Author Topic: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it  (Read 3832 times)

Offline dascallie

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Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« on: January 30, 2019, 09:27:29 PM »
Ok...we all go back/forth about fakes and frauds...we get disillusioned...tell each other nobody really has psychic ability yada yada....well I'm here to report YES THEY DO.

Over the past month, Diane731, Cookie and Uli all told me something I had absolutely no way of knowing and if someone in my circle had told me this 'thing'..I would have said, yeah right because it was IMPOSSIBLE. The person involved DIED in 2017--or so my ex POI told me with great fanfare at the time.

I JUST found out this person died in Oct 2018--this past fall--JUST FOUND THE OBIT--and NOT July 2017--as my ex claimed and used as his reason to dump our r/ship from  "depression" over it, which made zero sense and utterly demolished me.

Diane731, Cookie and Uli all kept saying well he is mourning this loss, death of XXX...and I kept thinking who in the world would that be?

I thought, why are they ALL bringing up something--out of the blue--I did not ask about or mention in these readings-- that happened 18 months ago like it was RECENT??? Cookie even went further--saying a loss that happened "4 months ago"...(that would be OCT!)

Boy does this connect the dots...he re-entered my orbit this past summer--but acted skittish/odd off the scale...sniffing around then ghosting/scampering off, erasing me---and here I was giving him benefit of the doubt with his erratic showup/disappearing act due to his *depression*---appears he wants to connect, but treats me as if Im radioactive--NOW I know why. JUST WOW. Thank God I have not chased him at all!


I believe a couple other readers may have mentioned this too..will check my notes and let you guys know.

PROOF the authentic ones don't just read our thoughts!!

Just remembered--Joeana told me "something would be revealed that would make things 'crystal clear' to me"....she's another excellent one.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2019, 09:32:15 PM by dascallie »


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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2019, 09:47:05 PM »
wowow that’s a major one!

Offline seeker123

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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2019, 10:42:47 PM »
Nice, thanks for sharing!

Offline dascallie

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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2019, 11:16:54 PM »
Checking my notes from last year--(when the purported bogus 'passing' was reported to me by the scoundrel ex that used it to dump the r/ship--I mean he acted out the teary voice , cracking voice on the phone when xxx finally "passed"))...

I was so destroyed by the sudden dumping by the man I thought was my future husband, I read with Carla Curfee (Bitwine) AT THE TIME about how depressed he was, xxx had died... that he'd left me, he was so 'numb'......and she kept saying, "I don't know, something doesn't feel right about this"...she meant the 'death'---she said it 3x times in the reading--she didn't give me the typical lines so many others did about "well, he is in such deep mourning " etc...she didn't even sound sympathetic...I thought well jeez lady--of course it never occurred to me that he'd be making the whole damn thing up!!

Carla almost stood alone among readers in saying his motivation was a WOMAN. Why else would a guy go to such extraordinary measures to concoct such an outrageous lie --other than to get quickly to some hot stuff??
Carla saw straight through this. She also accurately predicted his reconnecting to me--EIGHT MONTHS LATER--in May 2018 and he told me he was at deaths door with a medical issue (bogus too?).
This past fall, had a miraculous remission....
I swear.

Offline dascallie

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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2019, 11:23:22 PM »
That’s pretty amazing! But how did your ex-poi know this person was going to pass away before they actually passed away? I hope he felt real shitty for using their death as an excuse for being shady.

No joke! and because I don't want to divulge more than I already have--this person was a VERY close connection to him--one might say a sacred bond among humans.
He USED this person's life and death--as a prop for a spectacular lie--almost waiting for the actual passing...16 months later...get this--the obit says HE gave the eulogy at the funeral in Oct!

No shame.

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2019, 11:28:03 PM »
this is insane! I can't believe it. you are better off without him. Sending you love and hugs. <3


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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2019, 11:37:13 PM » this guy told you this person died, before they died?? how did they die if you don't mind me asking? that's so eerie.

Offline dascallie

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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2019, 12:57:10 AM »
They died of natural causes...elderly.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2019, 01:12:13 AM »
That is crazy wow

Offline Sapphirewaters1

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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2019, 02:51:55 AM »
My ex told me his grandmother passed after I ended things with him to make me feel bad or guilty.  Yeah he lied, I saw his moms FB page with a recent photo of her with her mom in a nursing home months after. I knew she hadn't passed.  There was a caption under it "Great day with mom today" And comments that her mom looked good.  How was she doing, etc etc.  He also told me that he and his father bought a house and was fixing it up.  I looked at the Registry of Deeds in that city he stated under their names and found no such deed.  He was such a liar and bull shitter.  People like that are out there sadly. 
But that is amazing they picked it up!

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2019, 03:19:06 AM »
I honestly have never had any doubt ever because Ive had them tell me too many thing that I already knew.   But I love hearing these stories not because I need validation but because the idea that we are this constant energy that connects us to one another is so very fascinating to me:). I am so sorry that he lied, what a piece of shit - but now you know the truth and thats really low!


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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2019, 03:25:52 AM »
I'm so sorry that he lied. Especially using such a morally horrible excuse:( You don't deserve that type of pain. I'm really really sorry.

But I am also really happy that you have faith in some of the psychics! I read with Carla and she was actually very spot on with things. Definitely gifted! I never got a big outcome from her, but I got "bits". And she was right. I remember you posting about Angel Readings; how was she with this situation, if you do not mind me asking you that? And who were wrong in the situation?

Sending positive thoughts <3
« Last Edit: January 31, 2019, 09:22:37 PM by josh34 »

Offline Serendipity

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Re: Busted! PROOF and which readers ACTUALLY saw it
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2019, 09:12:05 PM »
Geez.. this is terrible! This guy is a pathological liar, I agree with you - I wonder what else he has lied about. Sounds like he can't take responsibility well, won't be someone who is honest and real with you. I am so glad you didn't chase and you definitely deserve better

