Author Topic: Tulsa  (Read 31598 times)

Offline melita96

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2019, 11:15:01 PM »
I received at reading from her and she told me my poi “thinks the world of me”, but from his actions it does not show he’s that into me. Seems like false hope to me...
Hope this helps someone.

Offline DillP

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2019, 03:26:18 AM »
I read with her and what she said could be plausible, but she predicted communication within a week which did not occur. It did happen eventually, without me reaching out, but was probably 3 weeks later than predicted so I can’t say that was a hit. She did let me know that she wasn’t getting an answer for one of my questions, so I did appreciate the honesty there rather than spinning a story and wasting time.

Offline Tryst.4

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #32 on: September 15, 2019, 10:52:43 PM »
I called Tulsa to get a career reading and while she was shuffling the cards she said "you're quite spiritual arent you young man?" And she immediately brought up a strong soul connection to a woman around me. I assume she was talking about my ex who has been the subject of every one of my readings on the site. So while I was hoping for my first career reading it quickly turned into a love reading. She also gave me the celebration line. And that I would be going on a vacation. She didnt see a timeframe for my ex and I so I'm glad she was honest about that. When I finally got to the career portion of my reading she was pretty accurate about a sudden change. Then she immediately went back to my ex lol

Offline Tryst.4

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #33 on: September 15, 2019, 11:21:05 PM »
I should clarify that I'm not upset at all by this. If I'm being honest I think that the reason she brought my ex up is because I constantly think about her, and Tulsa could probably feel my true intentions for calling. It was a very positive reading as well which made me happy, but she was also a little off on some details. Did Tulsa switch topics on anyone else?

Offline ToloYolo

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2019, 06:34:17 PM »
Tulsa just might be my favorite. I love her reading style. I never have to ask her any questions. She’s the real deal for sure.I first read with her back in April or May. When things started to happen the way she said it would, I called back a couple more times.  It’s been tough finding readers who have actual gifts on CP. I’ve found that a very very  limited few are actually ethical and legitimate so far.

Anyways I work a lot and my career is going very well. But for the past few months I’ve been thinking a lot about family and when I’d finally settle down and who or where the right person was. I never directly ask this question when I call for a reading. I just kind of hope they can pick up my reason for calling and offer insight. I feel like when I have to ask them questions they start feeding me a bunch of garbage with no real validations.

Tulsa picked up a lot and validated things for me.. She gave me info on my reason for calling plus more. She picked up on past, current and future relationships. I think relationships are definitely a strength of hers. She described an ex to me, a guy who I connected with and loved like no other. She said he missed me and had been debating on reaching out but his pride was in the way. She said he would be reaching out soon though. I didn’t believe it because I hadn’t spoken to him in forever. I didn’t keep tracking of time because he wasn’t the reason I was calling but he did reach out! I was shocked. She suggested talking to him. Said we had a strong spiritual connection and that his intentions were good and he wasn’t proud of how things had ended with us.

She’s been accurate on a lot of things for me but I feel like I’m rambling on so I’ll just name a few.. lol

-Warned me of a 2 faced ex-friend who would try to make their way back in my life. And was correct
-Knew of someone close to me who suffers from depression and alcohol addiction. (And she didn’t just say “someone close to you” like most readers do. She knew exactly who the person was)
-Knew Id be getting a new job and Warned me that current co-workers would be jealous. Said they would be having conversations behind my back. She was so right about that. But that’s  another story for another time. She told me as long it’s behind my back let it stay there.
-Knew of A trip out of the country I had coming up.
-The unexpected lump some of money line I see some others have also gotten from Tulsa... Well I was gifted a new SUV (unexpectedly) after earning my 2nd degree . My old car went up for sale and I got a nice  lump sum for it lol. So she was right in my book.
- She told me a few more things plus some predictions are pending before the end of the year. One big prediction  that I’m excited about.

I also love how straightforward and honest she is ,yet  so compassionate and gentle. Oh and if she doesn’t know the answer or can’t see the outcome, she’s honest and says that! One day I almost tried to force her to tell me what I wanted to hear. Lol She’s a gem.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2019, 06:38:58 PM by ToloYolo »

Offline bstalling

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #35 on: November 07, 2019, 01:39:26 AM »
Hmm, she actually gave me quite an interesting and detailed reading. I started rolling my eyes when she was talking about a celebration, but then the juicy stuff starting rolling I will give her a pass on that. She's definitely a good general reading because you dont at all have to ask anything specific until you want to later into the reading. Tons of validations and she at least said she didnt know outcomes on a few areas instead of making shit up.

Offline Candy

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #36 on: November 07, 2019, 02:45:24 PM »
I like Tulsa, though she has been hits and misses for me, depending on topics. I think she’s really good with reading current and immediate future energies. She’s not good with big picture predictions. So if I need to know what will happen in the next week or how my guy is feeling, she’s great! But if I ask about what happens down the line then her readings can be inconsistent. It’s not that she’s necessarily wrong but because current energies can change from day to day, they are not good predictors of future actions.

I generally get a calming, gentle vibe from her, and she’s a good listener and very caring, so I will continue to read with her.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #37 on: February 24, 2020, 01:27:55 AM »
Bump ....anything come to pass? I tried her and contact (she brought up on her own) happened the next day

Offline Smiley1

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #38 on: March 11, 2020, 12:52:50 AM »
I found her vague.

Said someone thinks about me all the time.  That he’s depressed and wants to sort his life out and be better around me. Said I’d date people but never have another connection like this.

Said he won’t contact for 3-6 months.  It’s already been 4 so felt pretty rubbish after it.

Offline Panchitakitty

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #39 on: March 11, 2020, 01:17:46 AM »
Hey guys I’m a newbie here still trying to figure out the whole replying thing but may I say psychic almondine is very good with predictions you can give her a try. Many times she has made predictions for me and they came true even today she told me my guy would reach out in 3 days and asked how I was doing and the kids and he called me earlier but call dropped he texted and asked me the same thing just like she said. Also psychic Julia is really fantastic and gives a lot of info. Psychic Charlotte is very great but be prepared to handle the truth because she is straightforward I remembered my first time talking to her she gave me bad news I hung up lol she was right she gave me bad news again about another guy that he would marry his fiancée after I found out he wasn’t single I was horrified I never believed her but she was right he married her.

Offline Esse

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2020, 08:46:16 PM »
I read with her today, she seems really nice - I have a prediction she gave me for the next 3 weeks which I can't see happening - thank-you Corona virus lockdown but will update if it does.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #41 on: May 09, 2020, 05:29:20 AM »

Offline Esse

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #42 on: May 12, 2020, 03:56:48 PM »
yes - prediction about someone coming forward by Mid May may well have come in, but Luna on CP actually twigged that it was an ex, not my most recent ex and may have pegged him more accurately :-)

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #43 on: May 12, 2020, 04:19:19 PM »
yes - prediction about someone coming forward by Mid May may well have come in, but Luna on CP actually twigged that it was an ex, not my most recent ex and may have pegged him more accurately :-)

Hi there - does this mean someone did come forward as predicted?

Offline Esse

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Re: Tulsa
« Reply #44 on: May 12, 2020, 06:39:54 PM »
yes - and totally out of the blue after many years.  But Tulsa made it seem promising and Luna told me not to touch him with a barge pole - turns out he's not single.  Really hoping Luna's prediction of someone more promising coming along happens now!

