of the reading will eventually occur? 

In the first reading, Yona referred to my ex as Queen of Cups.  In this reading last week, she appeared as Queen of Swords.  The first card was Lovers (decisions).  She did immediately say, "There is a meeting come up but I see that you are going to get some information here very soon that you did not previously have and that you needed to know.  Not a major thing, but something you needed to know."  She also said, I see a lot of orange around you (increasing strength) and some red.  She continued to say the challenge over the next few months is an emotional one. 

Now, at this point (within first six minutes of reading) and she referenced this in the last reading, "You are going to have an emotional battle... not with others, but with your self.  You don't have all the information, you don't have all the details.  You may see doom and gloom but this person whom you are thinking about is not giving you all the information - 5 of Cups crossing.  You can't form an accurate picture, though your intuition has not been entirely off.

She did say, "Within 3 or 4 months you will experience the diminishing of fear of loss.  In other words, you will either be over a person or you will have heard from them and gotten together.  I don't know which one, but I think communication because communication keeps standing out." 

So who knows... maybe things will drastically change over the next three or four months.  I have a sneaking suspicion that they won't and these readers were wrong. 

Life goes on.

Offline MidwesternSun

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Re: My Story
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2019, 10:24:54 PM »
No, there were a few that said that she was not coming back:

Golden Dawn Tarot indicated that my ex felt that she had to make a decision, and that she wasn't ready to fall in love or for marriage.  I would never hear from her again.  She also indicated that my ex and the new guy would continue dating over the long term.
Delores (CP) indicated that the universe deemed it necessary that we were to split apart and find something new.
Soul Navigation (Meredith) said that my ex was "happy enough" with new boyfriend and wouldn't reach out to me ever again.
Marin (CP) said that she was never coming back but also said that there was a male energy around her but that this would not last through the end of the year. 
Matilda said that my ex was never coming back but by August I would bump into her and this guy (in an outdoor arena of some kind) and that I would know it was totally over - that never happened, and I did not intentionally stay home to avoid it.

Oh wow!   That’s so disappointing to hear.  I’m so sorry this has happened to you
So not one psychic told you negative.  That’s terrible.  It goes to show there isn’t anyone we can really trust. 

Offline Solitude_Soul

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Re: My Story
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2019, 12:38:15 AM »
I have only read with Golden Dawn Tarot and she seems to be a negative reader. I read with her twice on two different POI's and she was negative for me too. She said that i would never ever hear from them but i am in touch with them but its not going anywhere.

No, there were a few that said that she was not coming back:

Golden Dawn Tarot indicated that my ex felt that she had to make a decision, and that she wasn't ready to fall in love or for marriage.  I would never hear from her again.  She also indicated that my ex and the new guy would continue dating over the long term.
Delores (CP) indicated that the universe deemed it necessary that we were to split apart and find something new.
Soul Navigation (Meredith) said that my ex was "happy enough" with new boyfriend and wouldn't reach out to me ever again.
Marin (CP) said that she was never coming back but also said that there was a male energy around her but that this would not last through the end of the year. 
Matilda said that my ex was never coming back but by August I would bump into her and this guy (in an outdoor arena of some kind) and that I would know it was totally over - that never happened, and I did not intentionally stay home to avoid it.

Oh wow!   That’s so disappointing to hear.  I’m so sorry this has happened to you
So not one psychic told you negative.  That’s terrible.  It goes to show there isn’t anyone we can really trust. 

Offline user5942

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Re: My Story
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2019, 03:22:07 AM »
I’m so sorry that this happened!

I know the devastation. So many readers told me that the guy I’ve been off and on with would be in a relationship with me by now. This includes Mattie, Effie, Rika, Anastasia, etc. Only Yona and Kisha saw a severance. Yona predicted a tower with a three of swords and I kept telling myself “it’s not him it can’t be him” and sure enough it was as devastating as she predicted. I kept trying to doubt the reading with Kisha since it was so doom and gloom, but sure enough I only wanted to believe the positives.

Don’t lose hope but don’t focus on these readings either. In my experience everything happens for a reason and like Star said, things aren’t always what the seem. If it’s meant to be it will be, I don’t think coincidences exist.

I didn’t hear from my guy after 8 months. He had a girlfriend. He broke up with the girlfriend and sent me a text out of the blue in February after no contact since June. I had him deleted and off social media, I practically fell off my chair. I thought I made it clear I didn’t necessarily want to communicate with him. Crazy things happen at unexpected times, don’t rule out your ex crawling back. Mind you, don’t bank on it - but coming from some who experienced it, what seems impossible is not always that way
« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 03:24:30 AM by user5942 »


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Re: My Story
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2019, 05:28:58 PM »
@user - are you with him now?  how did it go when he contacted you out of the blue in feb?

Offline user5942

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Re: My Story
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2019, 10:28:49 PM »
 Nope, he has a new girlfriend and it came as a sudden shock since we were working on things from April - June

He completely 2 timed me

Only Yona and Kisha saw this and it was my tower for Yona and Kisha said it was a “severing” of a relationship

Offline Star_01

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Re: My Story
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2019, 11:33:12 PM »
Nope, he has a new girlfriend and it came as a sudden shock since we were working on things from April - June

He completely 2 timed me

Only Yona and Kisha saw this and it was my tower for Yona and Kisha said it was a “severing” of a relationship

That really sucks the way that he treated you, coming in out of the blue seeming to miss you to then 2 time on you like that. Well done you though for being tough on something so hurtful as that and dusting yourself off, it's not always easy to do when someone messes with your self esteem like that.  :-\

Offline midwest60

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Re: My Story
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2019, 11:25:48 AM »
I've read all these posts about disappointment with POI's and love, and most importantly, being let down by a psychic who you depended on for insight. Been there and done that in my late 40's until I was numb. Now, 15 years later I read about more people experiencing what I did with love and see the disappointment from the same readers!  Golden Tarot and Soul Navigation ...the list goes on and on of people I called. If only I knew then that the only way to find lasting and healthy relationships was to not stress out about people who had moved on or were not interested. If they were meant to come back, they would. And, in my case they did return after their relationships failed but I was no longer interested. And by then, I had met a new person through my church. Of course, there was no Facebook when I was in my 40's. I find it suspicious when someone posts so many private details online. I know it must be difficult to read if you are an ex, but at the same time, why is the ex doing that in the first place? Validation?

Keep praying and focus on maintaining a healthy perspective. Your time will come for a happy relationship! For me, I went back to school and got a second degree and everything fell into place.