Yea.. idk... she gave me some predictions that I feel did not make sense. She said my ex and I would not reconcile and always be ex energy, but that his mom and I would have communication again and reconcile, but not till next year (summer/fall 2021)...I know for a fact... if my ex and I never reconcile there is absolutely no way his mother would ever speak to me again (we ended on not positive terms) lol... so.. ?
Even stranger many psychics predicted an attempt at reconciliation this year between POI and me, as well as communication w mother this year. Lately I’ve went about living my life, so haven’t put much thought in it or care as much at this point, as a lot of time has passed since the relationship w my POI.. but I read with her spontaneously yesterday (as I hadn’t had a reading with anyone in like 2 months) saw her online, and was interested to try
She also said I would get pregnant in 2021... I’m currently single and no love interest so I just feel like things aren’t adding up. I wouldn’t let that happen unless it was with my ex
I suppose time will tell, but if anyone else has had predictions she stated not add up or come true/not come true, let me know
Overall, she was super nice and seemed like a very ethical and good energy reader