Author Topic: Every Psychic is a fake  (Read 26461 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #60 on: April 09, 2019, 09:20:56 PM »
Both the exes I called about, knew we were soulmates and said so. The first one recognized it before I did. It never made me think we were meant to be my view many soulmates come and go in life, and sometimes you are only meant to have a brief connection with them. What tripped me up with both of these guys was thinking of them as soulmates blinded me to their bad behavior and how incompatible we were. I don't think either of them ever meant to "use" it on me that way, but some of the psychics sure did! They would gloss it over and say, but you have a connection with this man that you won't have with anyone else. That was true! But doesn't mean I should tolerate being treated poorly. This was the big lesson for me, no matter how strongly I feel about someone or how many past lives I remember us having together, or what sorts of synastry we have in our charts, or how much we can read each other's minds or how many special synchronicites happen and blah blah blah wtf ever, does not mean I should tolerate any mistreatment. The first one pretty much literally told me that, admitted he was being horrible to me...he even said "I'm not giving you anything!" But I was absolutely hardheaded and had to go through the whole thing again, with the second ex, who ended up being so nasty that I wouldn't have cared if an angel came down from heaven and decreed, you are meant to be with this man he is your soulmate.

A lot of it too, with the psychics, is some would see what the problems were and say well you don't deserve that, never put up with that or settle for that kind of behavior. They would even say, you're not together because you are being protected from all of that. But the one really bad thing they would say on top of all of that was, HE WILL CHANGE. And because they are supposedly psychic, I held out hope that it would come true. Eventually I realized they just don't really know those things. It seems like they could be right, because they get other things right, but it's a LOT to risk time out of your life on hoping they will be right about someone changing.

Yeah and part of the problem is that if it comes from a psychic, they must be right because they are so gifted. I learned that the hard way as well. I was with some joe blow and knew...wait, no I felt that no matter what the psychic said, I was getting out of that shit. The reader was local and I would chat with her all the time and had been consulting with her for a very long time, but I felt she just wasn't good with relationship situations. She would paint a good story, one where it didn't even appear I was in it because things weren't as good as she saw. She never used any soulmate lingo with me, but I know I clearly would have been in that situation much longer had I listened to her.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2019, 02:08:35 AM »
Seeker: I'm so sorry you went through all of that and have had to suffer such heart break. I read through the thread and I have seen you talk about how nasty this man had become after that woman entered his life and how he wouldn't be that way if it weren't for her. I disagree. What you are seeing is the real him and his capabilities of being a nasty person. You can't blame the other woman for him making a willful choice to be nasty to you. That's his choice and his fault, not hers. He is responsible for his own behavior, not her. It's like most of us typically blame "the other woman" for "steeling our man" when in reality, a man that doesn't want to be stolen can't be. It isn't the other woman's fault, rather, it's that man's lack of morals, values, integrity, respect, and love for us that causes him to do such things and behave is such ways. It also sounds to me like you are very much so dealing with a narcissist and perhaps even a bit of a sociopath. You may want to research those things. It's my personal opinion that you are being saved from a life of hell with a man that is no good. You may not see that now, but in time I think you will.

I will also say that I was told by many psychics in that my current ex was "the one" and that despite his disgustingly unhealthy need for attention from everyone who crossed his path which made him a cheater, and his pathological lying and extremely poor decision making capabilities, these psychics would say "He DOES love you and he DOES have feelings for you but he's just really selfish and has some life lessons to learn. He will change. He will learn". I held on for 5 long years despite the fact that I felt he was just using me to his advantage and wanted to keep me on the side forevermore because I was his security blanket. Finally, in the latest readings that I had, these psychics FINALLY said what I had already known for all these years..........they stopped telling me had all these feelings and genuine care for me and started saying he was just looking out for himself and what benefits him but wanted to keep me holding on for the just in case. Lol. I think psychics add to people's emotional turmoil and keep us holding onto things that we should have let go of long ago.......or better yet.......never even gotten involved after the first red flag. It seems to me that a lot of psychics make excuses for these other people's bad behaviors and so we are just suppose to sit and wait, hang onto it and put with it all and just "understand" that they have life lessons to learn. Ok great. They have lessons to learn but learn them without destroying my heart. Learn them without me in your life. That's how I feel about the whole thing. I'm not calling them anymore. They've just been a way of money for me even if they have been accurate but because life changes, people change etc.........the readings too will change. Nothing lasts forever. Everything in this life is temporary........including life itself.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #62 on: May 10, 2019, 12:19:59 AM »
Thank you. His true colors did surface. I do not completely blame her entirely, anymore. But initially it is the first thing to think and psychics told me it was her manipulation.

 He has freedom of choice, but yes, he has become extremely mean to the point it has becoming a bit angering on my side. Now his stories have changed, nothing he said or the way he acted happen now.

He has become really mean. I was misled by psychics for months that he loved me, etc. The same stock lines. This took me down an emotional path and one of confusion. I was told not to move on, as well. I have one person that still tells me, it is his ex.

I just wrote him off as an nasty man that entered my life and really did not care about me at all and only cared about himself. He has a poor attitude towards women as it is.

It has been a considerable amount of time since I had a reading.

I have finally been able to look at other men without guilt, developed a crush on a dental assistant with deep soft dark brown eyes that made me drop looking at him.

Because of what happen, I have fear talking to some men, or even asking one if they are single. I am so afraid what happen with this guy, will happen, again.

Offline Clarita

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #63 on: May 11, 2019, 08:39:27 AM »
There is a reason why they have to say these readings are for 'entertainment purposes only'... though, believe me, I have gone through MANY psychic readings (especially when vulnerable) that either sent me spiraling into depression or clinging on to shreds of hope.

And you know what? At the end of the day your own intuition is your best guide.
Yes, things can get really confusing and overwhelming and difficult to navigate but at my worst, I was just asking a bunch of strangers for advice and picking apart every single detail, contradiction, and prediction.

I think it is important, as time goes on, to make a pact with yourself (when you are ready) to only get a reading if you're going to use it more as fuel for thought rather than an accurate map of what is to come. Not only does it stop you from dwelling on the minutiae, but I feel that if there is something to this whole psychic thing, you gotta just live your own life, go with the flow and see what happens. If someone is right, great! But worrying about it constantly serves no one.

Easier said than done, I know! But imho if we all remain fixated on outcomes we are going to miss the here and now completely, and which makes it harder to embrace moments of growth along the way.

If we are not entertained by these psychics and instead depend on them for our happiness, paralyzing ourselves into a state of inaction unless we seek their 'wise' council, then we are not using them for guidance. We are asking them to make life decisions on our behalf, robbing ourselves of self-sovereignty and accountability.

AGREED 100%!! We definitely have to take some accountability - sometimes it seems people can play the victim or blame everything on readers which should not be the case. You are in charge of your life..not them
Agree also! This was a great post.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #64 on: May 11, 2019, 11:22:54 PM »
It's my personal opinion that you are being saved from a life of hell with a man that is no good. You may not see that now, but in time I think you will.

That's how I came to see my situation, and it took a long time for me to see it that way but in the end I am just grateful it never worked out like any of the psychics predicted.

A couple of them tried to play it off like he wasn't really a mean person and he was just being manipulated by a relative to act the way he did. No, he is who he is and chooses to be that way all on his own.  And besides if he never had the guts to stand up to his family, then what kind of relationship would that be anyway? But they said that would change too, he would stand up to them and assert himself more so we could be together. Nope, never happened.

It's just a a classic tool of the trade, when they say the guy is being manipulated by someone (always by a female.)


Offline Seeker23

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #65 on: May 15, 2019, 04:14:35 AM »
In the same boat. Just finding out he is just a manipulative person that has a spiteful nature. He tells a lot of lies then when called out on it, he runs and hides waiting for things to blow over or asks other people to handle things for him. He plays the nice guy routine in the beginning, but his true colors really show.

That is all I ever heard from him, "I am a nice guy, etc." Why not actually be nice to the female gender for once buddy to be proclaimed as a nice guy. Instead, I use to hear...about sleeping around...etc from his mouth.

All psychics tried to tell me it was because of someone else or his ex.

My ex has an issue with women in general. He thinks or was raised to believe he was entitled to things, etc.

He, also, would do gas lighting sometimes. The, oh...I never said... etc.

It's my personal opinion that you are being saved from a life of hell with a man that is no good. You may not see that now, but in time I think you will.

That's how I came to see my situation, and it took a long time for me to see it that way but in the end I am just grateful it never worked out like any of the psychics predicted.

A couple of them tried to play it off like he wasn't really a mean person and he was just being manipulated by a relative to act the way he did. No, he is who he is and chooses to be that way all on his own.  And besides if he never had the guts to stand up to his family, then what kind of relationship would that be anyway? But they said that would change too, he would stand up to them and assert himself more so we could be together. Nope, never happened.

It's just a a classic tool of the trade, when they say the guy is being manipulated by someone (always by a female.)

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #66 on: May 17, 2019, 01:25:55 PM »
True. You would not have to say it. You will show it.

In the same boat. Just finding out he is just a manipulative person that has a spiteful nature. He tells a lot of lies then when called out on it, he runs and hides waiting for things to blow over or asks other people to handle things for him. He plays the nice guy routine in the beginning, but his true colors really show.

That is all I ever heard from him, "I am a nice guy, etc." Why not actually be nice to the female gender for once buddy to be proclaimed as a nice guy. Instead, I use to hear...about sleeping around...etc from his mouth.

All psychics tried to tell me it was because of someone else or his ex.

My ex has an issue with women in general. He thinks or was raised to believe he was entitled to things, etc.

He, also, would do gas lighting sometimes. The, oh...I never said... etc.

It's my personal opinion that you are being saved from a life of hell with a man that is no good. You may not see that now, but in time I think you will.

That's how I came to see my situation, and it took a long time for me to see it that way but in the end I am just grateful it never worked out like any of the psychics predicted.

A couple of them tried to play it off like he wasn't really a mean person and he was just being manipulated by a relative to act the way he did. No, he is who he is and chooses to be that way all on his own.  And besides if he never had the guts to stand up to his family, then what kind of relationship would that be anyway? But they said that would change too, he would stand up to them and assert himself more so we could be together. Nope, never happened.

It's just a a classic tool of the trade, when they say the guy is being manipulated by someone (always by a female.)

Sorry you are going through that.

The guys who always say things like I'm a nice guy, I'm sensitive, I love women, etc. sometimes turn out to be the biggest misogynists. They aren't aware enough to see it in themselves.

Offline piscesmoon12

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #67 on: May 29, 2019, 03:53:01 AM »
I'd say most  telephone psychic readers are half baked with enough skill to get some simple stuff right,   do not assume they are good with everything. As callers we need to be vigilant to be careful who you talk to and what you talk about. The sites are there to take your money and keep the scam alive for profit. .  Its all possible because our society does not believe that many of these shallow reader people can get inside your head and so it is not regulated like physicians and psychologists.   Its a giant gaposis that website operators all all too glad to use to fleece users, empty their wallets.

Feary Lady
Lisa Dianne

are three I notice lately are aggregious leaches on the people who seek assistance and do get some info. These folks are simple. Do not ask questions about deep mattes of a simple reader They lack depth of character,  so,  do not ask them about deeper emotionally complex matters.

Callers need to very very careful for their own good.     When shallow readers are way over their heads they don't even know it.  They operate from lizard brain, survival instinct,     ie its automatic reflexively grab the next meal,   like a lizard.  And it does not take much to get over the head of these telephone readers in so many cases..   

It is impertive callers need to be very careful.   

This site is great because Keen and the rest of the sites  are not lookin our for you.   Quite the opposite.

Rocket, are any other sites as well as psychic mobile apps we should be aware about?

Offline Clarita

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #68 on: June 21, 2019, 07:20:04 AM »
Rocket, are any other sites as well as psychic mobile apps we should be aware about?

I do not have experience with multiple sites.  No need,   they are all the same,   full of people who need money.

That sicko Bob Olsen is a huge scammer. His site excludes all negativereview and  he presents himself as "the solution" to the phone psychic scam.    Anybody who knows his business address please post it on this site.

With all of the sites  you must be highly vigilant.     You know how it is,  any low life with a computer can sign up and call themselves psychic.   

The really dangerous ones are the ones with enough perception to sound convincing.    Because they can indeed seem to know some things,    do not assume they are good people or they are competent with all topics.  But when a question pertains to your mental and emotional well being use extreme caution.    Nobody is looking out for you but you except that rare reader who has skill and is not driven by need for money but by humanitarian high values.  With most,   survival instinct induces the lizard to snap up that fly automatically..

If you know of a reader who truly does not need the money that is a good start. 

This is of course not to say all the phone readers are trash.   It is insideous and seemless, ie  the transition from picking up some minor insignificant  things correctly  to incompetence regarding deeper questions.   A reader with shallow character is not competent to read a  situation of a person with deeper character.   Period

The example:  Triplemoongodess on Keen. I gather this lady has spent 25+ years on the phone with breaks to take a walk.   By now she takes her own perceptions very very seriously indeed.  After all she make good money at it,   what lizard would not?    I spoke to her a few times  about me a 70 year old guy who met a 24 year old woman with whom there was exquisite compatability,  it did not take long before she was rightously pissed off  and she was totally unaware of the way her emotional issue with this poisoned the reading. She was pissed and not  unaware of that fact,   I called her on it and of course she blocked me.   Its inconvenient for them when the dark truth is spoken.     

The travesty of Keen is they do not allow authentic feedback that throws shade which emerges as truth.   If anyone has lawyer skills,   lets take these sick freaks to task.    Then great psychic readers can be given the just due they deserve and benfit society and since they can become properaly legitimized instead of regarded as a dog and pony show.

This information comes to readers thru emotional channels,   so to be a clear readers they need to be emotionally flat level undisturbed,   especially about the topic being read,  to get a clear view.
[/quote] Rocket, Keen will not alter feedback even if you use the kinds of language you are using such as 'sicko' 'freak' etc. Keen allows this and allows their advisors to be bashed and insulted in this way. I dont know what other site allows that, I dont think Bitwine or Kasamba or California Psychics allows such insults in feedback but I assure you Keen does. Any basher here well knows.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #69 on: June 21, 2019, 05:19:10 PM »
Keen is a sick sick scam.   They deny authentic feedback about trashy destructive half skilled psychics by limiting the time frame to submit feedback.  Since most readings are about the ubiquitous POI,  and almost all the important long range matters of interest extend way beyond the two week limit on submitting feedback,  they perpetuate the travesty and scam the the telephone reader shit show has become.  Very destructive to the lives of gullible folks who buy into it.  And ,  keeps the potentially tremendous benefits authentic quality readers could bring to humanity from ever doing so.   They reamain a big joke,  an dog and pony show rather than an excellent resource for humanity.

Others are even worse than Keen.

Some of the angry pathetic folks on this site who freak out are real sickos.

Pot, meet kettle. 🤣

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #70 on: June 21, 2019, 05:54:53 PM »
Keen is a sick sick scam.   They deny authentic feedback about trashy destructive half skilled psychics by limiting the time frame to submit feedback.  Since most readings are about the ubiquitous POI,  and almost all the important long range matters of interest extend way beyond the two week limit on submitting feedback,  they perpetuate the travesty and scam the the telephone reader shit show has become.  Very destructive to the lives of gullible folks who buy into it.  And ,  keeps the potentially tremendous benefits authentic quality readers could bring to humanity from ever doing so.   They reamain a big joke,  an dog and pony show rather than an excellent resource for humanity.

Others are even worse than Keen.

Some of the angry pathetic folks on this site who freak out are real sickos.

Pot, meet kettle. 🤣

He’s missing out on a nap and some Ensure so he can argue about psychics...

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Every Psychic is a fake
« Reply #71 on: July 02, 2019, 06:58:33 PM »
Rocket, are any other sites as well as psychic mobile apps we should be aware about?

I do not have experience with multiple sites.  No need,   they are all the same,   full of people who need money.

That sicko Bob Olsen is a huge scammer. His site excludes all negativereview and  he presents himself as "the solution" to the phone psychic scam.    Anybody who knows his business address please post it on this site.

With all of the sites  you must be highly vigilant.     You know how it is,  any low life with a computer can sign up and call themselves psychic.   

The really dangerous ones are the ones with enough perception to sound convincing.    Because they can indeed seem to know some things,    do not assume they are good people or they are competent with all topics.  But when a question pertains to your mental and emotional well being use extreme caution.    Nobody is looking out for you but you except that rare reader who has skill and is not driven by need for money but by humanitarian high values.  With most,   survival instinct induces the lizard to snap up that fly automatically..

If you know of a reader who truly does not need the money that is a good start. 

This is of course not to say all the phone readers are trash.   It is insideous and seemless, ie  the transition from picking up some minor insignificant  things correctly  to incompetence regarding deeper questions.   A reader with shallow character is not competent to read a  situation of a person with deeper character.   Period

The example:  Triplemoongodess on Keen. I gather this lady has spent 25+ years on the phone with breaks to take a walk.   By now she takes her own perceptions very very seriously indeed.  After all she make good money at it,   what lizard would not?    I spoke to her a few times  about me a 70 year old guy who met a 24 year old woman with whom there was exquisite compatability,  it did not take long before she was rightously pissed off  and she was totally unaware of the way her emotional issue with this poisoned the reading. She was pissed and not  unaware of that fact,   I called her on it and of course she blocked me.   Its inconvenient for them when the dark truth is spoken.     

The travesty of Keen is they do not allow authentic feedback that throws shade which emerges as truth.   If anyone has lawyer skills,   lets take these sick freaks to task.    Then great psychic readers can be given the just due they deserve and benfit society and since they can become properaly legitimized instead of regarded as a dog and pony show.

This information comes to readers thru emotional channels,   so to be a clear readers they need to be emotionally flat level undisturbed,   especially about the topic being read,  to get a clear view.
Rocket, Keen will not alter feedback even if you use the kinds of language you are using such as 'sicko' 'freak' etc. Keen allows this and allows their advisors to be bashed and insulted in this way. I dont know what other site allows that, I dont think Bitwine or Kasamba or California Psychics allows such insults in feedback but I assure you Keen does. Any basher here well knows.

My thoughts: Something to keep in mind is that every "reader" has and will always have their own perceptions, and even interpretations. Different tarot readers will interpret any tarot card completely different and that is due to their own perceptions of said card and their own intuitive "insights" if they are indeed using any intuition at all. Clairvoyants may receive symbols and will interpret them based upon their own understanding but it could be completely off and not what that symbol was really meant to convey in the spiritual realm, hence, they will be wrong in the reading. Remote viewers, same thing. They may see an image or description of a location in France, but really it's a place in North Carolina that looks very similar, so they too will be off because they new nothing about this location in France so it was all due to their own knowledge and perception.

Then throw in the fact that each human has their bias', their personal preferences, likes/dislikes, morals, values, principles, standards of living etc. All of those things will effect a reader and in turn, a reading, and in turn, an outcome, if there really is such a thing as an outcome seeing as how the only constant thing is change. So, while a predicted "outcome" may be that two people connect, that really isn't the "outcome" because in time, that too will most likely change and they could then "disconnect".

Honestly, after all my experiences with readings, I am now convinced they are only good for the here and now and within a very short stent of time like within 30 days. People would literally need to call every single month to get an "update" since everything is an energy and energy is constantly changing. Just my two cents.

