Hi guys, my opinion really is that if a man doesn’t contact in a regular basis, then just leave it. When a man really wants a woman real bad and sees his future with her, is the live of her life and is super into her, he would do anything to talk/be in touch. Been there done that, waiting around for contact, counting days etc.... was a waste of time and energy. I know it’s easier said than done but be strong, it’s for the best. Someone WILL treat you as you deserve and have eyes only for you
this is true. I realize it's not a one size fits all generalization to make but I do believe that a guy who really wants you will make it known.
I agree. But one caveat: there are guys who like the chase or the courting period, but once they think they have you, they back off and become disengaged, or even try to turn the tables to get you to chase them. I hate to say it but I don't even believe it anymore, if they seem really into me. Those are the same guys I ended up calling about later when they changed their attitude.
Oh yea, some really do love the "thrill of the chase" but once they have you, it's like they totally back off. It's all a game to them. Too many headcases out there, I tell you..lol.
There are so many reasons people do the push/pull thing... but honestly, if you are not comfortable with it you shouldn't entertain it.
I have some people who come in and out of my life that don't really effect me (mostly friends and family) and some people are just made that way. If this happens a romantic connection, I've learned not to chase at all. You'd be surprised how long it takes some people to process their thoughts/feelings... and often times by the time they've figured it out the moment of opportunity has passed.
There are also attachment styles to consider. A lot of people with anxious-avoidant and fearful-avoidant attachment styles end up with those who lean towards the anxious-preoccupied adult attachment group.
So, while this behavior is not really as black and white as we might like to think, if something is unhealthy for YOU then boundaries definitely need to be put in place, and limits acknowledged imo.
Attraction is a funny thing.