Author Topic: Mattie  (Read 552590 times)

Offline Penelope

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #105 on: March 23, 2019, 04:05:06 AM »
Ok, here's a question for Mattie customers (and Yona customers if you've read with her): are either of these outcome readers? I coincidently read with both of them today and neither said that things will work or that they won't. They both seemed to indicate that I will have the ultimate choice and that I will be cautious and stand in my power about what I will accept. Neither said that my POI won't step up, nor did they say he will. They just said that I am wiser now and will demand what I want/need. Any insights? They both thought that my POI was a decent person. Yona even said that we are a good match, but that he has a selfish side that will no longer be tolerated. But neither said that I will walk away or that it will end. So here I am just wondering.

Mattie told me that “the jury is out” as to whether he is my “happily ever after” and that the decision is ultimately up to me.  Yona said that I may run out of patience before things are over.  Both saw that my POI and I can’t really quit each other and that he will be around for years.  Unfortunately neither saw us in a committed relationship.  So, that is my outcome reading...Not in a committed relationship with each other. 

WRT to “Friday”, in my reading,  Mattie said something about a Friday to herself at first and then shared with me that she thinks something will happen on a Friday.  Well, on a Friday, my POI made contact.

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #106 on: March 23, 2019, 12:25:15 PM »
This may be a weird question, but as a new member to the site, is there is way to speak to Mattie without reserving a 300 dollar charge? I wasn’t sure if there were any introductory offers or whatnot.


Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #107 on: March 23, 2019, 12:52:52 PM »
This may be a weird question, but as a new member to the site, is there is way to speak to Mattie without reserving a 300 dollar charge? I wasn’t sure if there were any introductory offers or whatnot.


You have to make a deposit to get in her queue, but I got in for 10 min at $150. You don't have to schedule 20 min.

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #108 on: March 23, 2019, 04:12:57 PM »
Another thing I noticed was that Mattie kept whispering "Friday" when she was speaking with spirit. She didn't say "Friday" to me, but I heard her whisper "yes, yes, Friday, Friday, today's Friday, yes, Friday". Now I'm wondering if there is any significance to Friday with the "4" she got. Hmmm...I'm overthinking this...LOL

I find that when she does this sort of thing it's because her guides have given her something that she's trying to interpret, though usually it seems to happen with symbols shown rather than words spoken. Once she told me something like, "spirit are showing me a die landed on the 6, I wonder if this is some kind of timing, I think 6 weeks or months" - ended up happening in June. Once she said something like, I'm seeing chicks, and then a few minutes later she said the word egg, and all of a sudden she says - chicks, eggs, this must mean spring (she was right, happened in spring). So I think sometimes her guides give her clear words or phrases or even sentences, speak to her, but also sometimes just give her pictures or fragments of things that she has to interpret.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #109 on: March 23, 2019, 05:27:35 PM »
Is 10 minutes enough time to read with her? How fast is she? She sounds great but that price, YIKES.

Also I'm sure this has been asked but - does she have her own site? I couldn't find where anybody has asked in this thread.

Offline samantha87

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #110 on: March 23, 2019, 05:30:51 PM »
Is 10 minutes enough time to read with her? How fast is she? She sounds great but that price, YIKES.

Also I'm sure this has been asked but - does she have her own site? I couldn't find where anybody has asked in this thread.

I think you'll get a lot of info out of Mattie in that time.  She is pretty fast with the info she gets, but she can go off on tangents with whatever she's being given.

And no, Mattie doesn't have her own website.  Mattie isn't actually her name.  I think I found out what it is, but I can't verify it and there isn't a website any longer under that name either.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #111 on: March 23, 2019, 05:58:02 PM »

Is 10 minutes enough time to read with her? How fast is she? She sounds great but that price, YIKES.

Also I'm sure this has been asked but - does she have her own site? I couldn't find where anybody has asked in this thread.

I booked 10 minutes with Mattie for my one reading with her and the call came in at about 4 am my time. I was a bit out of it when the reading started but woke up pretty quickly as she dove right into what I most wanted to know about without any questions. At the end of 10 minutes I added 10 more and am glad I did. For the first 10, I basically let her talk and then the next 10 gave me a chance to ask a couple of questions. As I said, I'm glad I did because the second part of the reading was very helpful for me both to clarify a couple of things she said in the first half, and I was also able to switch topics and ask about something else. Lastly, there was a piece of info that she'd been trying to 'get' throughout the reading and it finally gelled toward the end.

I guess the length of reading depends on what's going on for you (how complex etc) but just given her queue length I was glad I gave it 20 min ... and I am trying to opt for quality over quantity in readings now and also to allow things to unfold, so a fairly comprehensive reading was what I wanted.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2019, 06:13:11 PM by doubleoh8 »

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #112 on: March 23, 2019, 06:39:22 PM »
Ok, here's a question for Mattie customers (and Yona customers if you've read with her): are either of these outcome readers? I coincidently read with both of them today and neither said that things will work or that they won't. They both seemed to indicate that I will have the ultimate choice and that I will be cautious and stand in my power about what I will accept. Neither said that my POI won't step up, nor did they say he will. They just said that I am wiser now and will demand what I want/need. Any insights? They both thought that my POI was a decent person. Yona even said that we are a good match, but that he has a selfish side that will no longer be tolerated. But neither said that I will walk away or that it will end. So here I am just wondering.

Both Mattie and Yona predicted my ex would get out of his current situation (Yona even laughed when I asked about it); they also said my ex would want to reconcile but it would ultimately be my choice if I decided to take him back.

Also, both predicted a long distance trip; Mattie was more specific and said it would happen in May-June.  And they both predicted the significance of someone's birthday.

Ive read with Mattie only once and Yona several times - both had a major prediction come true...However Mattie didnt give me an "outcome"  ...and Yona has never in the 3 years Ive read with her given me an outcome until last October - where she specifically said that she saw "Outcomes" in my cards.

However, Iv'e learned not to ask about outcomes anymore because 90% of the readers are wrong - I just allow them to tell me what comes up - and interestingly enough I got some outcomes from Yona.

Fidget in your situation, man thats hard - no one gave you really anything concrete one way or the other - this one seems like it will have to play itself out I guess

Yeah, but my situation is a bit unique compared to many others I think. I may be one of the oldest on the forum. My POI and I met after we both came out of long term marriages. We both have children who were on the cusp of adulthood when we went through our divorces. When we met, we were head over heels. Unfortunately, the fallout of divorce after long term marriages with children took its toll on us. His kids had some VERY serious issues after his divorce...drugs, legal issues, unplanned pregnancy. Add to it ex spouses who we have to still deal with regularly because of our kids...his ex wife being controlling and manipulative, my ex husband being stalkerish. Both of our ex spouses using our respective children as pawns to play games when our relationship was just starting. They were both very jealous that we were happy.

My POI ended the relationship because he felt obligated to deal with the issues of his family and didn't want to drag me through it. It caused him serious depression, shame, anger, and guilt. He said many times that it wasn't fair to me and that I deserved better. It was really the "right person, wrong time" scenario. It was never "does he love me?" I knew he did. He knew I loved him too. It wasn't an "if" we would reconnect, but always a "when" and whether we could get back to where we once were. That's kind of where we are at.

oh wow interesting! Yes still I can understand it may be a bit frustrating not getting a sense of direction on this

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #113 on: March 23, 2019, 07:30:14 PM »

Is 10 minutes enough time to read with her? How fast is she? She sounds great but that price, YIKES.

Also I'm sure this has been asked but - does she have her own site? I couldn't find where anybody has asked in this thread.

I booked 10 minutes with Mattie for my one reading with her and the call came in at about 4 am my time. I was a bit out of it when the reading started but woke up pretty quickly as she dove right into what I most wanted to know about without any questions. At the end of 10 minutes I added 10 more and am glad I did. For the first 10, I basically let her talk and then the next 10 gave me a chance to ask a couple of questions. As I said, I'm glad I did because the second part of the reading was very helpful for me both to clarify a couple of things she said in the first half, and I was also able to switch topics and ask about something else. Lastly, there was a piece of info that she'd been trying to 'get' throughout the reading and it finally gelled toward the end.

I guess the length of reading depends on what's going on for you (how complex etc) but just given her queue length I was glad I gave it 20 min ... and I am trying to opt for quality over quantity in readings now and also to allow things to unfold, so a fairly comprehensive reading was what I wanted.

Just to add my 2 cents if you invest in one reading with Mattie you get enough out of it that you dont need to read with her again for a while. Also depending on yourself you may also not need another reading for anyone else.

Offline samantha87

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #114 on: March 23, 2019, 07:32:28 PM »
Another thing I noticed was that Mattie kept whispering "Friday" when she was speaking with spirit. She didn't say "Friday" to me, but I heard her whisper "yes, yes, Friday, Friday, today's Friday, yes, Friday". Now I'm wondering if there is any significance to Friday with the "4" she got. Hmmm...I'm overthinking this...LOL

I find that when she does this sort of thing it's because her guides have given her something that she's trying to interpret, though usually it seems to happen with symbols shown rather than words spoken. Once she told me something like, "spirit are showing me a die landed on the 6, I wonder if this is some kind of timing, I think 6 weeks or months" - ended up happening in June. Once she said something like, I'm seeing chicks, and then a few minutes later she said the word egg, and all of a sudden she says - chicks, eggs, this must mean spring (she was right, happened in spring). So I think sometimes her guides give her clear words or phrases or even sentences, speak to her, but also sometimes just give her pictures or fragments of things that she has to interpret.

I had a similar moment in one of my readings; Mattie kept hearing the word Easter then she went onto mention eggs.  She also blurted out "hand holding", "ranch dressing", "ranch restaurant" and started to put together an overall picture before making a major prediction for me.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #115 on: March 23, 2019, 08:02:52 PM »
Another thing I noticed was that Mattie kept whispering "Friday" when she was speaking with spirit. She didn't say "Friday" to me, but I heard her whisper "yes, yes, Friday, Friday, today's Friday, yes, Friday". Now I'm wondering if there is any significance to Friday with the "4" she got. Hmmm...I'm overthinking this...LOL

I find that when she does this sort of thing it's because her guides have given her something that she's trying to interpret, though usually it seems to happen with symbols shown rather than words spoken. Once she told me something like, "spirit are showing me a die landed on the 6, I wonder if this is some kind of timing, I think 6 weeks or months" - ended up happening in June. Once she said something like, I'm seeing chicks, and then a few minutes later she said the word egg, and all of a sudden she says - chicks, eggs, this must mean spring (she was right, happened in spring). So I think sometimes her guides give her clear words or phrases or even sentences, speak to her, but also sometimes just give her pictures or fragments of things that she has to interpret.

I had a similar moment in one of my readings; Mattie kept hearing the word Easter then she went onto mention eggs.  She also blurted out "hand holding", "ranch dressing", "ranch restaurant" and started to put together an overall picture before making a major prediction for me.

Well that's what's confusing. I heard her saying it in the background, but she never mentioned it to me specifically.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #116 on: March 23, 2019, 08:12:18 PM »
Does she only have a max of 6 in her line?

Offline embibems

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #117 on: March 23, 2019, 08:13:43 PM »
Another thing I noticed was that Mattie kept whispering "Friday" when she was speaking with spirit. She didn't say "Friday" to me, but I heard her whisper "yes, yes, Friday, Friday, today's Friday, yes, Friday". Now I'm wondering if there is any significance to Friday with the "4" she got. Hmmm...I'm overthinking this...LOL

I find that when she does this sort of thing it's because her guides have given her something that she's trying to interpret, though usually it seems to happen with symbols shown rather than words spoken. Once she told me something like, "spirit are showing me a die landed on the 6, I wonder if this is some kind of timing, I think 6 weeks or months" - ended up happening in June. Once she said something like, I'm seeing chicks, and then a few minutes later she said the word egg, and all of a sudden she says - chicks, eggs, this must mean spring (she was right, happened in spring). So I think sometimes her guides give her clear words or phrases or even sentences, speak to her, but also sometimes just give her pictures or fragments of things that she has to interpret.

I had a similar moment in one of my readings; Mattie kept hearing the word Easter then she went onto mention eggs.  She also blurted out "hand holding", "ranch dressing", "ranch restaurant" and started to put together an overall picture before making a major prediction for me.

Funny! She also mentioned eggs and Easter time for me earlier this year or perhaps at the end of 2018. At the time it didn't make sense. How could it take that long, Mattie?? Now it does :) She also mentioned something around the time of an April birthday. This was without her knowing my birthday is at the end of next month.. we'll see :) Best of luck everyone, I'll keep you posted if anything else changes.

So far, some recent hits for her have been predicting my new men (casual!!!), my trips, my ex/POI's movements for work and travel, the fact his fling is over, and "a click of a mouse" (he watches all of my crap religiously). There's gotta be some other stuff. Anyways.. cheers!

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #118 on: March 23, 2019, 08:13:55 PM »
Another thing I noticed was that Mattie kept whispering "Friday" when she was speaking with spirit. She didn't say "Friday" to me, but I heard her whisper "yes, yes, Friday, Friday, today's Friday, yes, Friday". Now I'm wondering if there is any significance to Friday with the "4" she got. Hmmm...I'm overthinking this...LOL

I find that when she does this sort of thing it's because her guides have given her something that she's trying to interpret, though usually it seems to happen with symbols shown rather than words spoken. Once she told me something like, "spirit are showing me a die landed on the 6, I wonder if this is some kind of timing, I think 6 weeks or months" - ended up happening in June. Once she said something like, I'm seeing chicks, and then a few minutes later she said the word egg, and all of a sudden she says - chicks, eggs, this must mean spring (she was right, happened in spring). So I think sometimes her guides give her clear words or phrases or even sentences, speak to her, but also sometimes just give her pictures or fragments of things that she has to interpret.

I had a similar moment in one of my readings; Mattie kept hearing the word Easter then she went onto mention eggs.  She also blurted out "hand holding", "ranch dressing", "ranch restaurant" and started to put together an overall picture before making a major prediction for me.

Well that's what's confusing. I heard her saying it in the background, but she never mentioned it to me specifically.

Me too (similar experience) and this is why I am glad I stayed on a bit longer. It took her a while to interpret what she was seeing / sensing. In my case, it was more abstract. At first she was talking about a 'second time around' or 'part 2', and by the end she was able to articulate what that meant. She said 'I see two very distinct phases of life for you' and went on to describe the first 'phase' and how the next one will be quite different. I've made a lot of changes (for the better) in recent years, so what she was saying seemed quite realistic. But at the beginning she couldn't figure out why she was seeing this 2-part thing.

Offline samantha87

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #119 on: March 23, 2019, 08:18:00 PM »
Another thing I noticed was that Mattie kept whispering "Friday" when she was speaking with spirit. She didn't say "Friday" to me, but I heard her whisper "yes, yes, Friday, Friday, today's Friday, yes, Friday". Now I'm wondering if there is any significance to Friday with the "4" she got. Hmmm...I'm overthinking this...LOL

I find that when she does this sort of thing it's because her guides have given her something that she's trying to interpret, though usually it seems to happen with symbols shown rather than words spoken. Once she told me something like, "spirit are showing me a die landed on the 6, I wonder if this is some kind of timing, I think 6 weeks or months" - ended up happening in June. Once she said something like, I'm seeing chicks, and then a few minutes later she said the word egg, and all of a sudden she says - chicks, eggs, this must mean spring (she was right, happened in spring). So I think sometimes her guides give her clear words or phrases or even sentences, speak to her, but also sometimes just give her pictures or fragments of things that she has to interpret.

I had a similar moment in one of my readings; Mattie kept hearing the word Easter then she went onto mention eggs.  She also blurted out "hand holding", "ranch dressing", "ranch restaurant" and started to put together an overall picture before making a major prediction for me.

Funny! She also mentioned eggs and Easter time for me earlier this year or perhaps at the end of 2018. At the time it didn't make sense. How could it take that long, Mattie?? Now it does :) She also mentioned something around the time of an April birthday. This was without her knowing my birthday is at the end of next month.. we'll see :) Best of luck everyone, I'll keep you posted if anything else changes.

So far, some recent hits for her have been predicting my new men (casual!!!), my trips, my ex/POI's movements for work and travel, the fact his fling is over, and "a click of a mouse" (he watches all of my crap religiously). There's gotta be some other stuff. Anyways.. cheers!

Hi @embibems, I hope all is well!

I have to say Mattie kind of took me aback because she thought the eggs correlated with fertility, but I'm convinced more with timing because in a subsequent reading she brought up Taurus.

