I was reading through all the threads here and found this one on Yana. I am shocked anyone would say that she is negative , I feel she is one of the most honest and ethical readers I have ever encountered and is always pushing for the client to live their best life. She is not a person who tells you a bunch of garbage like many will do. She is excellent and reliable at what she does and many of my friends talk to her too for years. I tell no lie when I say that I feel she is a big picture reader, I found that with Bridgette too, who is also on the same network with Yana PS. Back to Yana , she has been excellent with predictions and emotions in long term and short periods. Big or small , although some little energies she sees may not come to be exact , she can tell you the general outcome , the bottom line if something is going happen or not. I also like Rheda , she isn't exact on everything but she is much like Yana too in that she can tell you the big picture in a way that lets you know that she is really gifted. I try to be fair and really consider the feedback from all sources including PS itself, I also read with Keen, however, some of the feedback here is sort of satire feel . Nobody, no psychic will get every single thing right in a reading but if you end up getting verifiable information and it doesnt happen or does in the end , then call that a success for that person who told you without knowing you. Some of the feedbacks here seems sort of childish and much like another commenter on this page states Foreverme , it does have dishonest information concerning some psychics as far as what they use and as to whether they are right for someone else.When that person called the dishonesty out they were told to not cater to an agenda. If this forum is honest then you should be able to post all viewpoints not just one.If you cant say what you need to in a forum , why should anyone believe any of the things users post? If a reader says something negative then they say they are not accurate , if they say something positive then they are just fairytale readers. I agree with another person on this forum who posted that you can take readings into consideration but not depend on them like real time. No matter how gifted a psychic is you shouldn't live your life by every word. Use it as a means to understand and consider different outcomes. I am not trying to rant , I was just excited to see all the different experiences and found that many of the posters here seem to be psychic addicts who blame the readers and pick them apart because they dont predict a outcome they want . Some users were really informative though. Please suggest other psychics !