Author Topic: Yana  (Read 22807 times)

Offline Lutley74

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Re: Yana
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2023, 02:56:47 PM »
She is good with current energy as in, "I have a neighbor named Jane. Has Jane noticed I lost weight and thought I look good. Based on current energy and what you can see now, is she interested in me? Would she go out for coffee with me if I asked?" This is how you should ask a question. Use psychics to read others' current energy!!! not ask for predictions. So Yana is good for CURRENT energy.

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Re: Yana
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2023, 01:57:50 AM »
She is good with current energy as in, "I have a neighbor named Jane. Has Jane noticed I lost weight and thought I look good. Based on current energy and what you can see now, is she interested in me? Would she go out for coffee with me if I asked?" This is how you should ask a question. Use psychics to read others' current energy!!! not ask for predictions. So Yana is good for CURRENT energy.

Thanks for this.. I really wish I knew this sooner about Yana..
i asked her the questions wrong.. I know I did..
too late for me now..  :-\

Offline jinnymay

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Re: Yana
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2023, 06:02:13 AM »
Yana is exceptional with "current energy" and I have known her to predict things accurately YEARS ahead of time.I feel she is one of the absolute best if not the BEST one for predictions on there.She just doesn't do or act as many others do on the site. She told me very important events that brought extreme changes to my life and also my finances. She is also one who can tell you how to gain what you want to happen but she will also let you know if it isn't possible from her perspective. If she is wrong she would be the first to admit it . Yana once told me during a reading that she can either connect with you or she cant . That it is either there or it isn't. She is very honest in that regard she makes it clear connections dont just always happen on auto. She is amazing though in that she actually demonstrates that she has a "knowing" and it does not hurt how her personality shines.

Offline rubz84

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Re: Yana
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2023, 08:48:36 PM »
My only frustration with her is she is VERY tough to reach. Even when you make an appointment she won’t be available which is unbelievably frustrating. However, I was going through my past readings with her over the years. Some predictions didn’t pan out, but man, she’s always been one of the best in terms of current energy. Most of all, she is VERY ethical, which is refreshing considering it’s Psychic Source.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Yana
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2023, 06:35:41 PM »
I was finally able to reach Yana, late last night so I get the people who have said she's hard to get in touch with. I had previously booked a session with her through the app and she cancelled it without explanation so I wouldn't necessarily go that route. I am left scratching my head with her a bit. At several different times I was pretty confused. She started off by saying that my connection with my POI was strong and good but that conversations needed to happen. And that more effort needs to occur in order to have a future with him. Okay, that is all fair and good. She said there's a high potential for our connection because of how positively we both feel about one another. But she stressed it would be very slow. Then she goes on to say that we're both on different timelines and he believed I was looking to basically jump into a relationship even though he and I never discussed this. This is also a fair and likely true statement although I can't confirm what his thoughts are or were. From there she just went back and forth and back forth over how I can "manifest," this and improve our connection by talking to him but then she'd flip-flop between how this can be better and with patience it can work and we have potential but then she'd turn around and say, "If I were to make a prediction here, I would say you will not be in a relationship with this man, you won't marry him and have his children, etc." So I was like, "Well then why would I waste my time trying to talk to him then?" And then she'd say that the "energies and spirit guides are saying that this most definitely has potential and he really likes me. I haven't left a reading more confused than this in a very long time. I'm actually kind of kicking myself for staying on the chat with her 30 minutes! She just kept going and going and going and I was having a hard time keeping up but I would still need clarification and or have questions and she was already onto the next point. So I will say, she certainly says a lot without you having to say much but I truly am more confused than when I started so I'm taking a break from readings for a while. If anything with her or anyone else I've had readings with comes to be or even doesn't, I'll update my reviews.

Offline KarinaR

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Re: Yana
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2023, 08:19:13 PM »
Hey there thank you so much for posting your review. I had a reading with her recently as well based on the hype here and my reading was almost identical to yours. She said there was a strong connection. My POI does have strong feelings etc. However she doesn't think it will be long term and then said it could be because there is potential. So it was very much a cop out type reading. I was told that its a good sign that she didnt give a full blown negative right off the bat? I think she was a waste of money for me.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Yana
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2023, 09:02:55 PM »
YESSSS! She said exactly the same! She seemed nice and all and kept apologizing anytime she felt she was telling me something negative but none of us are getting readings and doing reviews based on kindness alone. If it was then I'd give her 5 stars because I think she believes what she's saying or at least wants to. I'm still reeling from mine to be honest and now I'm kind of left just being incredibly annoyed with my POI because of the things she said to me. And in all honesty, maybe that's how I SHOULD feel; annoyed with him but her reading has been ruminating in my head and I'm still CONFUSED as hell! I would have rather her just say, "I don't think this is going to happen, move on," and stick to that the entire time than to go back and forth between how I can manifest this and then it's not going to go anywhere. WHAAAAT?!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts too, it's nice to hear from someone who has read with her recently and it makes me question her since she said the same things to us. I won't read with her again but hope she keeps working for those who like her.

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Yana
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2023, 09:16:20 PM »
update about Yana?

she was completely off for me in the recent reading...

May I ask, off in what way? Current situation, or emotions, or something like that?

She was off in both emotions and situations, predictions pending but she gave an opposite outcome from Yona and Kisha so idk..

How do you judge accuracy off of what other readers say , honestly that makes the comment less credible. Just curious.

You forgot to switch accounts before you answered yourself 😂
Why is this entire site full of fakes now?

Offline sugarsky

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Re: Yana
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2023, 09:19:06 PM »
Ah looks like it’s deleted now. Jinnymay wrote something about her friends and sisters using this reader and then wrote another post right after asking herself about her own credibility if she judged a psychic off others readings 😂😂😂😂

This place sucks now

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Yana
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2023, 09:29:18 PM »
HAHA, I saw that post. I swear it was still up here as of a day or two ago because I was reading up on Yana. I was on the Discord site but every single time a couple days would go by and I'd somehow get kicked off even though I never broker the rules or whatever so I gave up on that. This is my only lifeline but as you said, there are a bunch of fake, self-promoters on here. :(

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Yana
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2023, 04:55:46 AM »
That particular discord you was in maybe the one run by the fakes… they boot off anyone that outs their tactic or whoever they feel they can’t scam. Yes The scammers have made a discord but I forgot the name of it exactly. They mainly speak of non reputable advisors and sites they created

Offline jinnymay

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Re: Yana
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2023, 01:28:00 PM »
Yeah this comment was pretty ignorant , but nothing new from the looks of your other posts for sure! I never said dont listen to other people you know or testimonials, I commented on someone who basically said they were judging the readers accuracy based on the fact that two other psychics told them a different outcome. The accuracy should be judged by who was right  with the predictions in the end. I thought this site was to tell the truth about readings you got so other people dont just waste their money or feel that they can have some output outside of these psychic companies. Furthermore, I dont know how I am a fake ?! Other commenters here are hateful towards people who say something positive about any psychics that they themselves dont agree with. I saw people being rude to another person who commented on their personal experiences with psychics and all they did was talk about what they knew about a few readers just like everyone else. I didnt know I had commented on my own thread either , I was new so OKAY. Yes, anyone should take what the people on this site says about particular psychic readers with a fine grain of salt  because, it seems more than enough of you call out commenters that dont agree with you as being "FAKE" more than you actually review psychics. Honestly going to another site might give you more honest feedback!

Offline jinnymay

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Re: Yana
« Reply #27 on: July 28, 2023, 01:43:01 PM »
update about Yana?

she was completely off for me in the recent reading...

May I ask, off in what way? Current situation, or emotions, or something like that?

She was off in both emotions and situations, predictions pending but she gave an opposite outcome from Yona and Kisha so idk..

How do you judge accuracy off of what other readers say , honestly that makes the comment less credible. Just curious.

You forgot to switch accounts before you answered yourself 😂
Why is this entire site full of fakes now?

No , this post has not been removed ! Wow, wow!

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Yana
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2023, 01:56:57 PM »
Yeah this comment was pretty ignorant , but nothing new from the looks of your other posts for sure! I never said dont listen to other people you know or testimonials, I commented on someone who basically said they were judging the readers accuracy based on the fact that two other psychics told them a different outcome. The accuracy should be judged by who was right  with the predictions in the end. I thought this site was to tell the truth about readings you got so other people dont just waste their money or feel that they can have some output outside of these psychic companies. Furthermore, I dont know how I am a fake ?! Other commenters here are hateful towards people who say something positive about any psychics that they themselves dont agree with. I saw people being rude to another person who commented on their personal experiences with psychics and all they did was talk about what they knew about a few readers just like everyone else. I didnt know I had commented on my own thread either , I was new so OKAY. Yes, anyone should take what the people on this site says about particular psychic readers with a fine grain of salt  because, it seems more than enough of you call out commenters that dont agree with you as being "FAKE" more than you actually review psychics. Honestly going to another site might give you more honest feedback!

Hey, I’m sorry. I thought you were replying to your own messages too and didn’t even realize that it might have been you not knowing how the forum operates. And I agree with you, I wouldn’t say an advisor was wrong only because some other advisors said something else. I’m not on here to argue with people or make anyone feel bad. There isn’t a single advisor on here that doesn’t have some negative feedback on how they didn’t work for someone so it’s all trial and error for all of us.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Yana
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2023, 01:59:48 PM »
That particular discord you was in maybe the one run by the fakes… they boot off anyone that outs their tactic or whoever they feel they can’t scam. Yes The scammers have made a discord but I forgot the name of it exactly. They mainly speak of non reputable advisors and sites they created

Makes sense; I’ll just stick to this forum.  8)

