Author Topic: Angel Readings  (Read 61477 times)

Offline persephone

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #75 on: June 10, 2019, 05:25:34 PM »
She was totally wrong for me last year

I hate it when this happens to people...

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #76 on: June 10, 2019, 05:33:48 PM »
She was totally wrong for me last year

I hate it when this happens to people...

I was so disappointed too because she had rave reviews and she’s not cheap.

Same with Mattie. Had two readings with her and they were totally opposite of each other and I was just so confused

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #77 on: June 10, 2019, 06:10:55 PM »
Yes its the real expensive readings with the highly rated advisors that are most disappointing when predictions fall flat. 

Offline persephone

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #78 on: June 10, 2019, 06:14:30 PM »
Yes its the real expensive readings with the highly rated advisors that are most disappointing when predictions fall flat.

All the readers on Bitwine are like that. Some readers have over 6000 positive reviews and you wonder how can people be so gullible to buy their crap.
I learned my lesson to stay away from that website...
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 06:38:48 PM by persephone »

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #79 on: June 26, 2019, 09:53:41 PM »
Has AR been online at all lately? Any updates?

Offline mayflower

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #80 on: June 27, 2019, 05:37:44 PM »
Has AR been online at all lately? Any updates?
Maybe she feel disappointed or sad. Overall, i had good experience to read with her as i have been reading with her 5-6 times. Before that, she helped me to see about career too. And it was amazing accurate like she saw at my workplace.  And I never see psychic “pause” to connect first and not charge money before connecting. Besides, there was once time she knew that i read with psychics too often so she warned me and predicted me by not charging money. I hope she will feel better soon. I really care about her and I believe there will have people had experience like me.
She can even see the future clearly that my old friend going to contact me after no contact for 5 years he is my client and she even know my birthday was coming soon when i read with her. There are no way to doubt on this and she even knew party went very well.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 05:39:32 PM by mayflower »

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #81 on: June 28, 2019, 08:13:08 AM »
Looks like she is burning out from repeat readings...perhaps this explains why she hasn't worked for a few members lately, she needs to take a small break and recharge her batteries.

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #82 on: June 28, 2019, 05:08:38 PM »
Makes sense if she's just taking some time off to recharge, totally normal as we're all human and need time off! And no psychic is 100% correct, but again I think we all agree we all connect differently.  I hope her spirits aren't down, I don't want anyone's spirits down.  Shes super talented, she has shown that with me.

So weird/funny how I was wondering about her and then yesterday (the day after I asked) one of her major predictions came true for me! She was always so honest and now I've received the validation! Ya maybe she was wrong about a thing or two in the last reading with her, but she always came from a sincere place and she is talented.  And cares so so so so much! I've taken a little time to let things sink in here, but what she was saying this whole time with no fairytale false statements has been so true!!! Gaylene, AR, and Mattie were all right for me.  They've all been saying the same thing and a prediction just came true and gave me major validation.

Offline persephone

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #83 on: September 26, 2019, 02:34:46 PM »
I read with her a few times and now reading the transcripts I gave her too much information and she was good at guessing the present. I thought she was good at that time, but Nothing she said came to pass. She reads the previous transcripts just like in your case.
I will not read with her again and do not recommend her.

Offline miss_t

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #84 on: September 26, 2019, 03:12:14 PM »
I only read with her once. Almost all of her random predictions came to pass,   but most of it happened later than the timeframe she gave me. She even predicted the accident me and poi got into I think a month after the reading. She mentioned about an event happening within 3 weeks but it’s actually within 3 months. Although she didn’t specifically say that I’ll be in a relationship with my poi but she said we will be closer and he won’t run for the hills if ever I decide to open up about what I feel. She was right. The only thing I didn’t like about our reading is her mentioning that we are twin flames. I just don’t feel like I’d believe it. lol


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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #85 on: September 26, 2019, 09:24:13 PM »
I first read with angel readings a year ago... at the time I knew he was connected with that poi since the first thing that she asked was "what happened 4 weeks ago with him"... 4 weeks before that reading me and my POI at that time had spent a weekend together. She was able to validate a lot... however her prediction did not come true. She said he would come back sooner than I knew and want to take things to another level and gave me a month for it... well that month we spoke very briefly as a happy birthday chat. I did since speak to her about a couple of other people... but now she does not answer anymore when i try to chat with her or she will answer but not say anything, so why answer in the first place? Ridiculous.

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #86 on: September 30, 2019, 06:37:19 AM »
How much money did u load up before starting the chat? Just makes me wonder

I gave Angel Readings a shot after poring over the unusually high amount of glowing reviews on Bitwine. She does a connection verification before proceeding to the paid reading (which I think is ethical). After a brief pause, she said that she didn't think she was connecting to me, but based on the connection card(s) that she was interpreting, I felt this was actually speaking to my situation. Unfortunately, however, the figure on the Tarot card was of the opposite gender than the actual person in question, and for that reason alone, she refused to proceed with the reading and disconnected the chat. I went back to her a few days later to explain my belief that the connection cards were indeed resonating with me, and that I would still like to proceed, but she refused and again disconnected the chat. It was just strange. On the one hand, I can respect a reader for not wanting to continue if he/she didn't have the fullest confidence, but it still leaves me wondering and I wish the situation could have been handled with a bit more tact.

Offline almondtree

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #87 on: September 30, 2019, 11:48:28 AM »
Had a reading with her once. She asked me if I know this certain person (she mentioned a name), when I told her no, she said it might be from my POI’s side. When I casually asked him if he knows anyone with that name, he said his mom has a friend with that name. I don’t think that person has any relevance at all, unless this is a new person we don’t know yet.

My reading with her was actually ok. Not a mindblowing reading but she got the current situation with my POI spot on. She did ask when’s our last contact date though then if there’s anything specific I want to know. I just told her I wanna know anything that’s coming up for us then she dove right in.

She mentioned about us having a Twin Flame connection and him being confused and scared. I don’t know what to think about that but aside from a name, she mentioned specific events or situations like my POI having an issue with a white vehicle. He had a minor accident and when he told me about it, he sent me the pic of the damage to his car, and I can see the white vehicle in front of his even though it has nothing to do with the accident. I guess it’s still a hit. UPDATE: Me and POI were in an accident last night, a white/light silver car hit my POI’s car.

She also mentioned of a farewell party and he would be communicating with me while he is there. No farewell party happened, but there was this time where him and all his family were in the hospital to somehow give their last goodbyes to his gramps who’s dying. He was communicating with me and even sent me photos while he was there. Maybe that was it? I don’t know.

I didn’t asked for any contact prediction coz we talk daily, but at the time of the reading, I’ve last seen him in person almost a month ago and what I’d rather know is when i’ll see him again. She told me I will hear from him very soon, which she said means days. The very next day, he asked me out and we went out on a date that night.

I asked her what will happen if I’m gonna tell him what I really feel about him, she said he won’t reject me if I open up, but better to wait for him to be sure about what he feels and understand our connection.

She knew we’re having some issues and that we’re gonna be able to resolve it within days also. And yes we did. She picked up that we have a lil bit distance. We live in different cities. She also predicted that we will be closer and admitted some feelings for each other around april/may, and yes it happened as well. In April, I wasn’t able to keep myself from telling him first, but she was right about him not rejecting me. He didn’t say the L word back though but I was ok with it coz I wasn’t really expecting him to say it back. He mentioned it before that he won’t say it unless he is sure that he can already see himself proposing. But in May, he randomly said “I don’t know what this is, but you make me feel good”. So I guess that’s what Angel Readings predicted that we will admit some feelings for each other in those months. I also felt that yes, we became closer in those months because we connected emotionally.

Now thinking about it, all of her predictions did happen within the timeframe, though not 100% exactly right about some of the details around it. I would probably read with her again, unless she rejects readings for me because I’m in this forum lol

I had similar experience. She mentioned a name that is irrelevant and to this day I still can’t verify. It can be right it can be wrong. Anyhow, she mentioned my child would  get ignited after visiting a car show. We’ve never been to a car show and probably we won’t because my child refuses to go. However, during the summer in a very rare occasion that my child would go out, he did play with some car simulator at a theme park and I could tell he was very into it. He kept doing it again and again for so long. When the school year started in September , bang , he does not miss any single day of school at all this school year after being truant almost the entire year last year. He has a new therapist and personally I think the credits should go to his new therapist more than the car simulator, I believe.

The story is not exactly what Angel Readings told me in the reading, but it’s kind of close, very close.
My love prediction hasn’t panned out though and the timeframe was September.

Listen, I myself have stopped getting readings for a while now. I know the feelings and the urges to get readings. I do know. My addiction is for 10 years. Reading is always a hit and miss, we never really know. In my case my anxieties were higher when I had readings which made me get reading after reading. I now pray to God and try to let things pan out by themselves. I have much more peace now. I am still tempted, very tempted, but I try not to.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 11:58:25 AM by almondtree »

Offline almondtree

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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #88 on: October 01, 2019, 01:17:40 PM »
Aww, almondtree. I understand that feeling all too well. I think that I'm more confused than I was when I started getting readings 2½ years ago. Praying that you might be granted peace and every blessing for your best outcome and highest good.
Thank you Persimmon ! I am praying for you too. May God give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed !!


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Re: Angel Readings
« Reply #89 on: December 28, 2019, 02:10:59 PM »
i dont know about her ethnics but her reading turned out to be accurate.
i had tried her twice.
first time about business, accurate; happened as she said; some details were wrong but final result she was very spot on.
second time about a POI, she really really nailed and explained so well his weird behaviour, no way she can guess coz he is a real weirdo. as far as predictions she gave me few and i can see some of them are happening now, but full details i can only know by May.