Well, I just read with Mattie. She was pretty good and very kind. She was able to validate the flat situation with my POI before I asked anything. She said we have a weird connection that never ends (TRUE). She said he is coming to a revelation/that he's cleaning house. She says he comes across as down a lot/depressed and insecure. Afraid of relationships even though it sounds cliche', he truly is. She said she sees something happening, a connection in 4 (days, weeks, or April). She says she sees us laughing in June, but no profession of love because he keeps things close to his heart. She sees he is jealous and asked if I was with someone (I'm not now, but dated someone last year and have a few close male friends who are platonic). She said he is focusing on the woman with the daughter (me) and his ex wife is a problem (described her as a black shadow figure...Bwahaha). She said he's been drinking a bit...like not alcoholic, but "problem drinking" (I can see that). She says that I've been walking away/ignoring him (yes, haven't had any contact since Christmas). She said to continue that because it is bugging him and he's a bit stubborn. She said it's not over, but I may get over him with a man named Matthew who wants to stake his claim. LOL...we'll see.
Timelines are close to Kisha, Cookie, Shaman Kira, who all mentioned March and June. Interesting.
I have an appointment with Yona today. Let's see what she says.