Author Topic: Psychics discouraging LOA??  (Read 6431 times)


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Psychics discouraging LOA??
« on: September 01, 2019, 07:32:41 PM »
I have noticed that some of my posts about psychics have been really negative. I am trying to work past that but I am not comfortable with how some of them are acting towards their clients.

I posted something earlier about a psychic who gave such a doom and gloom reading.  It was negative but only part of it manifested and was not as bad as she said it would be.  The actual fear from the reading was worse than my concerns about my POI.   :D :D :D

I saw this same psychic around a shop again and I was like hey it was not as bad as you thought it would be and he came back etc because i used a lot of positive thought and manifesting.

She didnt look happy and I noticed she was the 3rd psychic in a month to tell me that manifesting and positive thought wont change anything.  She kept saying there was nothing I could do or manifesting techniques dont work and is a waste of time. 

So basically they want us to be reliant on them and tell us that we have no power to change our own lives? It's like they feel threatened by manifesting because it can change their reading outcomes and they dont want to appear to be wrong or someone tell them that their prediction didnt come to pass.

i think that is messed up.  Not all psychics are like this but i am noticing a trend of them trying to discourage their clients from mind power/thought/LOA.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2019, 07:34:33 PM by WinterElf »

Offline Girly1998

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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2019, 07:49:14 PM »
If LOA creates a positive outcome that’ll mean their negative reading is wrong - they are wrong.

Regardless of if you use LOA or not, if they can predict the future then they should be able to see the outcome, not just a possible outcome.

However, if they agree that LOA changed your outcome it is similar to when readers use free will as an excuse for them being wrong. At the end of the day, if there is a future to read into that would mean our life is predestined. The end result shouldn’t be something that can change.

I’m not sure what my stance on the “predestined future” is. As of now, I really think that you can change outcomes; there’s ways to fix relationships that are deemed a lost cause, you have the ability to change your life if you want to. I prefer to read with people more for their empathy than predictions.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2019, 07:51:04 PM by Girly1998 »

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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2019, 06:58:45 AM »
People are allowed to disbelieve in "LOA". I've had lots of proof of it not happening. I have, however, had proof of certain things being set that I cannot change. When a reader spouts the LOA spiel or free will I find that just as discouraging. I find readers blame LOA on you for not doing the exercises properly or even thinking of somebody too much and the person "picks up on it".

Think about it, I'm sure there is someone out there who may want to reconcile with you but you certainly do not want it to happen and for no money in the world would you arrange to see them again. Yet according to LOA you can manifest someone to want you and miss you. That is a little crazy in my eyes. Some things are just meant to not be and I find it a little more realistic knowing something will or won't be for me. If LOA worked all the time for everyone, everyone would be doing it, would be happy, would get everything they wanted. What if the things that you want to manifest were supposed to manifest anyway? Some people are in really predictable situations where the ex likely does pop his head up often and it's an on and off situation deadend. You can't possibly have every single thing you want in life and so LOA can't work because imagine if we all got everything we wanted just by some exercises and positive thinking. I tried last year many exercises given by readers of LOA to manifest my ex back and he did not come back in the slightest. Yet I had a premonition that was pre-destined that we were done and that was that. And guess what that was right over any free will or LOA. I think it's much healthier to have the mindset of if this person is meant for me then they will come to me, regardless of LOA, free will whatever. I've seen plenty of posts on here about people only manifesting a guy to contact them but it goes no further than that. Idk.. I just see LOA as a blame game. "You weren't positive enough", or "you attracted these bad things". I think that's a really dangerous game to play. I could go on, but a reader is entitled to say they do or don't believe in something and if you disagree with that then not to go to them again. Simply I'm tired of hearing about free will used at every opportunity and as an excuse always like others are probably sick of hearing about free will all of the time.

The reader probably was only trying to look out for you. Like I said last year I got in a situation, the guy himself said he wasn't interested and to move on. Yet these readers said oh he is mad he doesn't mean it, practice LOA and he will come back. I did the mirror technique, I did various others and nothing could have changed the outcome. I ignored my intuition gut feeling to believe in LOA and in his free will he could override and change his mind on me but nope. It was done and perhaps the readers intentions were to look out for you. They may have had personal experiences too to disbelieve in what they do, I get you believe in manifestion and if it works for you then good it's your life, but not everybody feels the same.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 07:20:33 AM by Star_01 »


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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2019, 07:27:40 AM »
People are allowed to disbelieve in "LOA". I've had lots of proof of it not happening. I have, however, had proof of certain things being set that I cannot change. When a reader spouts the LOA spiel or free will I find that just as discouraging. I find readers blame LOA on you for not doing the exercises properly or even thinking of somebody too much and the person "picks up on it".

Think about it, I'm sure there is someone out there who may want to reconcile with you but you certainly do not want it to happen and for no money in the world would you arrange to see them again. Yet according to LOA you can manifest someone to want you and miss you. That is a little crazy in my eyes. Some things are just meant to not be and I find it a little more realistic knowing something will or won't be for me. If LOA worked all the time for everyone, everyone would be doing it, would be happy, would get everything they wanted. What if the things that you want to manifest were supposed to manifest anyway? Some people are in really predictable situations where the ex likely does pop his head up often and it's an on and off situation deadend. You can't possibly have every single thing you want in life and so LOA can't work because imagine if we all got everything we wanted just by some exercises and positive thinking. I tried last year many exercises given by readers of LOA to manifest my ex back and he did not come back in the slightest. Yet I had a premonition that was pre-destined that we were done and that was that. And guess what that was right over any free will or LOA. I think it's much healthier to have the mindset of if this person is meant for me then they will come to me, regardless of LOA, free will whatever. I've seen plenty of posts on here about people only manifesting a guy to contact them but it goes no further than that. Idk.. I just see LOA as a blame game. "You weren't positive enough", or "you attracted these bad things". I think that's a really dangerous game to play. I could go on, but a reader is entitled to say they do or don't believe in something and if you disagree with that then not to go to them again. Simply I'm tired of hearing about free will used at every opportunity and as an excuse always like others are probably sick of hearing about free will all of the time.

LOA is more complicated than that. I follow Goddard. I don't like Abraham hicks or any other teachers tbh. LOA Deals with the notion that no one exists outside of you. So if you believe that people have their own lives and free will, that’s what will manifest. If you don’t then you’ll have an easier time manifesting. No one can manifest you, only your world exists. People can only manifest you if you believe theyre manifesting you. LOA is quite intricate and there’s a lot of reasons why it doesn’t work for people. People have conflicting beliefs and don’t even realize it. I believe in fate too but I believe both coexist.

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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2019, 07:36:29 AM »
People are allowed to disbelieve in "LOA". I've had lots of proof of it not happening. I have, however, had proof of certain things being set that I cannot change. When a reader spouts the LOA spiel or free will I find that just as discouraging. I find readers blame LOA on you for not doing the exercises properly or even thinking of somebody too much and the person "picks up on it".

Think about it, I'm sure there is someone out there who may want to reconcile with you but you certainly do not want it to happen and for no money in the world would you arrange to see them again. Yet according to LOA you can manifest someone to want you and miss you. That is a little crazy in my eyes. Some things are just meant to not be and I find it a little more realistic knowing something will or won't be for me. If LOA worked all the time for everyone, everyone would be doing it, would be happy, would get everything they wanted. What if the things that you want to manifest were supposed to manifest anyway? Some people are in really predictable situations where the ex likely does pop his head up often and it's an on and off situation deadend. You can't possibly have every single thing you want in life and so LOA can't work because imagine if we all got everything we wanted just by some exercises and positive thinking. I tried last year many exercises given by readers of LOA to manifest my ex back and he did not come back in the slightest. Yet I had a premonition that was pre-destined that we were done and that was that. And guess what that was right over any free will or LOA. I think it's much healthier to have the mindset of if this person is meant for me then they will come to me, regardless of LOA, free will whatever. I've seen plenty of posts on here about people only manifesting a guy to contact them but it goes no further than that. Idk.. I just see LOA as a blame game. "You weren't positive enough", or "you attracted these bad things". I think that's a really dangerous game to play. I could go on, but a reader is entitled to say they do or don't believe in something and if you disagree with that then not to go to them again. Simply I'm tired of hearing about free will used at every opportunity and as an excuse always like others are probably sick of hearing about free will all of the time.

LOA is more complicated than that. I follow Goddard. I don't like Abraham hicks or any other teachers tbh. LOA Deals with the notion that no one exists outside of you. So if you believe that people have their own lives and free will, that’s what will manifest. If you don’t then you’ll have an easier time manifesting. No one can manifest you, only your world exists. People can only manifest you if you believe theyre manifesting you. LOA is quite intricate and there’s a lot of reasons why it doesn’t work for people. People have conflicting beliefs and don’t even realize it. I believe in fate too but I believe both coexist.

Yeah, personally I don't believe in LOA at all. I've been blamed for thinking of someone too much or the opposite, not doing exercises on them enough or indepth when I followed exactly as I was told. I shouldn't need to do exercises to bring someone back, they should want to come back themselves to me. I believe in letting whatever happen to happen, yeah I'll have readings on them but I'll leave it as if they come back they come back, not casting spells or manifesting to get them back.

The reason why I responded on here was because that reader that WinterElf read with may have had their own experience like me where they had proof of LOA not working. I mean Yona believes in predestiny but others may not agree and other readers may believe in free will but customers won't agree. They are human and may have had their own reasoning for why they believe/don't believe in what they do/don't. Some readers believe in God and bring that into a reading and others won't believe in God etc.

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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2019, 07:43:23 AM »
I just had a look at Goddard LOA and it seems a little more realistic and healthier out of all of them in letting things go. But my personal belief is if someone is meant to come back they will or won't, it's out of your control and you should live your life. If they come in? Great. If they don't, then they weren't meant to come back. Your lessons together and experience is done as if they were meant to come back there would be a reason (more lessons, experiences etc).


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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2019, 01:56:59 PM »
LOA has worked for me, esp mirror manifesting . 

Everyone is different but psychic readings only cause me worry and stress.

Plus I dont like how some of the psychics are so full of themselves and so confident telling people to make important life decisions because of their visions or tarot cards. 

And a lot of the reviews on the sites are either hidden and people who do not have their predictions come to pass are bullied into not saying anything or getting cursed lol

THere are a few psychics who do encourage LOA.  One psychic was really good but now she has stopped doing readings and only coach people on manifesting what they want.  She was so damn accurate but got tired of people getting addicted to her and relying on her word like she is some god.    She is now an alchemist.

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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2019, 02:33:21 PM »
LOA has worked for me, esp mirror manifesting . 

Everyone is different but psychic readings only cause me worry and stress.

Plus I dont like how some of the psychics are so full of themselves and so confident telling people to make important life decisions because of their visions or tarot cards. 

And a lot of the reviews on the sites are either hidden and people who do not have their predictions come to pass are bullied into not saying anything or getting cursed lol

THere are a few psychics who do encourage LOA.  One psychic was really good but now she has stopped doing readings and only coach people on manifesting what they want.  She was so damn accurate but got tired of people getting addicted to her and relying on her word like she is some god.    She is now an alchemist.

I wasn't implying that you should stop believing what you believe, as you are entitled to believe in whatever whether that be free will, LOA or predestined events. You clearly believe in it and it has worked for you, that's fine. But you are going to readers and they are only human, and are allowed to say oh I don't really believe in LOA. If I were a reader and a customer came to me saying about LOA I would say well I'm sorry I respect your views but I don't work or believe in those ways and won't use that in my reading - I'm simply giving what I see. Yona makes it clear and talks about destiny in her readings and says what's the point in free will if you cannot predict the future. People who read with her probably don't believe in destiny but that's for them to decide and that's what I was trying to say here. I personally have been forced LOA on by readers when I strongly disbelieve it, have asked the reader not to mention LOA and just give me what they see and hear, whatever, and they haven't respected that. I guess likewise, if a reader has a belief I have to respect that and put the phone down if I disagree. But maybe the reader you spoke with has her reasons for not believing in it.

But I do agree that readers need to stop telling us what to do because they can get things very wrong. I've been told someone was cheating on me and had a secret wife and family and whatnot and it was not true at all. I have been told to do things and done them because a reader said it and it caused more trouble or no difference. I strongly believe in each individual doing what's right for them and not to live your life by readers and what they say.


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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2019, 02:42:01 PM »
The bottom line for me is that LOA/prayer is free and going to a psychic can cost around 2-20 dollars a minute. 

 i wish i was not addicted to readings. it really sucks and now with so many people having messed up dating scenarios compared to a couple decades ago (  tinder, bumble, IG), psychic readings are SOARING. 

I used to could get a reading once every 3 months and be fine with it. i dont know what was the tipping point for me.  However over the years they were always so wrong about the outcome of things.  My long term relationships were said that it would never take off and the dead relationships were hyped up as my destiny.  I think it is all really weird but i know people need hope and more insight. 

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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2019, 02:47:54 PM »
The bottom line for me is that LOA/prayer is free and going to a psychic can cost around 2-20 dollars a minute. 

 i wish i was not addicted to readings. it really sucks and now with so many people having messed up dating scenarios compared to a couple decades ago (  tinder, bumble, IG), psychic readings are SOARING. 

I used to could get a reading once every 3 months and be fine with it. i dont know what was the tipping point for me.  However over the years they were always so wrong about the outcome of things.  My long term relationships were said that it would never take off and the dead relationships were hyped up as my destiny.  I think it is all really weird but i know people need hope and more insight.

That's the problem with destiny, I can understand why people are wary of it... It is always seen as a positive thing, "you two are destined for each other!" - No. Not at all. Sometimes you are destined not to work out with someone like I experienced before and didn't listen, thinking I could override it or it would be wrong. And my intuition was free and I ignored mine too and I regret it, getting me into such debt. I've began to learn to start trusting in myself my intuition and not shake it off as me overthinking or worrying too much.

And have you spoken to any family or friends about your addiction, or even seeked anonymous help for it/therapy? The only thing that helped me with my addiction was logic and intuition. Realising that what the readers were saying did not add up to his behaviour and current situation between us, and then I realised I was wasting money, so I was getting bored of readings and felt like they were money down the drain.


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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2019, 03:27:52 PM »
how long have you been off of readings?


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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2019, 03:48:37 PM »
People are allowed to disbelieve in "LOA". I've had lots of proof of it not happening. I have, however, had proof of certain things being set that I cannot change. When a reader spouts the LOA spiel or free will I find that just as discouraging. I find readers blame LOA on you for not doing the exercises properly or even thinking of somebody too much and the person "picks up on it".

Think about it, I'm sure there is someone out there who may want to reconcile with you but you certainly do not want it to happen and for no money in the world would you arrange to see them again. Yet according to LOA you can manifest someone to want you and miss you. That is a little crazy in my eyes. Some things are just meant to not be and I find it a little more realistic knowing something will or won't be for me. If LOA worked all the time for everyone, everyone would be doing it, would be happy, would get everything they wanted. What if the things that you want to manifest were supposed to manifest anyway? Some people are in really predictable situations where the ex likely does pop his head up often and it's an on and off situation deadend. You can't possibly have every single thing you want in life and so LOA can't work because imagine if we all got everything we wanted just by some exercises and positive thinking. I tried last year many exercises given by readers of LOA to manifest my ex back and he did not come back in the slightest. Yet I had a premonition that was pre-destined that we were done and that was that. And guess what that was right over any free will or LOA. I think it's much healthier to have the mindset of if this person is meant for me then they will come to me, regardless of LOA, free will whatever. I've seen plenty of posts on here about people only manifesting a guy to contact them but it goes no further than that. Idk.. I just see LOA as a blame game. "You weren't positive enough", or "you attracted these bad things". I think that's a really dangerous game to play. I could go on, but a reader is entitled to say they do or don't believe in something and if you disagree with that then not to go to them again. Simply I'm tired of hearing about free will used at every opportunity and as an excuse always like others are probably sick of hearing about free will all of the time.

LOA is more complicated than that. I follow Goddard. I don't like Abraham hicks or any other teachers tbh. LOA Deals with the notion that no one exists outside of you. So if you believe that people have their own lives and free will, that’s what will manifest. If you don’t then you’ll have an easier time manifesting. No one can manifest you, only your world exists. People can only manifest you if you believe theyre manifesting you. LOA is quite intricate and there’s a lot of reasons why it doesn’t work for people. People have conflicting beliefs and don’t even realize it. I believe in fate too but I believe both coexist.

Yeah, personally I don't believe in LOA at all. I've been blamed for thinking of someone too much or the opposite, not doing exercises on them enough or indepth when I followed exactly as I was told. I shouldn't need to do exercises to bring someone back, they should want to come back themselves to me. I believe in letting whatever happen to happen, yeah I'll have readings on them but I'll leave it as if they come back they come back, not casting spells or manifesting to get them back.

The reason why I responded on here was because that reader that WinterElf read with may have had their own experience like me where they had proof of LOA not working. I mean Yona believes in predestiny but others may not agree and other readers may believe in free will but customers won't agree. They are human and may have had their own reasoning for why they believe/don't believe in what they do/don't. Some readers believe in God and bring that into a reading and others won't believe in God etc.

You’re entitled to your beliefs but it has nothing to do with how much or how little you think of something. Neville always said that once you plant the seed it’s bound to manifest in it’s appointed hour. You can do it just once, as long as it’s properly planted. For example, you mentioned that you want people to come back on their own in their own time so in your world you appointed them free will to do whatever and created this notion of time. LOA isn’t for everyone but I’ve manifested quite a bit but I’ve also been practicing it for a long time and am still learning the best methods. For instance, Neville believes you need to plant only the seed of the desired outcome and not short term outcomes like texts because one may not correlate and drop off after the manifestation happened depending on other circumstances. Also the importance of first person visualization and I practiced doing this by seeing parts of my body like my hands in the scene and would use that to focus. There’s a lot to it and isn’t just thinking about someone. It’s your beliefs about men, that situation, that person in particular, or jobs or whatever else.

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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2019, 06:07:15 PM »
I agree with Ladya 100%, we manifest even when we are unaware. Star there is so much resistance around you, what you resist persists.  I'm not here to convince you otherwise,  I'm focused on creating a world around me that i want. And surrender and letting go are the two most important things you can do. The greater the emotional attachment the harder it is to do.  I have manifested scenes with a person that i consider to be stubborn and they planned out just like i imagined. they are stubborn because thats my belief and that's what i need to change.  Sometimes something happens that we think our manifestation isn't going to happen and that's actually the sign it is.   I was on vacation, i book the cheapest room to save money, there was another room i really wanted, but i wanted to be economical. I get to the resort and it's party central, I can't sleep, enjoy myself. I go to the manager and said if i would have know this was going to happen i would have booked a week later. She said they should have to put this on their website for people to know. She then offered me the exact room I was wanting to start with.  I didn't have a freakout or demand anything. I was just saying it would have been nice to know this ahead of time so i could plan properly. The room that i originally wanted was at the end of the property away from all of the noise.  So that little "bad" happened so i could get my end result.

I have so many examples to share. And if i go through my life, i can see how my thoughts and beliefs shaped my reality, i just wish i knew all of this before.  In my experience, the people who claim LOA doesn't work, simply aren't doing it right. They always claim that they did just as they were told and did all the work. but the thing is , even reading the posts you can feel the resistance. It's about letting it go and not holding on to the outcome. They set their intentions and try to micromange the outcome.  Letting go means letting God/Universe deliver in divine timing.  If I want a 300$ coffee maker for $100, i state my intention. (I don't do 'exercises" i just put out to the universe what i want) , And then usually within a week or two I happen upon a sale where I find it for 100$. During that time, i am not stalking ads, looking for deals, I just put it out there, and go on with my life and really forget i put it out there until i stumble upon it. And then I'll go oh yeah i manifested that! When it comes to something we are emotionally attached to, that's extremely difficult to do. And that is why it takes longer or seems to not work at all. Because we send out our intentions and still keep our focus there, then when we don't see results we get upset etc... Its when you become indifferent to the outcome that it happens. This is also why often times when we don't want a SP anymore that is when they show up, because let go of that energy, up until then we strangled it and it couldn't breathe.   I have helped enough people with this process to know it does work if done right, the trouble is people convince themselves they are when they aren't.

As far as psychics go,  out of all the ones i've ever read with, i don't recall any really being against LOA, when i ask what i can do to change the outcome, many are very receptive. I only read with my trusted three, one of which really is into the LOA. The others are but don't seem to put as much focus on it. but will give you guidance how to change things for yourself.  I remember about 20 years ago i went to this one and i loved her at the time, and this was before LOA, she made it seem like this is what she saw and that there wasn't anything you can do to change the outcome. or how it came about. But then she's also the one that introduced me to Catherine Ponds. It was really strange, because at one point she'd say you can change this or that, but others not really.  That's the only one i ever really had that experience with. 

Any psychic that gets that bent out of shape is coming from pure ego and not spirit.  The ones i read with know they aren't 100% and they don't make false promises, they are down' to earth and actually really good with what they do.

As far as destiny goes, i do believe we contracted with other souls to meet and learn lessons, the thing is, soulmate doesn't mean fairytale, but usually means hard lessons so we can grow and learn from. People don't get that for the most part and that's part of the problem.

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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2019, 06:25:57 PM »
I think LOA can work but it’s also unrealistic to say it’ll always work. You can’t get through life solely using LOA. You can’t think yourself into becoming a millionaire if you don’t put in any other work other than telling the universe you want it.

I’m not discrediting LOA in any way - I believe in it to an extent but I also know there are some extreme people out there and it’s pretty disheartening to tell someone their POI married someone else because they didn’t imagine correctly.

I was on a LOA forum and asked “what if they’re using LOA on someone else” and I had people telling me that if they were using it on someone else it’s only because I created that reality for them. You can believe what you want but somebody else reality doesn’t exist just because I do. If I die does that mean they also die? Who’s there to control them now?

Specific people aren’t created just for us to puppet. I believe in LOA. I believe you attract the energy you put out but I do not believe that my reality is the only reality there is and people are as they are just because I created them that way.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 06:31:36 PM by Girly1998 »


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Re: Psychics discouraging LOA??
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2019, 06:30:47 PM »
I agree with Ladya 100%, we manifest even when we are unaware. Star there is so much resistance around you, what you resist persists.  I'm not here to convince you otherwise,  I'm focused on creating a world around me that i want. And surrender and letting go are the two most important things you can do. The greater the emotional attachment the harder it is to do.  I have manifested scenes with a person that i consider to be stubborn and they planned out just like i imagined. they are stubborn because thats my belief and that's what i need to change.  Sometimes something happens that we think our manifestation isn't going to happen and that's actually the sign it is.   I was on vacation, i book the cheapest room to save money, there was another room i really wanted, but i wanted to be economical. I get to the resort and it's party central, I can't sleep, enjoy myself. I go to the manager and said if i would have know this was going to happen i would have booked a week later. She said they should have to put this on their website for people to know. She then offered me the exact room I was wanting to start with.  I didn't have a freakout or demand anything. I was just saying it would have been nice to know this ahead of time so i could plan properly. The room that i originally wanted was at the end of the property away from all of the noise.  So that little "bad" happened so i could get my end result.

I have so many examples to share. And if i go through my life, i can see how my thoughts and beliefs shaped my reality, i just wish i knew all of this before.  In my experience, the people who claim LOA doesn't work, simply aren't doing it right. They always claim that they did just as they were told and did all the work. but the thing is , even reading the posts you can feel the resistance. It's about letting it go and not holding on to the outcome. They set their intentions and try to micromange the outcome.  Letting go means letting God/Universe deliver in divine timing. If I want a 300$ coffee maker for $100, i state my intention. (I don't do 'exercises" i just put out to the universe what i want) , And then usually within a week or two I happen upon a sale where I find it for 100$. During that time, i am not stalking ads, looking for deals, I just put it out there, and go on with my life and really forget i put it out there until i stumble upon it. And then I'll go oh yeah i manifested that! When it comes to something we are emotionally attached to, that's extremely difficult to do. And that is why it takes longer or seems to not work at all. Because we send out our intentions and still keep our focus there, then when we don't see results we get upset etc... Its when you become indifferent to the outcome that it happens. This is also why often times when we don't want a SP anymore that is when they show up, because let go of that energy, up until then we strangled it and it couldn't breathe.   I have helped enough people with this process to know it does work if done right, the trouble is people convince themselves they are when they aren't.

As far as psychics go,  out of all the ones i've ever read with, i don't recall any really being against LOA, when i ask what i can do to change the outcome, many are very receptive. I only read with my trusted three, one of which really is into the LOA. The others are but don't seem to put as much focus on it. but will give you guidance how to change things for yourself.  I remember about 20 years ago i went to this one and i loved her at the time, and this was before LOA, she made it seem like this is what she saw and that there wasn't anything you can do to change the outcome. or how it came about. But then she's also the one that introduced me to Catherine Ponds. It was really strange, because at one point she'd say you can change this or that, but others not really.  That's the only one i ever really had that experience with. 

Any psychic that gets that bent out of shape is coming from pure ego and not spirit.  The ones i read with know they aren't 100% and they don't make false promises, they are down' to earth and actually really good with what they do.

As far as destiny goes, i do believe we contracted with other souls to meet and learn lessons, the thing is, soulmate doesn't mean fairytale, but usually means hard lessons so we can grow and learn from. People don't get that for the most part and that's part of the problem.

Lol I’m so good at manifesting sales and getting things I want at a certain price. Each time it happens, I’m still amazed as if it’s the first time lmao. It so easy to do it on things like that cause we don’t really care. It’s a fun game to play also because it helps you with the manifesting process and knowing the big things will come too. A lot of people think it doesn’t work because it doesn’t come when they want it. It will come, it’s just a matter of when and what has to fall into place before hand. When something happens along the way that I didn’t particularly want I just tell myself everything is working out perfectly and getting me to my desired outcome. Sometimes things look negative but really it’s getting you to where you want to be. If you planted the seed nothing can stop it from happening, so as long as that’s a dominant belief, it doesn’t matter what happens along the way, it will happen.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 06:32:43 PM by ladya »

