Author Topic: Mattie  (Read 502244 times)

Offline MotherOf3

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #840 on: July 08, 2019, 06:18:55 PM »
Thanks, guys :3 Regardless of whether or not things work w this dude, I'm happy on the inside and it's so fascinating how these hits and predictions have been coming to fruition. Mattie was right when she said I would be trying to close the door and he would be trying to open it again. Last reading she said I would be playing a game of "Twister, in that you have to decide what your next move is before you make it." That's exactly how I feel emotionally right now! Let the topsy turviness commence  :P ::)

With regards to tarot @jilli, she's only done it once for me in the last 60 secs. of our reading with three cards (I think in Dec. 2018). They were big picture cards and I wish we had had more time to expand on them! I'm sorry I can't speak more to that aspect of her reading style. xo

Did her prediction with the tarot cards come to pass?

Offline samantha87

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #841 on: July 08, 2019, 10:28:41 PM »
Hey everyone, so I have been pretty MIA lately because I am no longer actively getting readers (which is an overall positive thing for me besides a quick follow-up with Yona a couple weeks back but that was booked over a month ago).  Anyway, I wanted to expand on some of the hits Mattie has given me.

From the get-go Mattie said it would be my choice if I decided to take my ex back, and she was ultimately right.  My ex has said he isn't going anywhere but he would understand if I didn't respond regularly to him.

She also emphasized the importance of Gemini and a male's birthday.  She said I would feel much better and there would be some kind of development with my ex, which there was a few days before my brother's birthday.  My ex told me he loved me and I meant the world to him.

She predicted an end to my ex's current predicament, and he has in fact said he is on the road to that.  Mattie said things will go into motion during a fire sign or Leo so I will report back.

Mattie has also predicted a trip at the end of May for me and I was invited away for several days by friends.

I think Mattie is one of the few (outside of Gaylene and Yona) that has gotten a lot right for me.  But she has been very wrong about someone's character and motives.  I will keep my fingers crossed that some of her other predictions will come to pass.

That is awesome @sam, congrats!! I, too, have had some recent Mattie hits. And even Effie completely expanded on what is playing out right now. I'll share if anything super happens with my hits, but I'm beginning to let go of my POI and focus on a new relationship that has been growing very slowly over the past two months. Mattie predicted this too--if you told me in January post-heartbreak that I would be with a new guy this summer, I wouldn't have believed you. Kudos to you @sam, keep us posted and I'll do the same once something Mattie mentioned comes through this month :)

Hey, Em!  I am glad to hear that things are going well for you and that Mattie is still very much in-tune with you! :)

I am going to wait to see what happens come next month, and it'll determine if I choose to call Mattie once more in the future.  One of her predictions has yet to come to pass, but she consistently mentioned over several readings and I wonder if that means that'll be the case.

But Mattie was dead wrong on an individual's character and intentions.  She said their aura was light and loving, whereas Effie, Yona, and Gaylene said the exact opposite and were right.

Offline Lyssa

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #842 on: July 09, 2019, 05:45:47 AM »
Whew! It's been a minute since I have been around.  Wanted to follow up with the community here to let you all know Mattie was correct for me.  She had mentioned in the call that I would hear from POI in the March/April time. Guess what? I heard from POI then. We wound up getting reconciling (just as Mattie predicted).

Long story short my POI moved due to a job change so she is now living in an entirely different state. Needless to say she ended things.

What I found interesting was that Mattie said my POI would be back around the March/April time, then there would be a bit of a gap, then someone else comes along and August/September would be significant with us once again. Now that my POI and I are once again split up I wonder if this is the time where Mattie saw the other party and I won't hear from POI until August/September?

I will be calling Mattie again to see if I can uncover anything else and to see what else comes regarding the August/September timeframe she mentioned in the original call.


  • Contact Prediction: March/April - TRUE
  • Reconciling - TRUE
  • A bit of a gap (not sure how to interpret that - break up/break/POI dating someone else) - PLAUSIBLE (I am not sure what is going on with that right now as I do not communicate with her right now)
  • Something in August/September relevant to POI and I - UNKNOWN

She mentioned the name of another woman I met.  She also mentioned an occupation of two other people that have not manifested yet. Those may be down the line, or maybe those were things that won't come to fruition.

It's going to be really interesting to see what happens in August/September. That is just right around the corner.

What do you all think? What do you think will be relevant in August/September time? If she gives two unrelated time frames and the first one manifested does that mean the second time frame will also? If she saw two reconciliations would she have stated the explicitly? When I reviewed my notes from the call she said there will be a bit of a gap, another guy comes along, then he goes, and around the August/September time will be meaningful. I wonder if the gap she is referring to is a gap in my POI and I being together. Only time will tell, and not much time at all, really!

Going to try to get in line to see what's up. Interested in whoever wants to chime in to let me know what their take is!

I like to follow peoples stories to see what ended up happening, so thanks for updating! I saw your post on Leanne, so do you actually think she was right? In your post on her you mentioned her predictions and that you felt like she was saying that you would get back together and break up again. Just curious what you think about her reading now that you have had some development. (:

Offline embibems

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #843 on: July 09, 2019, 02:55:49 PM »
Hi friends.

On Sunday I had one of the biggest hits I've ever had from any psychic ever and it came from our Mistress Mattie lol. I could write out five paragraphs explaining every hit along the way leading up to this one but needless to say I am cautiously thrilled, as she said I would be. This is the most movement I've had in 1.5 years with my POI and if things go as they seem to be going, next month I'll never need to have another psychic reading again lol. Once things seem more "real" or manifest into becoming more real i.e. booking tickets etc., I will post a fuller update. I just had to stop in and let you guys know that, I was doubting this so hard. Well, not only did this proposal come in her timeframe predicted (always tricky!) but it happened as she said. I am elated. Scared, but elated if that makes sense!

Love to all. I'll provide more details once my mind and heart have settled more :) xoxo
« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 03:43:32 PM by embibems »

Offline lp1111

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #844 on: July 09, 2019, 03:07:31 PM »
Ahhh thanks for posting, Em and congratulations! I’m so happy for you to be seeing positive movements. This gives me hope and more patience to sit back for her predictions to unfold in my life 🤞

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #845 on: July 09, 2019, 03:46:20 PM »
Ahhh thanks for posting, Em and congratulations! I’m so happy for you to be seeing positive movements. This gives me hope and more patience to sit back for her predictions to unfold in my life 🤞

Yes, @lpoche, keep the positivity going. I asked the universe a couple weeks ago to take this person out of my life if I'll never see them again. I'm hoping that what happened Sunday is an indication that the universe is answering me but in the best way possible. As stupid as it sounds, letting go did me wonders. I started dating other people and I think my POI noticed this. Like Mattie said, he would feel like he had "better act now or forever hold his peace". He proposed this plan the day after I had gone a step further/gotten more serious with a guy I've been seeing here for a couple months. I will update if anything else exciting transpires with this!! Fingers crossed for all of you xo

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #846 on: July 09, 2019, 04:54:32 PM »
That’s what they say, but it’s so hard to do! I’m curious, did Effie’s predictions also line up with Mattie’s? Would you still say Effie was your favorite?

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #847 on: July 09, 2019, 06:30:48 PM »
That’s what they say, but it’s so hard to do! I’m curious, did Effie’s predictions also line up with Mattie’s? Would you still say Effie was your favorite?

Hi Lpoche,
Just jumping in here :)I’ve read with both Mattie and Effie too and my predictions from Mattie have all been passing too, major developments since Monday especially. I stopped reading with Effie even though she ended up being right, Mattie’s timing was more accurate. That’s just my personal experience. Keep the faith and keep doing you!  I am SO impressed with Mattie it’s wild. I was losing faith and she’s made me a believer. Sounds cheesy but it’s the truth.

Offline lp1111

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #848 on: July 09, 2019, 07:22:21 PM »
That’s what they say, but it’s so hard to do! I’m curious, did Effie’s predictions also line up with Mattie’s? Would you still say Effie was your favorite?

Hi Lpoche,
Just jumping in here :)I’ve read with both Mattie and Effie too and my predictions from Mattie have all been passing too, major developments since Monday especially. I stopped reading with Effie even though she ended up being right, Mattie’s timing was more accurate. That’s just my personal experience. Keep the faith and keep doing you!  I am SO impressed with Mattie it’s wild. I was losing faith and she’s made me a believer. Sounds cheesy but it’s the truth.

Thanks, snow! I’ve kind of wondered if that was the case with Effie. I’m sure it’s hard with tarot to pin point timing, but her predictions always seemed pretty on point. I just remember the previous poster always said how good Effie was for her, so I was curious how it played out. And thanks for the vote of confidence! I’m super hopeful Mattie’s predictions will start to come to fruition. Everything she gave me was approximately June-September, so I haven’t passed it yet!

Offline MotherOf3

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #849 on: July 10, 2019, 01:10:05 PM »
Is Mattie more of an outcome reader or only good for short term?

Offline lp1111

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #850 on: July 10, 2019, 01:30:05 PM »
I think Mattie can do both, however I feel like she steers away from a final outcome if that makes sense. For example, with the guy I’ve asked about, she says it will be my choice. He will be there and he will want me and want to talk about what happened between us, and it will be my choice if I want to forgive him or not. But then she’s ended the call with, I see you living with someone and them really wanting to marry you and trying to get you to want to get married (which is exactly what my mindset would be 😂 at this point I want a kid and a partner, not really a marriage). But anyway, she didn’t describe who it was. She didn’t say it’s not this guy, it is this guy, etc. just that it will happen.

Offline MotherOf3

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #851 on: July 10, 2019, 01:49:55 PM »
I think Mattie can do both, however I feel like she steers away from a final outcome if that makes sense. For example, with the guy I’ve asked about, she says it will be my choice. He will be there and he will want me and want to talk about what happened between us, and it will be my choice if I want to forgive him or not. But then she’s ended the call with, I see you living with someone and them really wanting to marry you and trying to get you to want to get married (which is exactly what my mindset would be 😂 at this point I want a kid and a partner, not really a marriage). But anyway, she didn’t describe who it was. She didn’t say it’s not this guy, it is this guy, etc. just that it will happen.

Yes, that makes sense!
And has she ever given you advice on a certain way to act to get your poi to come forward in your life, and if so, did it work if you honestly did what she stated to do?

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #852 on: July 10, 2019, 02:15:39 PM »
Well, we have not had our reconciliation *yet*, but her advice has always been that I need to continue to live my life and not wait. Each call with her I feel I have been doing a little better with this, and with that each call has gotten a little more positive and less advice giving. I haven’t completely gotten to where I follow that yet, so I can’t say yes or no to your question. I should know soon enough because I’ve finally started to date, travel, work out, enjoy time with my friends, and just do me, and I feel like I’m getting to a place that I am ok either way.

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #853 on: July 10, 2019, 04:25:41 PM »
That’s what they say, but it’s so hard to do! I’m curious, did Effie’s predictions also line up with Mattie’s? Would you still say Effie was your favorite?

Hi Lpoche,
Just jumping in here :)I’ve read with both Mattie and Effie too and my predictions from Mattie have all been passing too, major developments since Monday especially. I stopped reading with Effie even though she ended up being right, Mattie’s timing was more accurate. That’s just my personal experience. Keep the faith and keep doing you!  I am SO impressed with Mattie it’s wild. I was losing faith and she’s made me a believer. Sounds cheesy but it’s the truth.

Thanks, snow! I’ve kind of wondered if that was the case with Effie. I’m sure it’s hard with tarot to pin point timing, but her predictions always seemed pretty on point. I just remember the previous poster always said how good Effie was for her, so I was curious how it played out. And thanks for the vote of confidence! I’m super hopeful Mattie’s predictions will start to come to fruition. Everything she gave me was approximately June-September, so I haven’t passed it yet!

Yeah I think it is hard to pin point timing for any psychic, some are just better at it than others, and I think Mattie's gift is that she sees things that correspond with the for me it wasn't numbers, it was the warmer weather, a certain sports season, and then little things that she would bring up that would be be validations for timing.  I was curious about Mattie's tarot as she did it as a general outcome for me at the end of a couple calls and I can confirm that she was right.  She saw a reconciliation even when it looked so grim that even my friends admitted they didn't predict this, and said he probably doesn't care.  So I'm happy to share, because I didn't listen to my friends, I trusted my heart, and Mattie ended up being right.    Effie I would read with more often so maybe thats why it changed so much. 

And MotherOf3 - I can relate to Lpoche's answer, she predicted certain things for me but said what I 'might' do..because of course we all have free will.   Her short term stuff has definitely happened for me, and a big outcome, but we'll see how the rest plays out because I'm honestly content with just seeing how things go now!

If she has given advice I would definitely consider it.  She's done a little bit of that with me but she's also picked up on the things that I've been doing and even predicted certain ways I would behave..  Like she'll say "I see this going on, and you're playing it cool, which I think is best".  Or, "you might hint at this", so she's very sweet and subtle, and she encourages you to use your intuition, which I am 10000000% for. 

Offline embibems

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #854 on: July 11, 2019, 07:30:44 PM »
Damn, I just called to request an appointment with the Mattster to update her and get an update and was told that she isn't accepting appointments this week. I asked if this was for the foreseeable future but I don't think so, basically the rep said she didn't wanna her from them this week regarding appointments LOL! I don't blame her but still... Anyone else have this issue this week? :)