Author Topic: Just for entertainment purposes?  (Read 1528 times)


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Just for entertainment purposes?
« on: July 20, 2019, 10:14:03 AM »
I am so sick of these psychics and my addiction.  They put just for entertainment purposes to stop people from suing them but in reality they tell you things that can negatively affect your life and your loved ones.  They can make you paranoid and depressed. They get upset if you dont believe them or follow their advice or call them out on it. 

I followed their fucking advice and look at me now. My POI blocked me and I dont know which way to turn. THey say that they are not fairytale readers but I BELIEVED THEIR NIGHTMARE PREDICTIONS because I thought that since  it sounded more realistic etc that they were on to something.  IT made me paranoid because little stuff they said were right but they were so wrong with the big picture. AND OHHHHHH... the kicker is.... I SEE ANOTHER MAN COMING INTO YOUR LIFE AFTER THIS ONE.  HE WILL BE THE ONE WANTING  A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP. 

Also they will tell you that there is another woman when there isnt.  it could just be a friend or coworker the guy is close to.  MY POI dropped me because I no longer  trusted him and went digging and found nothing and got caught in the digging process and it came off as so insecure.  And even if there is another woman, getting a psychic reading on it will make it more stressful.  If you worry about it , you lose and the other party gets your man/woman.

I have been going to these people for 20 years and each year they say the same thing and each year another person i meet turns out , according to their crystal ball... that "he is not the one dear and I thought he was the one but looking at this closer, he is not into a relationship with you but i do see in a couple months you will meet someone through a work function... a team or group etc"  :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

These people will lead you to hell and back.  Even if there are those who are very accurate, it is not good to go to them if you can because they are not god and are not 100 percent. that few times where they are wrong can have a big impact on your life and when you tell them that it was not a right prediction, they block you or blame you for it.  i hope i can get rid of this addiction. God help us all....

Offline flora0250

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Re: Just for entertainment purposes?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2019, 10:36:01 AM »
I’m sorry you’re going through this. I used to think of it this way - that this disclaimer is intentionally only there to free them from blame.

But then I realized we’ll wait a minute. It IS entertainment to me. Otherwise why am I doing it? If I’m going to be so wrapped up in making decisions and letting someone else’s words get in my head - well then it’s not entertaining is it and why bother calling?

This seriously reduced my readings.

So for what it’s worth shifting my own perspective on it - like hey - by the way - this really IS for entertainment and not meant to be a replacement for living your life but just something fun - helped me a lot.

Bottom line is if it’s not serving you don’t do it.  You got this!

Offline flora0250

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Re: Just for entertainment purposes?
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2019, 10:57:34 AM »
Adding that ... in my experience most of these readers are legit scammers. But even if they are, it is still genuinely meant for entertainment. You’re purchasing a service to be entertained by whether or not they can accurately “read” your present and try to find out if they can predict your future. You are paying for that service which is genuinely meant to be a service for entertainment. Whether it’s immoral or fraudulent or whatever the person requesting the reading is taking that risk. And most of them are. If not all of them. I’m not really sure if I believe anyone has any gift.

I am getting back into tarot reading again for others. And I cannot bring myself ethically to say to anyone that I am going to predict the future for them. I do believe in a collective unconscious. I believe that exists. And I believe I’m good at helping people see a reflection of their current circumstances and help use the archetypes of the deck to stimulate ideas to problem solve their own situation. But honestly I cannot bring myself to say “I’m going to predict this for you.” So I’m not sure quite how to go about advertising my services!

Sorry for the tangent and I am really really sorry you’re going through this. But be strong and know that YOU have power and control over this and everything you decide. Don’t give away that power!


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Re: Just for entertainment purposes?
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2019, 11:48:31 AM »
Hi Flora.  I see your point.   thank you. But even as entertainment people call about important stuff like family, infidelity, investments , and even pregnancies...

I have just noticed recently that many of them are not being matter of fact during the readings but more like telling you that you should

1. move on to a new person. I thought I was not taking their advice because in the end i felt like i know the person more but then what they said negatively impacted the relationship.  I am seeing a lot of other people making rash decisions or conclusions after psychic readings.
2. dont buy that house or car. My trusted advisor who was so right on so many things was dead wrong about a car that i was about to purchase last year.  I simply asked her when i would be getting a car and she said dont get that one, its a lemon.. But the car is new lol and she was wrong.
3. Leave that job or leave that country because it wont work out for you in the end etc. 

Of course we dont have to listen to a stranger.   I could never in my life tell someone to make such important decisions based on my "insight".  Another woman in this forum said that she had a baby with a man because of advice from psychics but they were dead wrong about the outcome.

I hate this addiction so much... i do.... it ruins peoples lives and it ruined mine.
People, if you are asking about a 3rd party, DONT.  It will drive you crazy and you wont know who to trust.  Even the ones who were right in the past about a 3rd person was wrong about another.

Do you really want to play that game and drive yourself crazy???

Offline flora0250

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Re: Just for entertainment purposes?
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2019, 12:11:13 PM »
Hi Flora.  I see your point.   thank you. But even as entertainment people call about important stuff like family, infidelity, investments , and even pregnancies...

True - and people just shouldn’t be calling about things for guidance on how to act IMO or decisions they should make. It’s not the person who’s receiving the calls choice as to what the person requesting the reading is calling about. It IS their choice to be ethical or not. And most are not. The sooner this is accepted the sooner people break the cycle. Unless you are okay with literally throwing the money down the drain for entertainment, I think people just shouldn’t get readings. It is a risk the person requesting the reading takes and it is a known risk.

Understand that it’s hard, but the person on the other end can’t be responsible for what the person calls about or decisions that person makes based on what they say going into it knowing it is intended for entertainment.