Joey910 We can see that all 7 of your posts are kudos for Mattie, It's suspicious
Right? It struck me as suspect, as well. Not to mention his lecturing the room on the "for entertainment purposes only" disclaimer, and how we ought to only spend money on psychics that would have otherwise been earmarked for entertainment and leisure. Definitely not the typical behavior of a genuine new member on this forum.
..could it be @josh34 with a new username? Not accusing just wondering what everyone's take is.
You can be suspect of me too because... (and not Mattie)
What a curiously odd thing to say..!

Let me break it down :
1 out of 7 was a post for another reader
2 out of 7 were about the positive reviews I had with Mattie
4 out of 7 were agreeing and being supportive of Flora’ posts because her perspectives are not only truthful and factual but most, it makes sense.
I am not Josh34, whoever is he. I am a naturally born female not a wanna be one so stop referring to me as a he. I am not a “them or they” so please refer to me on singular noun or pronoun. I am not fat or pluffy either so I count as one not double or triple.
I knew responding to all of these is ridiculous as you will think and say whatever you want anyway.
I joined in peace- have been respectful and polite.
Truth be told.. some reactions are extremely extra for my taste. It is filled with whining, bickering,
paranoias, delusions and most, refusing to accept responsibility and accountability of choices. Be it known that there are two sides of each story by which a reader and a caller only knew. There is no way to validate the truth and a lie. Yep.. stalking the cue is not only hilarious but dysfunctional.