Author Topic: Oh...Valentine  (Read 8806 times)

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2019, 01:47:52 PM »
Not to sound cliche', but I think your own intuition is the best psychic. Let's face it. We know deep down what the story is. The good, the bad the ugly. Once we break through and really face the pain, the loss, and truly allow ourselves to mourn it, only then can we rebuild with something better and healthier. (Gosh...I really sound like a crazy fruitcake, LOL)  I think it's true though.

This is so true. I think that’s what psychic readings delay for a lot of people...the mourning process.  You stay in a constant state of waiting...

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2019, 02:10:10 PM »
Not to sound cliche', but I think your own intuition is the best psychic. Let's face it. We know deep down what the story is. The good, the bad the ugly. Once we break through and really face the pain, the loss, and truly allow ourselves to mourn it, only then can we rebuild with something better and healthier. (Gosh...I really sound like a crazy fruitcake, LOL)  I think it's true though.

This is so true. I think that’s what psychic readings delay for a lot of people...the mourning process.  You stay in a constant state of waiting...

I wonder - is it possible that anyone has had a positive feeling about their intuition rather than negative? Has anyone had that and the situation came out positive as you felt? Just curious at looking at the other side of the coin.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2019, 02:11:35 PM »
Nah, you bluntness is not that bad.

I just had another reading. Now the reader says just wait a few days.

He or she is trying to tell me, the ex is contacting him, and trying to attract him towards her. But he is ignoring her.

Here is some of the transcript:

"i see that he still have loved feeelings for you and will not make you cry."

"i see that he willl not choose someone else."

"He will try his best to spend time with you."

"i am seeing very strong chances he will be with you at Valantines day."

"she is contacting him." "
she is trying to attract him owards her

i see he is ignoring her

I see that he will aoologize you for this

but he is not going back with her

I see that he will not pay her attention

He will pay you all of his attention

you will see changes in next few days

You just have to be positive

He is not going to be with her
Anyone want to place bets on what is going to happen.

Do we have a real psychic in house?

God...send me a link to someone good.

This psychic sounds really fake! General statements that anybody can say.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2019, 05:58:56 AM »
Absolutely, the most horrible psychic so far. At least, If you are going to be that fake, give a 2-3 month timeline like they do.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2019, 06:20:44 AM »
Absolutely, the most horrible psychic so far. At least, If you are going to be that fake, give a 2-3 month timeline like they do.

It really sucks. Majorily. Big time. I bought myself chocolates, having a glass of wine. It doesn't even matter I have to work tomorrow.

The day is another heart breaking day.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2019, 08:56:00 PM »
My 8 year old son is now, and will always be, my valentine. We're going to eat a box of chocolate together while watching a movie snuggled on the couch. If you're depressed, just ask an 8 year old boy how important Valentine's day is. It's not. At all. Lol

Offline flora0250

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2019, 08:57:36 PM »
My 8 year old son is now, and will always be, my valentine. We're going to eat a box of chocolate together while watching a movie snuggled on the couch. If you're depressed, just ask an 8 year old boy how important Valentine's day is. It's not. At all. Lol

Yessss Fidget :) love this ❤️ Happy Valentines Day to you & your little guy :)

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2019, 09:08:03 PM »
Seriously, he'll get you over the mushy BS in a heartbeat. Lol

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2019, 04:29:38 AM »
I told my daughters Valentine is not an important day, we don't celebrate  ;D

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2019, 04:05:13 AM »
He did have me unblocked for god knows for whatever reason these last two days. I stupidly reached out to him. He called me a couple of names, then said stop calling then asked "are you there". I did not respond to him.

I literally did not even say hi. He just started to call me a name. I was quiet the whole time and did not say a thing. It was so weird and I wondered if he was drinking.

It is like he unblocked me just to call me names and play a game.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2019, 02:27:02 PM »
He did have me unblocked for god knows for whatever reason these last two days. I stupidly reached out to him. He called me a couple of names, then said stop calling then asked "are you there". I did not respond to him.

I literally did not even say hi. He just started to call me a name. I was quiet the whole time and did not say a thing. It was so weird and I wondered if he was drinking.

It is like he unblocked me just to call me names and play a game.

Yikes...he seems verbally abusive :(

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2019, 01:20:04 AM »
It is all because of her. They are names she calls me.

Basically from what I was told by a friend, "I told you that ex was being influenced by his ex and you were the angel in his life and your love for him saved him but his ex psycho has an control over him because she is an master manipulator ,,even though she doesnt love him anymore she doesnt want anyone else to have him,,this is the way she punishews him  and unfortunately you are caught up in the negaivity from them so you need to cut the cord so that you dont get sick.

he takes it out on you and its not right and you need to stay away from this form of abuse, it is not you, its her ,his ex."

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2019, 02:23:29 AM »
Ok, I just had to jump online to say this. And please, take it with the love and concern I am sending it with.

It is not all because of her. IT IS BECAUSE OF HIM!! Men don't abuse verbally, physically, emotionally because an ex is holding a gun to their head and making them do it. He is a grown ass man who can make decisions for himself and you need to start putting the ownership where it belongs. On him! I'm sorry if this is harsh. Lord knows I had to let that whole idea sink into my thick skull a lot. Their actions are not the results of anyone else making them do it. Are some exes psychos? Sure. Can they meddle and cause a boatload of bullshit? Of course. But don't give him a free pass because of a bitter, nasty ex. He makes the decisions he makes. He needs to own it. And you need to hold him accountable for his own actions.

I hope you can find peace with it. I've thought heavily on it in my own situation. No relationship will ever work without personal accountability...ours and theirs. We all need to just stop making excuses.

Offline Seeker23

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2019, 05:42:32 AM »
Pretty much, he does not regard what he is doing as being verbal abuse. You want to retaliate by all means and it surely provokes emotions out of a person.

Believe me, I have taken a load of bad advice in this and I swear I wish people would start giving me more sound advice. I am at the edge of shutting closing down one account for psychics. I have done it before, but maybe I need to find the strength to do it again.

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: Oh...Valentine
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2019, 06:09:44 AM »
Pretty much, he does not regard what he is doing as being verbal abuse. You want to retaliate by all means and it surely provokes emotions out of a person.

Believe me, I have taken a load of bad advice in this and I swear I wish people would start giving me more sound advice. I am at the edge of shutting closing down one account for psychics. I have done it before, but maybe I need to find the strength to do it again.

To live as a better soul is the best revenge lol. You don't need need this, don't let others take you down! Believe in yourself, sending you lots of strength and love :)