Author Topic: Why the recommendations lead you in circles  (Read 1777 times)

Offline flora0250

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Why the recommendations lead you in circles
« on: March 09, 2019, 08:47:06 AM »
So here’s my thought. Sounds maybe simple but just wanted to kind of try to define it and get others thoughts.

I’ve been looking st this board and reviews and reviews on sites and asking people who has worked for them etc. and I think you can really only say so much.

First of all we all know there are SO many fakes. So, so, so many.

But I think also there have been enough people that have had experiences that cannot be chalked up to cold read techniques or lucky guesses. I have not had many but now I really am able to go back and know where I was given specific info I could validate vs possible cold read techniques. And boy those cold read techniques are tricky! People can be so good at messing with your head especially if you’re vulnerable already! Experienced cold readers can be very very good at making something general *sound* specific to you.

This is very different than when you connect with an advisor who just automatically gives you some specific where you know for a fact there is no way someone could know something *that* specific. Problem is it’s a bit of a moving target. Something you thought was specific you can go back and revisit and realize oh wait no it wasn’t. But others you can’t deny and stand the test of revisiting the reading and still hold true.

What I really want to say is once a person gets through all that, which takes a ridiculous amount of money, time, and effort, (how much is it even worth it in the end anyway though given how predictions are usually so unlikely to come about) - once a person is able to finally weed through that then you have the process of trying to determine if the predictions (again specific not general enough to apply to anyone) actually happen or not. Which if the prediction is far away, takes even more time.

But finally, finally if you get through all of that and end up with 1 - 3 advisors who meet both criteria- then you have your *personal* 1 - 3 that work for you personally.

So all these reviews - really when it comes down to it - I think that personal 1 - 3 readers is diffeeent for everyone. I mean could be vastly different. So all these reviews are almost not of much value! Because I really do think it’s a personal connection between you and the reader and that determination of whether or not they will work for you is so individual, I’m not sure how much real value the reviews provide other than to really call out and weed out those that are truly fake and predatory. Which I believe are a lot.

Anyway sorry to ramble. But it really is an individual thing and generalizations on whether or not a reader is good or accurate for one person doesn’t mean they will be the same for another, other than those that are repeatedly wrong for many and we can weed out as fraudulent.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Why the recommendations lead you in circles
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2019, 02:22:02 AM »
Great post and I totally agree with you. There aren't any universally good psychics. Some may be more experienced or gifted than others, but it really comes down to the personal connection we have with them. There was a point where I realized the ones others recommended didn't work for me and it was not doing me any favors to pick those readers. You just have to use your own instincts to find the ones who connect with you. Unfortunately, it can get very expensive to try readers until you find those few who connect with you AND interpret things correctly. And it takes a lot of time to see if they prove correct and messes with your head a lot in the process. That is why I warn people to think before going down this road, because in the end the full expense may not be worth it for what you actually get from it.

The real value in reviews is like you said, to avoid the fakes and scammers...but also to hear about the reader's personality and how they conduct themselves. Like do they handle it well if you disagree with them or do they get defensive? Do they get angry or abusive or do they harrass after the reading? Some sexually harrass female clients or even become stalkers. Some take payment and never deliver the reading, or it takes them months. Some block lots of people without ever reading for them. Some violate the privacy of clients. Those are all things people need to know about.

The downside is when people get so defensive of readers they like, that they start harrassing people who say they had a bad experience with them, or even act like they are being personally attacked every time someone says they dislike that reader. This is all part of why I think readings are just bad in general. Even when things are going well for someone with a particular psychic, it seems like they can't just relax and enjoy it. It comes across like no matter how much they like that reader, they still need validation of it from other people giving positive reviews. It's sad to see someone who had a bad experience, get attacked for letting us know. It's also sad to see that when someone has a good experience, others flock to try that reader hoping for the same outcome, and many end up disappointed. Many times a psychic would become so popular here, their queue would be full all the time. Then it dies out and no one talks about them anymore. So you can see why some of the more dishonest ones might try to manipulate feedback here.

Thank you so much for adding to this and responding ...

Yes definitely agree it helps too with general overall approach and style for a reader, didn’t think of that. I think that’s a very helpful aspect since people like and connect with all different types of styles.

I had one reader who I liked a lot felt like I connected with and then she started talking to me about crystals and their healing powers which is something I’ve never believed in. But hey, okay, they don’t appear to be that expensive and I need new jewelry anyway so okay. I’ll get a little :)

Didn’t know about the stalking aspect!! Wow that is really scary! Good to be aware of yes for sure!

Agree with many things you wrote - thank you again. Although I admit I’m totally one of those I think who ... well since I keep getting a lot of positive outcomes I am sort of like really?!? Are you sure?!? Really?!? But other predictions have actually happened with them whereas some of the negative readers have not had predictions happen. But I could kick myself for continuing to get readings when those that seem to have other things right are telling me good news. It’s like even if it is good and positive I can’t just be settled with it.

Which actually may be more than a “psychic addiction” thing and more for me of a disbelief that things could go right. But funny because I found something out pretty recently I didn’t expect to find out to be true and it’s making me wonder... well okay... maybe there actually IS a positive change coming up.... but then again they could all be wrong and messing with my head to make a buck and I could he completely heartbroken the other way! Ha! So net result I end up with is : ah, screw it! I almost don’t care anymore! I’m living my life moving forward and I’m curious to see if anyone is actually right about the next few months ahead.

I actually requested my CP account be closed. Although I still got an email :( So I hope they officially close it soon as I requested.

Thanks again. Sorry to ramble!