Sometimes she has a certain behavior that’s frustrating…
I’m not the kind of customer who will confront someone if things don’t play out . If you’ve had a lot of hits and only a few misses, I’d let it slide and probably come back.
I just can’t pay $100 in one go for a full reading. That’s why I choose the 10-minute sessions. But instead of giving me value in that short time, she’ll often just cut me off, and doesn’t ask if I want to add more minutes she just hangs up. There have even been times when she ended the call before really starting the reading.
I can’t say for sure whether some of her predictions were accurate or not. Maybe it’s like Yona says—bad things happen first. She told me my POI would leave me again, and here I am, ghosted once more. But the following events she mentioned? That hasn’t happened.