I’m freaking out you guys! I may have bashed Mattie too soon!
I just had 1 prediction come true related to my old POI. In 2 years of being on CP, this is the first love-related prediction that has manifested.
She said Friday is going to be significant
“look out for Friday”.
Later on, she gave me a specific date in November and said it’s going to be important (can’t comment on that yet because it’s in the future, supposedly). Then she talked about Friday again and said it’s “
very likely that it’s going to be communication”. —— I have just been contacted by my old POI (let’s call him Ben). First time in almost 2 years that this dude is reaching out and it happened on a Friday!
Mattie said: “
you will get news about this over the next 3. There’s going to be some sort of news there. It could be 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months”. - it’s been exactly 3 weeks (+1 day) since my reading. She’s off by 1 day only
Mattie said “
You are going to be dating; with you, there’s very much more than one option. And when you finally let go of Ben, he’s going to reach out, he’s going to suddenly manifest”. —- I finally made the decision to let Ben go and made peace with it a few days ago after meeting a new guy; as soon as I did that, the loser (aka Ben) suddenly reaches out after two years of (almost complete) silence.
I keep hearing New York. There’s going to be a breakthrough and again something relevant about New York. It could be relevant for timing. There seems to be something” - I met a guy from New York a few days ago. His energy was so healing that it helped me let go of Ben. And then contact from Ben came in a few days after the New York guy; - Mattie was correct about New York being relevant for timing and for the “breakthrough”.
I finally found my peace. Funny how things can change in a week!