Author Topic: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info  (Read 7467 times)

Offline flora0250

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Okay this has quickly become a pet peeve. And I keep asking myself is it me?!? But I’ve pkayed back recordings, looked over my notes, and can see a very distinct pattern here. Only two readers I’ve ever spoken with that have given me a negative outcome with my POI have provided any detail at all that makes me have any reassurance they may be actually connected to me or my POI.

One was Leanne and she is the only one of any reputation at all that has said we just wouldn’t connect again at all ever. Or that if we did it would be for closure - and more for him that me. Which is just odd. Anyway that hasn’t happened and my read with her was October - she predicted this in the new year -  and not only that but she flip flopped because when I asked her to give me a general reading she spoke of someone I had been recently involved with and that we would reconnect and be in touch again at least on and off - since he was the only man I was involved with at all in the last two years there is no one else it could have been.

The other reader has mixed reviews but he asked me for info or I gave it to him - I don’t recall - before making his predictions. He seemed like he picked up accurately on the situation which was heartbreaking because he kept saying yes it should work. He cares about you is attracted to you etc but he is so much in his head he won’t let it go anywhere - basically yes all signs are good but he will self sabotage his own happiness. But again even this reader I gave info to as to how long it had been since we talked etc. So it could have been cold read techniques tricking me.

Any of the others - it’s been: nope, you won’t get back together and any other questions? Really absolutely nothing that gives me anything to go on to hang up and say yeah wow they really connected and so I guess I’m convinced. I won’t hear from him again. Yep. That was the one who told me for sure and I really believe them because they told me XYZ validating info I know to be true.

So my vent is just that wow - I really wish if someone was giving me a prediction - honestly either way positive or negative because the positive ones I’m skeptical of too unless I get validating info (which those I HAVE in a very small number of cases - Mattie, Shelly, Rika (I think), Cookie to some degree, definitely Divine Love no doubt) ... don’t just throw out a prediction without me having anything to convince me you’re not just guessing based on how long it’s been since I’ve been in touch with him or whatever else.

So that’s my vent. If I get a negative prediction I want validation that’s believable. And I just haven’t gotten that and it’s just messing with my head. Because I ask myself am I hearing what I want to hear? And no, they are really not giving me anything to go on.

Offline happyk

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2019, 05:04:15 AM »
Who are the ones who gave you negative predictions? Here's my list of readers who are were very negative..Steffani Rhea and Ed Roland have always given negative readings almost regardless of the situation

Steffani Rhea-- Bitwine
Ed Roland- Bitwine
Queen Of Cups-- Keen-- Disappointingly negative
Nicole 4 Sees Unites...sth like that-- Keen-- Condescending and almost rude
Clarissa-- CP I don't even think she read the situation, just went on to saying that if he's been gone for three months he's gone.

However, I want to say that although they give negative readings they might be the only ones that are correct because nobody's contact prediction has come true. Just saying.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2019, 05:58:20 AM »
Who are the ones who gave you negative predictions? Here's my list of readers who are were very negative..Steffani Rhea and Ed Roland have always given negative readings almost regardless of the situation

Steffani Rhea-- Bitwine
Ed Roland- Bitwine
Queen Of Cups-- Keen-- Disappointingly negative
Nicole 4 Sees Unites...sth like that-- Keen-- Condescending and almost rude
Clarissa-- CP I don't even think she read the situation, just went on to saying that if he's been gone for three months he's gone.

However, I want to say that although they give negative readings they might be the only ones that are correct because nobody's contact prediction has come true. Just saying.

Shaman Kira - Keen
Leo - CP
Bathsheba - CP
Rusty - CP
Felix - CP
Bonnie Jean - Keen

All of above either said I won’t ever hear from him again in any way at all or if there is any connection - it won’t be “consistent” or we just run into each other randomly or he would just want to be friends or something. But again none of them really gave me info I could be sure was not off of something I fed them by what I said or was in some way verifiable.

Contrast with Shelly (who I had markers happen as well as a pretty significant related prediction happen that didn’t have a marker), Mattie (who picked up the exact words I texted my ex with only my giving his name and mine and picked up on the details of the situation with only names and my not asking any specific questions), Rika (same as Mattie that I didn’t provide anything leading before she was already picking up things she couldn’t have known without a gift), and Divine Love -‘who picked up I was trying to figure out what was going on by looking at social media and thinking how he must be happy from what I’m seeing but also that I’m totally confused - as well as her picking up on the fact that when we left things I was looking for something very specific from him - that he didn’t think he should come forward to me until he had “done his homework” - that he knew better than to come forward half ass basically, which is same thing Shelly said - that why would he bother to come forward unless he was really ready which is what several others have said and although this may sound general it was actually EXACTLY how we left things - my saying okay well you take care of what you need to because that’s really more important in the big picture and when / if you’re ready reach out again and maybe thing will work out...

So none of the negative outcome readers were able to give me any of that kind of detail about how things ended or what happened or anything about my POI without at least me asking specific questions which could then be used for cold read techniques.

The negative outcome readers sure could all be right! Maybe I will never hear from him again or maybe it will go badly! But I have nothing to validate any degree of accuracy on past or present. Basically if you’re going to give me some grand outcome - positive or negative - give me something to trust you’re tuned in. For instance Nina from CP - and a few others - was very positive but looking back on my notes she didn’t give me anything that she validated for sure that might not be applicable to anyone - so I don’t put that in the category of those I trust even though I wish I could because her reading was super positive.

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2019, 07:20:54 AM »
I know exactly what u mean. My list is:

Ed Rowland(bitwine) - was negative and wrong
Earth angel Elizabeth (bitwine) - she has always been negative and she maybe right but no matter what you are asking, she will just tell u whatever she feels like telling u. Lol! No matter the type of
Relationship u are enquirinb about.
Lily Oak (PO & bitwine) - could not validate and gave a negative outcome and was wrong.

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2019, 08:15:06 AM »
If it makes you feel any better, Shaman Kira told me that my boyfriend of 12 years didn’t even think of me anymore (we’d been apart 16 days) and then he messaged me maybe 12 hours later with one of those kissing face emojis and sucking up.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2019, 12:37:19 PM »
If it makes you feel any better, Shaman Kira told me that my boyfriend of 12 years didn’t even think of me anymore (we’d been apart 16 days) and then he messaged me maybe 12 hours later with one of those kissing face emojis and sucking up.

Thanks - that’s awesome - I’m glad it turned out to be positive for you :) Thanks again.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2019, 01:30:40 PM »
I get that validations are important as it separates the cold readers from the gifted. But I also think that validations on past and present situations have limited value on future predictions. You can read with someone and they can get crazy remote viewing (descriptions down to a tee) or describe the entire situation past/present with scary accuracy and still not get the future correct. There are outliers of course. Someone who has been out of touch for a week is probably easier to predict than someone who has been out of touch for months. VERY few readers are truly good at future. Even fewer readers are good at future when you have been out of touch for a long time. In my experience I've had no readers get the future when it comes to love relationships. None. Some were excellent at present and past. I think with another person, it's nearly impossible to predict their actions even when they are thinking of you in the moment. Empaths are perfect examples of readers who base their predictions on the present feelings, which can be far from accurate. Psychics can only see so far. Outside factors may not always be seen in the reading, which can certainly effect outcomes. The only reader I have heard about who focuses purely on the future is Yona and her predictions, which I hear do come true often, can be years out. I just think that it's a crap shoot all the way around in determining the actions of the other person. All the past/present stuff is great for validation of a real reader, but it still isn't indicative of the future predictions. In my case, future predictions just never happen over the course of the last year.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2019, 02:09:19 PM »
I get that validations are important as it separates the cold readers from the gifted. But I also think that validations on past and present situations have limited value on future predictions. You can read with someone and they can get crazy remote viewing (descriptions down to a tee) or describe the entire situation past/present with scary accuracy and still not get the future correct. There are outliers of course. Someone who has been out of touch for a week is probably easier to predict than someone who has been out of touch for months. VERY few readers are truly good at future. Even fewer readers are good at future when you have been out of touch for a long time. In my experience I've had no readers get the future when it comes to love relationships. None. Some were excellent at present and past. I think with another person, it's nearly impossible to predict their actions even when they are thinking of you in the moment. Empaths are perfect examples of readers who base their predictions on the present feelings, which can be far from accurate. Psychics can only see so far. Outside factors may not always be seen in the reading, which can certainly effect outcomes. The only reader I have heard about who focuses purely on the future is Yona and her predictions, which I hear do come true often, can be years out. I just think that it's a crap shoot all the way around in determining the actions of the other person. All the past/present stuff is great for validation of a real reader, but it still isn't indicative of the future predictions. In my case, future predictions just never happen over the course of the last year.

I hear that for sure - yes empaths and remote viewers are a great example - those that only and solely claim to possess that ability. I have had a small number of actual future predictions happen, one was Shelly like I know you know about and the other for a few things Cookie (but even hers seem like they could have been coincidental I’m not sure) - the others I’ve mentioned all gave me predictions not to happen until spring / early summer - so I’ve still got some time with those. Plus if I’m not supposed to focus on timing lol well who knows.

But I guess my point is I definitely have a hard time believing a future prediction - positive or negative - without that validating info. While some who provide validating info may be wrong, for sure, I can’t seem to get to the point where I believe someone’s prediction no matter how good the feedback (which could be fake to some extent) *without* any validating info.

I don’t know. It all feels so silly in the end if I’m truly like just allowing whatever happens to happen. Which I am. But it probably doesn’t seem that way to anyone reading because no one really knows me! It’s impossible to really know one another on a forum. Anyway - thanks so much Fidget. Lots of love your way today.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2019, 03:07:08 PM »
I get that validations are important as it separates the cold readers from the gifted. But I also think that validations on past and present situations have limited value on future predictions. You can read with someone and they can get crazy remote viewing (descriptions down to a tee) or describe the entire situation past/present with scary accuracy and still not get the future correct. There are outliers of course. Someone who has been out of touch for a week is probably easier to predict than someone who has been out of touch for months. VERY few readers are truly good at future. Even fewer readers are good at future when you have been out of touch for a long time. In my experience I've had no readers get the future when it comes to love relationships. None. Some were excellent at present and past. I think with another person, it's nearly impossible to predict their actions even when they are thinking of you in the moment. Empaths are perfect examples of readers who base their predictions on the present feelings, which can be far from accurate. Psychics can only see so far. Outside factors may not always be seen in the reading, which can certainly effect outcomes. The only reader I have heard about who focuses purely on the future is Yona and her predictions, which I hear do come true often, can be years out. I just think that it's a crap shoot all the way around in determining the actions of the other person. All the past/present stuff is great for validation of a real reader, but it still isn't indicative of the future predictions. In my case, future predictions just never happen over the course of the last year.

I hear that for sure - yes empaths and remote viewers are a great example - those that only and solely claim to possess that ability. I have had a small number of actual future predictions happen, one was Shelly like I know you know about and the other for a few things Cookie (but even hers seem like they could have been coincidental I’m not sure) - the others I’ve mentioned all gave me predictions not to happen until spring / early summer - so I’ve still got some time with those. Plus if I’m not supposed to focus on timing lol well who knows.

But I guess my point is I definitely have a hard time believing a future prediction - positive or negative - without that validating info. While some who provide validating info may be wrong, for sure, I can’t seem to get to the point where I believe someone’s prediction no matter how good the feedback (which could be fake to some extent) *without* any validating info.

I don’t know. It all feels so silly in the end if I’m truly like just allowing whatever happens to happen. Which I am. But it probably doesn’t seem that way to anyone reading because no one really knows me! It’s impossible to really know one another on a forum. Anyway - thanks so much Fidget. Lots of love your way today.

I get where you're coming from. I really do! I just wish validation meant that the predictions would happen. It hasn't for me. Who knows. Maybe it's me. Love to you as well Flora. :)

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2019, 04:20:13 PM »
Leanne wasn't negative for me just nothing apart from a few sentences in the reading resonated or had anything to do with me. A different Nicole was very negative for me (and wrong) and also Psychic Adora was very negative and also turned out wrong. She didn't seem to realize there was an existing relationship and treated the question like it was about a random POI, she said he had other women and we wouldn't see each other again (neither turned out to be true we are together now but it was unnecessarily upsetting none the less).

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2019, 01:07:10 AM »
This was a pet peeve of mine too, really when they would jump to any outcome, good or bad, without giving some sort of validation that they were connecting, getting the right person, etc. When they just give an outcome without anything to corroborate it, how are you supposed to know if it's even a real prediction, or just a guess?

In retrospect though, it doesn't matter how much validation they gave...most outcomes still ended up being wrong. I never found a reader who was good with outcomes, for me anyway. They could get past, present, and sometimes near future but not outcomes.

Same! Which is exactly why I never ask about outcomes anymore

Offline flora0250

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2019, 01:14:51 AM »
This was a pet peeve of mine too, really when they would jump to any outcome, good or bad, without giving some sort of validation that they were connecting, getting the right person, etc. When they just give an outcome without anything to corroborate it, how are you supposed to know if it's even a real prediction, or just a guess?

In retrospect though, it doesn't matter how much validation they gave...most outcomes still ended up being wrong. I never found a reader who was good with outcomes, for me anyway. They could get past, present, and sometimes near future but not outcomes.

Same! Which is exactly why I never ask about outcomes anymore

And most of the time I found they give me an outcome whether or not I ask for it! A few are not. I usually ask: I would like a reading regarding a  relationship between me and ___  and leave it at that. Or if possible how that they pick up on details about why I’m calling before I say anything. But most of the time they disregard whether I want to know just present and short term and give me some grand outcome one way or another. This is why I haven’t called Yona yet either. I’m sort of like okay what am I going to do with a prediction that could be years away? That I really don’t know if I can trust anyway? I know she’s good but she’s not perfect either I’ve read a lot of people say she’s been wrong for them. So I just can’t put myself through the thought of wondering for years one way or another.

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2019, 01:46:21 AM »
This was a pet peeve of mine too, really when they would jump to any outcome, good or bad, without giving some sort of validation that they were connecting, getting the right person, etc. When they just give an outcome without anything to corroborate it, how are you supposed to know if it's even a real prediction, or just a guess?

In retrospect though, it doesn't matter how much validation they gave...most outcomes still ended up being wrong. I never found a reader who was good with outcomes, for me anyway. They could get past, present, and sometimes near future but not outcomes.

Same! Which is exactly why I never ask about outcomes anymore

And most of the time I found they give me an outcome whether or not I ask for it! A few are not. I usually ask: I would like a reading regarding a  relationship between me and ___  and leave it at that. Or if possible how that they pick up on details about why I’m calling before I say anything. But most of the time they disregard whether I want to know just present and short term and give me some grand outcome one way or another. This is why I haven’t called Yona yet either. I’m sort of like okay what am I going to do with a prediction that could be years away? That I really don’t know if I can trust anyway? I know she’s good but she’s not perfect either I’ve read a lot of people say she’s been wrong for them. So I just can’t put myself through the thought of wondering for years one way or another.

Same - I ask “what do you see coming up between me and my poi”

FWIW I’ve read with Yona since 2016 and I’ve never known Yona to give grand outcomes...just as an FYI, her new card deck moves way faster I can definitely tell a difference - things have panned in 3 months for me where as my first 2-3 readings the last prediction would happen 1-2 years later ...but i understand not reading with her

Ya some readers throw in a grand prediction without asking which is annoying too lol
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 01:54:49 AM by Sparkle002 »

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2019, 08:30:04 PM »
Leanne wasn't negative for me just nothing apart from a few sentences in the reading resonated or had anything to do with me. A different Nicole was very negative for me (and wrong) and also Psychic Adora was very negative and also turned out wrong. She didn't seem to realize there was an existing relationship and treated the question like it was about a random POI, she said he had other women and we wouldn't see each other again (neither turned out to be true we are together now but it was unnecessarily upsetting none the less).

I remember having a reading with psychic adora last summer and she pulled that random POI and other women crap with me too. I'm seeing a pattern emerge here.

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Re: Readers who jump to negative outcomes w/o any validating info
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2019, 06:55:39 AM »
Shaman Kira supper abrunpt and negative and flipped her prediction
Nicole 4 Sees just downright disrespectful abrupt and hung up on me and then blocked me
Kisha: Negative also flipped her prediction from last year. Nothing she predicted came true
Infinite Star. Also super negative and then hung up on me as well when I asked for some explanation