Author Topic: I’m really really upset  (Read 14102 times)

Offline jas

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #60 on: September 30, 2019, 03:12:01 AM »
I am sorry but Star you still haven't explained this.  What in the world did she say other than "dodgy".  She wasn't attaching you AND you still haven't explained what Ausriala has to do with this.  You are reading to much into it.  And just like the private mail I sent to YOU, stating that it is a shame they accused you wrongly.  I am saying you are accusing Loulou wrongly.

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #61 on: September 30, 2019, 03:15:43 AM »
I am sorry but Star you still haven't explained this.  What in the world did she say other than "dodgy".  She wasn't attaching you AND you still haven't explained what Ausriala has to do with this.  You are reading to much into it.  And just like the private mail I sent to YOU, stating that it is a shame they accused you wrongly.  I am saying you are accusing Loulou wrongly.

The Vent / Re: Be cautious
« on: August 13, 2019, 10:45:42 PM »
So is is mostly the newbies to look out for, or are their any senior/hero members to be careful of - Not asking for names just curious if this is a problem with older members on here being fakes.
The Vent / Re: Be cautious
« on: August 13, 2019, 09:51:16 PM »
Well, I am lost in the weeds.  What I take away from this thread is that if you don't know who the players are on here then this board is useless.  When I want to read with someone new, I usually jump in here and try to read some of the reviews, but now it seems that there are a lot of fakes in here and I need to know who they are or the information may not be good info.

The Vent / Re: Be cautious
« on: August 13, 2019, 06:48:00 PM »
The psychics on Keen might be lurking around in here but this place is deceptive all on it's own.  The minute something is said that the current "hero members" don't agree with, they are all over the person and, as has happened many times now, the person that made the controversial statement usually ends up getting kicked out.  I would love to see it play out sometime.  I can't even keep up with who is who in here.  Apparently, if you aren't in here every day you miss out.  Seems like a lot of people are accused of being psychics in here lurking around and all of the regulars know who they are.....I am just sitting her clueless trying to figure it out.

Another thing - it seems there are an awful lot of comments made toward "lurkers" and it is not appreciated if you don't participate.  I have greatly minimized my calling, therefore, don't have a lot to add at the moment, so now i worry that I will be accused of lurking.

just my opinion.....don't jump on me."

So you are okay to make comments like these, but it's another rule for me? Please don't police my comments after telling me to keep posting what I post privately. It was between LouLou and I, it has been discussed so move on please. Admin already told me and others that those users were the same person and area. I have the inbox from him too if you truly wish?

Offline jas

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #62 on: September 30, 2019, 03:22:44 AM »
Star, Star, are entirely too much.  I have neither the energy nor the time for this.  I am out.  Stomp your foot and have your way.  I leave it to you my dear lady.  I as usual, you will write four fucking paragraphs to prove your point.   I will continue on the board but I mostly to read the reviews.  I have nothing further to say to you or much of anyone else.  You are so deeply invested in this place....
I feel sorry for you.

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #63 on: September 30, 2019, 03:23:31 AM »
Star, Star, are entirely too much.  I have neither the energy nor the time for this.  I am out.  Stomp your foot and have your way.  I leave it to you my dear lady.  I as usual, you will write four fucking paragraphs to prove your point.   I will continue on the board but I mostly to read the reviews.  I have nothing further to say to you or much of anyone else.  You are so deeply invested in this place....
I feel sorry for you.

If you don't have the time or energy, keep your nose out of something that isn't your business in the first place and stop being a hypocrite. Thanks!

Offline jas

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #64 on: September 30, 2019, 03:25:14 AM »
I wrote you those messages because I felt sorry for you.  I just don't have the energy for your DRAMA and I mean DRAMA, girl you bring the DRAMA to this place like no other and Honestly from the PM's I am getting, others seem to agree.

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #65 on: September 30, 2019, 03:25:39 AM »
I wrote you those messages because I felt sorry for you.  I just don't have the energy for your DRAMA and I mean DRAMA, girl you bring the DRAMA to this place like no other and Honestly from the PM's I am getting, others seem to agree.

I thought you were done, my dear lady?

Offline jas

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #66 on: September 30, 2019, 03:29:50 AM »

Offline jas

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #67 on: September 30, 2019, 03:40:35 AM »
Let me give you a quick stats.  I have been registered and active on this board for two years.  You just joined in June of this year and yet your post are 450......Lordy girl.....this place is your life.....get over it....let it go....go out and live a little.

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #68 on: September 30, 2019, 03:41:46 AM »
Let me give you a quick stats.  I have been registered and active on this board for two years.  You just joined in June of this year and yet your post are 450......Lordy girl.....this place is your life.....get over it....let it go....go out and live a little.

You have literally just said you were done and you're already back on continuing in the "DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA". Nobody forced you to come on in the first place, in your own "free will", you came on and got involved in this drama which had nothing to do with you. Please carry on with your reviewing and I'll carry on with mine if I'm such "DRAMA". P.s. It does not matter how long someone has been a user and how many years, the forum doesn't revolve around you either, hypocrite.

Offline jas

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #69 on: September 30, 2019, 03:43:39 AM »
Hum....I could go searching for your post and prove your hypocrisy as well.  Goodnight and sweet dreams.

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #70 on: September 30, 2019, 03:45:15 AM »
Hum....I could go searching for your post and prove your hypocrisy as well.  Goodnight and sweet dreams.

Can't you leave this be and stop the "drama". And agree to disagree with me instead of constant back and forths?

