Author Topic: How much info should you share....  (Read 1754 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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How much info should you share....
« on: September 26, 2019, 12:51:33 AM »
Ok playing devils advocate here just to get a conversation going and hear everyone's thoughts on this.

Giving your back story....
I know the rule of thumb isn't to tell too much; sometimes what an advisor picks up doesn't make sense because they aren't getting the whole picture.   Now don't get me wrong to tell them you are reading on an ex or someone you just met so you can see if they pick things up.   Like i read with someone who described the situation as if this was a brand new person so right off the bat i knew she was wrong. 

But some times when i feel the person is picking up the person/situation i think its helpful to give a little detail on what they are getting.  If that makes sense.  Like oh yes we have an on and off situation and he does shut me out when he's mad. I guess its almost like you letting them know that they are on to something.  Now this is just my feelings on it.  Especially of i am going to a tarot reader.

Free will....
I always felt this was a cop out but when i look back on things i have altered some predictions due to my own free will.  So what i am saying that it is possible that sometimes you or your poi does something that changes the original plan.  You know the idea of the butterfly effect. 

These are somethings that i always have running in the back of my mind when it comes to readings in general.

Offline Star_01

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Re: How much info should you share....
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2019, 01:10:57 AM »
The problem is, even if you don't say anything and let the reader talk, they can still easily make things up or be guided to the area you wanna talk about. It's a pattern of hovering over career, work, relationships, house moves and going from your responses.

I know that the topic of free will has been discussed many many times on here, but truly - if outcomes and energies can change so easily - what really is the point of readings? I truly believe that if someone is meant to make contact with you then they will, they may delay and put it off and that is the free will, but if two paths are meant to cross again, then surely they will? Maybe some readers just got the ending wrong, and I think very very few readers can really see the true future, most can't see past "free will", so they're good for current and past only. I also believe that we aren't meant to get all the answers and need to live our lives, too. Maybe we did something in free will but it was meant to happen that way, anyway, or it will happen but delayed. I don't believe in free will as often as readers make out, over half of people don't get the success rate with readings, and all of those people just had free will?! I just think the reader is wrong or things happened that the reader didn't necessarily foresee. I truly do believe in things being set and have had my own experiences and things happen that were not coincidental at all. For example I fell out with someone and months later when I matured, I realised that what they said to me was the truth and I couldn't bear to hear it, I was on the fence about contacting them to apologise and make peace, but I really wanted to contact them. However, I decided to put it off out of embarrassment and a couple of months later something happened which wasn't coincidental by any means, which got me back in touch with this person. So I truly think if an ex is for you, or a job or friend it won't pass you by and if they weren't meant for you - you may be mad at the time but further on in life you will realise why it didn't work out. I don't rule out a free will, but I am certain personally that things are set which we cannot control and I do think the free will that is there isn't as common or free as readers make out for sure. I am also sure that people we meet are on purpose for certain reasons/lessons/experiences. I live my life knowing if someone is meant to come back in my life, they will. Or, as painful as it is, if they don't then the reasons will be made clear later on in most cases. If something is or isn't meant for me, it won't pass me by as cliched as it sounds.

Offline RPLguy

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Re: How much info should you share....
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2019, 11:01:29 PM »
Ever see the movie "The Adjustment Bureau"?