Author Topic: What brought me to psychics this time around.  (Read 2568 times)

Offline Cteebaby1

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What brought me to psychics this time around.
« on: August 18, 2019, 03:54:45 AM »
I never told my full story even though I’ve shared bits and pieces already. Well I’ll start from the beginning of the year with this. Myself and my POI who is also my child’s father lol. Okay so  My trust is all the way fcked up with him even if he’s doing nothing at all in the back of my head I think otherwise ALWAYS. This alone makes me lash out at him, call him names, and push him away. The only thing is I’ll always end up trying to come back but then he’ll give me a hard time which makes me call psychics to see if he’ll come back. Anywho he hurt me so bad too many times in the past so I always think it’s going to be the same or there’s someone around which then makes him leave and find someone else. This has happened countless times. Or sometimes he’ll act nonchalant. Fast forward to May, after I pushed him away for a bit, he tries to come back and I let him. He was so sweet and attentive I thought things were going good. His family was filling my head up saying we’re going to get it right this time and such a such. He was saying we’re gonna have kids and all! Kissing me giving me massages and just being really caring. Two weeks later he wrecks my car and that put me on edge. I started assuming things again and blamed him for everything in the world. Couple of days later he started ignoring me. Which made me drive by his house. I probably waited for 30 minutes and he walks out with some woman. I raised all types of hell and threw stuff at him etc. We were hitting eachother and all and I started threatening to mess up his car. Then he called the police on me saying I’m a stalker. He tried to put me in jail !! After that it wasn’t the same ! I cursed him out every chance I got! I’ve called him every name in the book everyone we talked over the phone! I told him to never EVER NEVER EVER call me again and I don’t want anything to do with him! I was supper hurt. I called him for a bit just to ask if he was still helping me with fixing the car but it always ended in another argument calling eachother b words and stuff. Very toxic ! Anywho in my heart ofcourse I still loved this person ! I still had feelings.

Fast forward to July I decided to call again. I called sincerity and the first thing she said was there was someone around. In my head I’m thinking yeah I’ve seen about 3 people with him after I broke it off. But sincerity said this person will be around until September and that’s when he’ll try & come back. Im just like there’s no way in hell he’ll have someone else that he’s trying to be serious with. Lo and behold it was true but I didn’t find out until August so the person been around since July! 1 month after the fight. I called him after maybe 2 weeks of no contact because all we did was argue . He told me he was in a relationship and to stop calling. He’s posting pics of them, ignoring our child, taking care of hers and all! I really should leave that ... him alone completely because this is such a low life scumbag asshole move but I wanted to know how it ends and why it even began. Maybe the 2nd best reader (I read with her today) to sincerity that picked it up said it’ll end in 2 to 3 weeks if that long. She said there’s no feelings it’s just physical. The girl don’t want him for real and he doesn’t really want her. That she ups and leave out of thin air. The reader said it’ll leave him shock but he won’t try to come back around until the end of September. My 3rd favorite reader (they’re all mediums by the way) said it doesn’t last long because there are no feelings. But in my head I’m like why would you post pictures of someone you don’t see long term with . Supposedly it’s to hurt my feelings but yeah okay.

I guess I wrote all that to see what others think of my situation! Yes I did cut him off first and yes he deserved to be cut off to the fullest! Second how do you get into a relationship with someone you just met and dated for not even a full month. Third I guess this is just karma and a sign for me not to go back this time ! If I go back I’ll be the DUMBEST GIRL IN THE DAMN WORLD! I refuse I plan on getting child support and moving on ofcourse. Also when he does come back around it wouldn’t be me to not give him a hard time still so that’s the plan . Feedback? And yes I know I post a lot but 😂
« Last Edit: August 18, 2019, 04:32:55 AM by Cteebaby1 »

Offline Girly1998

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Re: What brought me to psychics this time around.
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2019, 04:23:53 AM »
First, I’m in no position to judge you. My ex and I had a very toxic ending similar to you and your POIs. It didn’t linger quite as long as yours though, it was pretty much just a terrible fight that happened and that was that. No contact since. We both were hurt and wanted to hurt each other, I blocked him and I haven’t tried to make contact either.

But, from a logical standpoint and from what you already know; even if he does come back you will always have a hard time trusting him. He could come back and be perfect but you’ll still have “what ifs” eating away at you.

I think letting this man go is what’s best for you but having a child together obviously makes it difficult. However, don’t use that as a reason to stay. I came from parents who stayed just for the kids and it just makes it worse in the long run; on them and on the kids involved. I think he’s proven himself to you and I don’t think he has the maturity to be what you want him to be. It’s easier said than done though, I know.

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: What brought me to psychics this time around.
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2019, 04:40:48 AM »
Yes I know I should move on now for good. I’ve given him far too many chances and each time I come back the relationship gets more toxic. And plus when I do leave him he runs to the first chick that gives him attention. He’s 5 years older but still lack maturity. And yes the child make things harder because here’s this life you created with someone you love but the person isn’t here so that makes you long for them. I refuse to settle for that and to embarrass myself! He’s not made of gold either I’m the prize not him🙄 I made him feel way too important and special so now he thinks he can get away with this and come back when things don’t work out the way he planned. Plus I wouldn’t have respect for someone that takes me back after I treated them bad and treated someone else better.

Offline maggs30

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Re: What brought me to psychics this time around.
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2019, 06:32:36 AM »
Long story short. My marriage of 25 yrs ended after I cheated on him. I cheated on him AFTER he cheated on me 4 times I know of. One of which lasted 5 FING years and resulted in a kid he denies is his. I still care about him and he loves me in his way. He has begged constantly in the almost 2 yrs since our divorce to give him another chance. I considered it. Let him come stay with me a few days to spend time with his son. As soon as he fell asleep that first night I went through his phone. I didn't find anything but I told him the next morning what I had done and told him we can never rebuild our trust it will never work. This sounds like what you would go through if you tried to get back together. If trust is fractured it can mend. Once its completely broke it would take years of counseling and work from BOTH people to even begin to fix it. If he won't work with that then save the heartache in the future and take the hurt now. Moving on now is better than waiting a few more weeks months or years. I should have left mine much sooner. I stayed till my youngest turned 18 and now I have so many trust insecurity and self esteem issues it fucks up every relationship I try to have. Just ask my bf. Sigh.

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: What brought me to psychics this time around.
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2019, 06:50:15 AM »
Thank you for sharing I really appreciate it! When we first began dating it was so easy and relaxed. I should’ve left the first time but by then it was way too late. After a year I was in too deep! I was already in love by that time and I honestly wasn’t through with him. I really wanted more time and to make more memories so badly. Looking back we hardly ever made any after he showed his true colors. I honestly have no love left for him because the last time I was with him back in May it felt different. I had to force myself to be there. I really can’t get past the hurt I went through and in return I’m no longer in love. I think right now it’s the fact I can’t have him but I want to know if I could get him back. I’m far too embarrassed to take him back

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: What brought me to psychics this time around.
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2019, 07:03:00 AM »
I really can’t wait u til the person comes back so I can reject the hell out of his ass ! Can’t wait because I REFUSE TO GO BACK

Offline Star_01

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Re: What brought me to psychics this time around.
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2019, 12:06:34 PM »
This is the worrying thing about psychics, they are encouraging people to hold on hope in sometimes quite unhealthy situations. It's kinda dangerous because one day they may tell a domestic abuse victim to stay with their partner not knowing what's going on, especially if they really aren't gifted at all.

Cteebaby1, I've been in abusive relationships and these readers didn't pick up that and made him out to be lovely and sweet and he would be back it all sounded Romeo and Juliet. This from what you're saying I'm sorry to sound rude doesn't sound like a healthy situation at all and I know it's hard because you have the feelings there and a child but think what's best for him/her and she doesn't want to see her mum and dad fighting with each other and mum upset then dad upset. Maybe it's for the best that you two are no longer together and I've been in unhappy situations with guys and loved them and wanted them but I knew it didn't serve me any good and I know I shouldn't have allowed myself to be treated like that. The problem is once trust goes it's very very hard to get it back and you'll never fully trust him - so if there is no trust there really is no point of making this work because you'll never be relaxed, you'll always second guess what he is telling you - is it true, when he goes out - is he really going out with friends/shopping or to see a woman? It won't do you any good and your child doesn't want to see their Mum unhappy and stressed and you have to do what's right for you and your child. Think that you could meet someone special who doesn't make you feel small about yourself or mistrust them, or lash out and hit them and everybody deserves someone to make them happy and treat them right. Sorry if I sound judgemental and PM me if you ever need to. Good luck and take care.

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: What brought me to psychics this time around.
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2019, 12:46:47 PM »
I’d be stupid to go back this time! I’m not going to embarrass myself at all. Nobody told me to stay they just tell me he’s going to back and after that it is my decision if I want to accept it. Which I don’t because A he wrecked my car & B he went out searching the minute I cut him off! It’s nothing but a cycle i could take him back but he’ll probably do the same thing again. The trust is gone and the respect so it’ll be very hard to be nice and calm with him.

