Author Topic: September check in  (Read 11124 times)

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: September check in
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2019, 12:02:52 AM »
7 readers have told me he likes me and is not happy with her. spoke to him today and he was talking about her to me like they are fine and making future plans. are they all lying or is he lying? spoke to Uli, Mattie, karen jo, kisha, tara, gaylene and QOC all saying he is leaning towards me or likes me romantically and they will be done soon. who is a real empath I can speak to?

Queen of cups is my go to. She said she saw a breakup then and I was like nah. Then boom. Same day they split . My jaw hit the floor !

Offline sequoia

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Re: September check in
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2019, 12:26:05 AM »
Well guys - a prediction that Mattie gave me back in April this year (Ive only read with her once this year and once last year) is HAPPENING in September as she said.

She said "Either the 3rd of September or October, you will be planning a trip with a guy, you will be going away...the place starts with the letter A"

Well I'm going to see him in San Antonio tomorrow - we even thought about switching to Austin but stuck with SA.

Based on what other readers have said I am supposed to also meet my new boo this month lol...but I think its been pushed to the colder months like October-November and being solid next Feb.

These are super-specific predictions so we will see how they do---- in the meantime, Ill be kicking it with POI 4!

Mattie likes her trips, lol! She had one really specific place and date trip prediction spot on for me and the other more vague one did not pass.

Offline sexyp

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Re: September check in
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2019, 07:37:35 AM »
she was a bit vague with me when I read with her almost like she didn't want to say much because maybe she was not certain? she did tell me something in my first reading about this man that I knew was definitely not true. when I read with her a few weeks later there was a shift in what she was telling me. i am trying not to post details on here just in case.

7 readers have told me he likes me and is not happy with her. spoke to him today and he was talking about her to me like they are fine and making future plans. are they all lying or is he lying? spoke to Uli, Mattie, karen jo, kisha, tara, gaylene and QOC all saying he is leaning towards me or likes me romantically and they will be done soon. who is a real empath I can speak to?

Queen of cups is my go to. She said she saw a breakup then and I was like nah. Then boom. Same day they split . My jaw hit the floor !

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Re: September check in
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2019, 07:52:07 AM »
I think you are going about it the right way. I think I should do the same. live my life and date and not wait on him to make up his mind. people are never honest and with us I think we friendzoned each other and now there is feelings there. hard to reverse especially considering he was seeing someone when we met and was open about it. until he gives me more than friends conversation, I am going to act like I don't have a clue he likes me. that's the only way to protect my sanity. at least 3 of them saw it ending in a few months but will it really? if he likes me surely he should just pick me and end it with her. Mattie, tara and Uli saw movement from this month on. but what really is movement if you are close friends with someone who is involved with someone else?

I know right. i was so hurt but tried not to show it when he spoke to me. one reader i listed above told me he would tell me something today and it did not happen. i wont mention which reader coz if they are reading this forum they will know who I am. but I am going nuts over this because I have caught feelings for a man involved with someone else?

Hey sexyp, I am in the same situation and it’s honestly weird for me and frustrating because I never been in a situation like this and it’s frustrating because me myself I am confused on what to do. I had to ask my poi straight out if his feelings and intentions were friendly even though his actions of constantly texting me and even expressing  past feelings were saying otherwise . I believe after this conversation I made him aware again of his situation he has now gone to limited contact a text maybe every three days and not a full blown thread of conversations. I think when he saw me he felt something . I read with lady p and she said that he still has feelings for me but the reality is he either is just being friendly,or lying to me and himself about his feelings and ultimately he is still with his gf. Now I know it’s crazy to think that because we got back in contact three months ago that he’s going to leave her I know this will probably take time and according to Yona she is not an obstacle but yet the reality is he has a gf and I will not continue to emotionally and financially punish myself. I will live my life date,etc. He can figure out on his own what he wants to do. Until he outright flirts or says anything that 100 percent seems unfriendly I will then deal with the situation head on but until now I’m taking everything at face value.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: September check in
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2019, 06:05:52 AM »
Looks like these September updates are just a mess lately  :-X and we aren’t even halfway in

Offline sexyp

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Re: September check in
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2019, 07:01:32 AM »
 :( :(. at this point I think I just need to rely on empaths. i just need to find a good one. tried Judi and I am not too sure about her. even Yona could not confirm this man was my KOW. She said she was not sure

Looks like these September updates are just a mess lately  :-X and we aren’t even halfway in

Offline wishes215

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Re: September check in
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2019, 09:49:44 PM »
I like Karen jo angel, give her a try if you are looking for an honest empath.

:( :(. at this point I think I just need to rely on empaths. i just need to find a good one. tried Judi and I am not too sure about her. even Yona could not confirm this man was my KOW. She said she was not sure

Looks like these September updates are just a mess lately  :-X and we aren’t even halfway in

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Re: September check in
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2019, 11:30:26 PM »
i have read with her and she was very good. she told me she couldn't see an outcome because he is torn. she picked up 3rd party before I said anything. so n predictions but she was spot on about his feelings and it made sense

I like Karen jo angel, give her a try if you are looking for an honest empath.

:( :(. at this point I think I just need to rely on empaths. i just need to find a good one. tried Judi and I am not too sure about her. even Yona could not confirm this man was my KOW. She said she was not sure

Looks like these September updates are just a mess lately  :-X and we aren’t even halfway in

Offline Just FYI

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Re: September check in
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2019, 03:41:55 AM »
My September update... just as Kisha noted several times in my last reading “you will go from being very motivated to feeling some anxiety”, I had a near nervous breakdown this morning which was really scary. Everything came at me at once and I was completely overwhelmed emotionally. I really wonder where the “some anxiety” falls on a 1-10 scale because I don’t think I could handle much more. I am truly hoping that this passes quickly. I can’t handle this much emotional angst. Thank you for reading and letting me vent.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: September check in
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2019, 02:51:21 PM »
I looked through my notes from the last 6 months, I don't have any September updates but I have a bunch of psychics who's predictions never happened over the summer.  I will list them here:
From CP:
Dove - didn't read me correct in the now
Oakley- asked questions right away that she should have been able to know the answers to
Tamika- I confirmed in minutes what she said was BS
Greta- nope didn't happen at all
Jesse- big double fail
Edith- total fail
Pascala- nope didn't happen in July
Hadley- half right about someone not paying me but I didn't hear that thing in August at all so 50/50
Latoya- didn't happen
Walter- nope
Elle- no didn't happen
Clementine- really bad reader hung up quick
Zeke- made up a big story, and it did not happen
Sheldon- she said I would "lose a close friend in 4 days", it did not happen :)

Gina Psychic vision on Keen- did not happen in August, I like her though so I'll see if the timing is just off.

Offline montauk

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Re: September check in
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2019, 09:05:15 PM »
So a prediction made by two of my favorites seems to be happening today,
kisha said, " by Sept he will make his intentions clear and you guys would be able to have more clarity moving forward",
which is true because I received a call from poi today (for the first time in months) and he asked to see me during the weekend... :o
and this was also predicted by ru on ebay (jmjaim0) , when she told me that poi will ask me to see me in a 11 and  to "have a heart to heart", which i thought maybe November but now looks like it's on the 11th of the month I'm not sure if it will be a heart to heart though, because I haven't decided if I will go  :-X

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: September check in
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2019, 05:55:14 PM »
So here's my end of September wrap up:

I formally applied for a job within my company which is a slight promotion, but a lot more opportunities and potential. I haven't heard back yet, but I am qualified and so far the only internal candidate, which is optimistic. 

Who got it right: Kisha and Leanne got it down to the actual month. Yona got the meetings/interviews but no timeframe. Rusty and Mattie both had a brief mention.

The ex: Nothing so far except he suddenly showed up on Facebook using an old account that I never blocked.  His profile pic was of the dog I got him. 😥 Rather than torture myself stalking him, I blocked the account. After confirming that there was no evidence of another woman. 🙄

The only one who mentioned this was Cookie who said I would see something on social media regarding him.

POI #2: Nothing new to report other than random texting. I'm not that interested tbh, but it's flattering.

Leanne got POI#2 stating it would be an ego booster, but not a full relationship.

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: September check in
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2019, 06:30:02 PM »
So here's my end of September wrap up:

I formally applied for a job within my company which is a slight promotion, but a lot more opportunities and potential. I haven't heard back yet, but I am qualified and so far the only internal candidate, which is optimistic. 

Who got it right: Kisha and Leanne got it down to the actual month. Yona got the meetings/interviews but no timeframe. Rusty and Mattie both had a brief mention.

The ex: Nothing so far except he suddenly showed up on Facebook using an old account that I never blocked.  His profile pic was of the dog I got him. 😥 Rather than torture myself stalking him, I blocked the account. After confirming that there was no evidence of another woman. 🙄

The only one who mentioned this was Cookie who said I would see something on social media regarding him.

POI #2: Nothing new to report other than random texting. I'm not that interested tbh, but it's flattering.

Leanne got POI#2 stating it would be an ego booster, but not a full relationship.

Hi Fidget!
Good luck on the job app - fingers crossed for you! :)
Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but reading your post, something stuck out to me, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm not sure on your situation as I hardly read all the posts on this board, but, I'm not sure if you want POI #1 back, or if you want him to make you?  If so, I think blocking his fb account would prevent this from happening.  If for some reason he was afraid to reach out for many reasons - thinking you wouldn't want him to, not confident, etc., if he notices you blocked his fb account (say he was looking at yours through this account and knew he wasn't blocked before) then he would probably guess you were upset with him or don't want to see him so he could very well decide not to reach out based on that.  So I think if you honestly don't want him to contact you that's fine, but a psychic told me a few months before my POI reached out after a year of no contact, not to give the universe mixed messages.  If you want him to reach out and have asked psychics if he will/when etc...and hope he does...but then have thoughts like "Wait til he contacts me and then I'll pretend like I don't care, or show him what a mistake he made, etc" or even blocking his account, then that's sending mixed messages and that energy can be felt and can prevent him from reaching out.  Sometimes things don't happen because more healing and growth needs to take place for a healthy reconciliation to occur.  Just my thoughts, you might not agree, but that advice really helped me get clear on what I want.  It also allowed me to be open and warm when he did reach out so he wasn't scared off further as he later confirmed he was waiting for the right signs to reach out as he was nervous/scared.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: September check in
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2019, 07:19:33 PM »
So here's my end of September wrap up:

I formally applied for a job within my company which is a slight promotion, but a lot more opportunities and potential. I haven't heard back yet, but I am qualified and so far the only internal candidate, which is optimistic. 

Who got it right: Kisha and Leanne got it down to the actual month. Yona got the meetings/interviews but no timeframe. Rusty and Mattie both had a brief mention.

The ex: Nothing so far except he suddenly showed up on Facebook using an old account that I never blocked.  His profile pic was of the dog I got him. 😥 Rather than torture myself stalking him, I blocked the account. After confirming that there was no evidence of another woman. 🙄

The only one who mentioned this was Cookie who said I would see something on social media regarding him.

POI #2: Nothing new to report other than random texting. I'm not that interested tbh, but it's flattering.

Leanne got POI#2 stating it would be an ego booster, but not a full relationship.

Hi Fidget!
Good luck on the job app - fingers crossed for you! :)
Hope you don't take this the wrong way, but reading your post, something stuck out to me, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm not sure on your situation as I hardly read all the posts on this board, but, I'm not sure if you want POI #1 back, or if you want him to make you?  If so, I think blocking his fb account would prevent this from happening.  If for some reason he was afraid to reach out for many reasons - thinking you wouldn't want him to, not confident, etc., if he notices you blocked his fb account (say he was looking at yours through this account and knew he wasn't blocked before) then he would probably guess you were upset with him or don't want to see him so he could very well decide not to reach out based on that.  So I think if you honestly don't want him to contact you that's fine, but a psychic told me a few months before my POI reached out after a year of no contact, not to give the universe mixed messages.  If you want him to reach out and have asked psychics if he will/when etc...and hope he does...but then have thoughts like "Wait til he contacts me and then I'll pretend like I don't care, or show him what a mistake he made, etc" or even blocking his account, then that's sending mixed messages and that energy can be felt and can prevent him from reaching out.  Sometimes things don't happen because more healing and growth needs to take place for a healthy reconciliation to occur.  Just my thoughts, you might not agree, but that advice really helped me get clear on what I want.  It also allowed me to be open and warm when he did reach out so he wasn't scared off further as he later confirmed he was waiting for the right signs to reach out as he was nervous/scared.

I also wonder lol. I’m blocked on one form of social media and that’s the only think stopping me from making the attempt 🤔 I’m a scaredy cat

You're right. I'm just petrified that I will see a pic of him with another woman. So far nothing and he's been on there since the end of July...8 friends (LOL), all family, men, and women in relationships.  Just seeing the dog as his profile pic made me sad. That's OUR dog. Dammit.

Offline almondtree

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Re: September check in
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2019, 10:28:33 PM »
Most of my predictions are for August- September so I'd like to chime in. With only 6 days left in September, it does not seem that any of my glowing predictions will happen. II met POI on a project. At the beginning which is around February- March this year, I started asking about him in readings because I wanted to know how he was thinking about the project because I needed to make some decisions. For some reasons, the readings swiftly move to romance, and somehow I got excited, and I liked him more and more as the times and as the readings went by...

Here is my list

Mrs. Jones in March: You'll see his funny side and on number 6 he will ask you out to have a meal together. From there friendship would develop.
Hayley Daniels Lake: he loves you (wtf)
Miss Ann: You two are two sides of the same coins. You will get closer in August/September
Angel Readings: You and he are lovers in past life. You will have a relationship in August/September
Ari: There is potential in August/September

Dino in June: he is clearly very attracted to you. Go for it

Karen Jo (KnowingAngel) in July when I quit the project: he wants to help me, he is hoping you to come back to the project, and he is interested in me.

Kisha: there will be a chance in August.

Sincerity in July and August ( consistent): he has commitment issues but he will come out and he will want a relationship in September.

What happened so far, back in March/April it looked like he tried to flirt with me but things went downhill in June. He turned cold and he stopped talking to me other than about works.
I quit the project in June, but I joined back in July. It is not because of what Karen Jo told me but for some other important reasons. I realized I would be in troubles if I did not go back. However, a month later, POI decided to terminate the entire project!! What a shock. It was totally unexpected. None of the readers mentioned it in the readings.

And he was never back to that warm, smiling, flirting guy that I knew in March/April. We met a couple of weeks ago, probably for the last time because the project ended. He was still cold, and he barely talked to me anything other than work-related things.

Just FYI, Mrs. Jones, Hayley, Sincerity were right for me about another POI a few years ago. Mrs. Jones and Hayley gave me negative and they were the only ones who were right. But it does not seem they are right this time  :-\. does not seem that any of the predictions will happen.. If anything happens, I will update. No update from me means nothing happens. :'( :'( :'(
« Last Edit: September 24, 2019, 10:41:22 PM by almondtree »