Author Topic: September check in  (Read 11651 times)

Offline SomethingBetter

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September check in
« on: September 02, 2019, 11:27:07 AM »
I don’t expect anything I was told would happen this month will, but for everyone else, have at it.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 11:48:46 AM by SomethingBetter »

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: September check in
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2019, 11:59:38 AM »
Here are predictions possible in September (same as August that didn't happen). They are all POI related, so I'm sure nothing will happen  ::):

Kisha: we'll be in titled relationship, back on track in Sept. I'll be disappointed that it took so long.

Cookie: Crazy Cookie who couldn't get through the reading without asking me 500 questions says I'll hear from him in 7-12.

Yona: When I read with her on 7/8 she said I'm going to get an apology/explanation in 2/3 months, but before the end of this year. I'm just throwing that out here because her last prediction came in 3-5 weeks early.

Leanne (7/14): "Within" the next 3/4 months I'm going to have some communications with a man who I feel has been lying to me. He's going to come clean or it becomes obvious in next 3/4 months. He's sorry and he wants to explain himself to you and you're asking big questions. And it may be nothing and I could decide to move forward with this, but I may also ask myself is this really what I want in my life. I'm throwing this in because she was very adamant about it being WITHIN 3/4 months. Could be tomorrow or could be the end of the 4th month.

Mattie 7/15: POI will reappear in 2 weeks to 2 months. BTW, Mattie insists the 3rd party is polar opposite of me and I will be shocked at who/what it was. It kind of freaks me out because Italy Shawn said it's his ex wife and that would explain the troll description that Mattie was inferring. Yikes. Also on 7/30 mentioned end of August/beginning of September/Virgo season he will resurface on a Friday.

Adding Rusty, who didn't give a timeframe other than soon, but said an ex will return looking to reconcile, but I am turning my back and he will have to jump through rings of fire for me to consider it. Lots of damage done. A new man will come in around the same time.

Anywho...September is supposed to be my "big" month for changes.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 12:21:49 PM by Fidget1028 »

Offline jas

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Re: September check in
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2019, 01:11:31 PM »
September is supposed to be a month where I start to feel grounded - so far I would say it is certainly a sobering month.  My addiction is out of control and is now starting to strain me financially.  October is supposed to be a month of play....we shall see.

Offline lp1111

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Re: September check in
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2019, 01:49:02 PM »
At this point I don’t expect any of my predictions to come through either. I have been told July-October will be big changes in my love life... so far not a damn thing. I will update here if it happens.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: September check in
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2019, 03:02:03 PM »
I haven’t had many readings at all lately, I just don’t believe in them anymore..but none of the ones I had earlier in the year came true for me, I remember August being a month that was mentioned a lot, and new men and no old ones lol

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: September check in
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2019, 03:19:04 PM »
According to everyone I talked to ( the same 4 or 5) this month should be a huge month for me but I very highly doubt that.

One reader told me I would be taking a road trip end of last month, beginning of this one even if I didn’t have anything yet. She said it involved high school and college friends. I saw this as very plausible as the friends and I have been talking about getting together, one does have a birthday this month, and we are all within the state so we roadtrip it. But it hasn’t happened and most likely won’t.

BF wants to take me on a day trip sometime this month.

Cookie’s Summer of Shit continues. I have to wonder if she accurately predicted that or if it was me since it was already in my subconscious.


Offline Sparkle002

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Re: September check in
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2019, 06:19:07 PM »
Well guys - a prediction that Mattie gave me back in April this year (Ive only read with her once this year and once last year) is HAPPENING in September as she said.

She said "Either the 3rd of September or October, you will be planning a trip with a guy, you will be going away...the place starts with the letter A"

Well I'm going to see him in San Antonio tomorrow - we even thought about switching to Austin but stuck with SA.

Based on what other readers have said I am supposed to also meet my new boo this month lol...but I think its been pushed to the colder months like October-November and being solid next Feb.

These are super-specific predictions so we will see how they do---- in the meantime, Ill be kicking it with POI 4!

Offline Just FYI

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Re: September check in
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2019, 12:56:13 PM »
Looking into my notes from my most recent reading from Kisha: will feel some anxiety, not alarming. Have to get through it, it's temporary.

I'm a ball of anxiety regardless of the month. Reading this, I feel like "this is different from my every day because?"

Kisha general reading from February: in the fall months I should expect an "emotional release" and will meet a tall energy with dark hair and eyes, tan complexion and almond shaped eyes. I'll meet him when entering a building as if he's opening a door or I'm opening the door. He's wise and down to earth.

In the next 6 months (that would be August or September based on when I got the reading), she saw me getting a pet, kind of on a whim.

I think I've already met the man - a new business associate meets this description, but I'm not sure about the "emotional release". My husband and I have been hyper aware of cute dogs when we go out for a walk, but I don't see an adoption in our future.

Micah 6 month outlook: in a 9 (possibly September), you will be more social and close-knit with the people closest to you.

Will be interesting to see how things play out. It seems to be a busy month workwise for me, as has the summer... I haven't had a lot of time to relax and be social for a while.


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Re: September check in
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2019, 01:02:47 PM »
According to Yona September should be my month. Her reading gave me the timeline of November 2018 till my birthday which is at the end of the month. She predicted that I will do well on  civil service exam and I will get the promotion at work. I take this exam at the end of the month. She also said that after a trip a KOP will be making a full on flirtatious approach . She said how she believed it wasn’t a long trip because I had deadlines and I was going on the trip for enjoyment. I am going on a bday trip the first week of October for 4 days over the weekend and when I get back I have two papers due for class. Now when she gave me this prediction last year I fit it in and thought it was suppose to happen right away because at that time I was taking another civil service exam a week from that reading and I was taking a trip to NOLA but I didn’t really have any deadlines and I also wasn’t in contact with the KOP so nothing happened. Also the civil service exam I took I failed badly lmfao so that couldn’t be what she was talking about . But let’s see if her prediction occurs

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: September check in
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2019, 01:27:40 PM »
Starting exactly on September 1st my POI offered to help fix my transportation and is being more nicer towards me and the baby. He gave me $100 and we saw eachother and kinda made up. He called me yesterday and asked how I was doing so this is huge! We haven’t talked much or gotten along since the first week of June ! Mysticalcraft, sincerity, Maa avatara, Kelly’s tarot, divine-inspirations and 2 other psychics I’ll not name on here definitely got it right for me from the jump. The rest of the predictions have to unfold though so I’m keep quiet on those until I see movement with it. But the woman that sincerity saw back in June is suppose to be completely gone in September so once I confirm this I will update
« Last Edit: September 04, 2019, 01:30:01 PM by Cteebaby1 »

Offline Kat23

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Re: September check in
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2019, 09:04:25 PM »
In July...prediction was made...I will be dissapointed...,i was invited to an event by POI and later univited...
In August, nothing significant..just that I will get job promotion, increment.  There's no job promotion,  no increment..just getting some refunds
In sept... prediction, i  will see POI face to face.  POI reschedule the event with me..from July to sept.. at this point, I already know the outcome and have prepared for another dissapointment...I doubt prediction will come to pass...

How strange, I thought ..I spent years, thousand of dollars on psychic on this man...I have taken for a ride both readers and POI.. hard pill to swallow
When the man is not written to be with you, nothing you do can change what's is accepting and moving on...

« Last Edit: September 06, 2019, 12:55:27 PM by Kat23 »

Offline sexyp

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Re: September check in
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2019, 11:05:02 PM »
7 readers have told me he likes me and is not happy with her. spoke to him today and he was talking about her to me like they are fine and making future plans. are they all lying or is he lying? spoke to Uli, Mattie, karen jo, kisha, tara, gaylene and QOC all saying he is leaning towards me or likes me romantically and they will be done soon. who is a real empath I can speak to?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2019, 11:20:55 PM by sexyp »

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: September check in
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2019, 11:09:02 PM »
7 readers have told me he likes me and is not happy with her. spent the day with him today and he was talking about her to me like they are fine and making future plans. are they all lying or is he lying? spoke to Uli, Mattie, karen jo, kisha, tara, gaylene and QOC all saying he is leaning towards me or likes me romantically and they will be done soon. who is a real empath I can speak to?

Wow this has to be confusing! The only empath I go to for in the moment predictions is QoC.
I dont read much with other empaths, but boy oh boy I hope it becomes clear!
I always say though - go with reality - its the most honest answer. (Reality in the way the person treats you, actions and words).

Offline sexyp

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Re: September check in
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2019, 11:16:03 PM »
I know right. i was so hurt but tried not to show it when he spoke to me. one reader i listed above told me he would tell me something today and it did not happen. i wont mention which reader coz if they are reading this forum they will know who I am. but I am going nuts over this because I have caught feelings for a man involved with someone else?


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Re: September check in
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2019, 11:54:09 PM »
I know right. i was so hurt but tried not to show it when he spoke to me. one reader i listed above told me he would tell me something today and it did not happen. i wont mention which reader coz if they are reading this forum they will know who I am. but I am going nuts over this because I have caught feelings for a man involved with someone else?

Hey sexyp, I am in the same situation and it’s honestly weird for me and frustrating because I never been in a situation like this and it’s frustrating because me myself I am confused on what to do. I had to ask my poi straight out if his feelings and intentions were friendly even though his actions of constantly texting me and even expressing  past feelings were saying otherwise . I believe after this conversation I made him aware again of his situation he has now gone to limited contact a text maybe every three days and not a full blown thread of conversations. I think when he saw me he felt something . I read with lady p and she said that he still has feelings for me but the reality is he either is just being friendly,or lying to me and himself about his feelings and ultimately he is still with his gf. Now I know it’s crazy to think that because we got back in contact three months ago that he’s going to leave her I know this will probably take time and according to Yona she is not an obstacle but yet the reality is he has a gf and I will not continue to emotionally and financially punish myself. I will live my life date,etc. He can figure out on his own what he wants to do. Until he outright flirts or says anything that 100 percent seems unfriendly I will then deal with the situation head on but until now I’m taking everything at face value.