Thank you everyone! How do you meditate to receive the information? So you just sit present in the moment?
From all the information I have read and watched, it comes down to personal choice.
You can meditate, as in learn some technique.
You can sit quietly, try and clear your mind or think of one thing, like listening to the ocean, or white noise.
Find a so called 'happy place' and relax.
- Things to remember is that most of the 'light bulb eureka moments' have occurred when the person wasn't thinking about the problem or solution. Like being in a bath tub, or on the loo. Some people can study and learn better whilst listening to music. Whats that saying, can see the forest for the trees.....
Bottom line is that I truly believe that you, and only you will have to try what works for you, within your lifestyle, opportunities, $$$, etc. Try something, daily, a very regular routine, without any specif goals, for 4 to 6 weeks, keep a diary, review, try something else, repeat.